The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between organizational culture and employee motivation as moderated by work attitude among the multinational automotive industries in Selangor. The dimensions of organizational culture are bureaucratic, innovative and supportive culture. The questionnaire was adopted from Abananeh (2010) for organizational culture, Chiang & Jang (2008) for employee motivation and Susaeta et al. (2013) for items of work attitude. The items were then adapted to ϐit the feasibility of this study. In studying the relationship between organizational culture and employee motivation as moderated by work attitude, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefϐicient and Hierarchical Regression Analysis were used. From the ϐindings, it was found that all the dimensions in organizational culture had strong signiϐicant relationship with employee motivation. On the other hand, for moderating variable, work attitude does not signiϐicantly moderate the relationship between organizational culture and employee motivation. |