Journal of Administrative and Business Studies
Journal ISSN: 2414-309X
Article DOI:
Received: 25 September 2023
Accepted: 27 December 2023
Published: 11 February 2024
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  • Study of challenges and effective monetary policies in solving financial crises

Abdul Qadir Bavardi


In recent decades, financial crises have been considered as one of the major economic challenges at the global level. This paper examines the challenges and effective monetary policies in managing and resolving financial crises. First, the causes and factors of financial crises are analyzed, including economic fluctuations, inefficient fiscal policies, and structural weaknesses in financial systems.Various monetary factors that can be effective in reducing the effects of financial crises are examined. These policies include lowering interest rates, easing credit conditions, and using new monetary instruments such as asset purchases and stimulus programs. This research has investigated the challenges and effective monetary policies in resolving financial crises using library method. In this regard, various sources including books, scientific articles, government reports, and international documents were collected from reliable databases. The data were analyzed using content analysis to identify patterns and connections between challenges and monetary policies. Also, Case studies of different countries were analyzed in order to compare and extract best practices. The results are devoted to providing suggestions for improving monetary policies and strengthening the financial system . The results of this study show that coordination between monetary and fiscal policies, especially in times of crisis, is of great importance. Also, the case study of countries shows that countries that have adopted expansionary monetary policies quickly have been able to reduce the negative effects of the crisis. Finally, the article provides suggestions for improving monetary policies and strengthening the financial system against future crises . The results also show that the coefficient of the monetary base in both countries is positive and significant, which means that the increase in the monetary base in the long run has helped to increase production in these two countries. in countries with negative signs, which indicates the negative and significant impact of the financial crisis on the GDP of countries in the long run.