Journal of Administrative and Business Studies
Journal ISSN: 2414-309X
Article DOI:
Received: 26 June 2016
Accepted: 12 August 2016
Published: 27 October 2016
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  • The causal effect of technology acceptance factors on the intention to use mobile application

Khanisara Thanyasunthornsakun, Jeerapha Sornsakda, Sawitree Boonmee


The objective of this research was to study the causal effect of technology acceptance factors on the intention to use a mobile application. There were six technology acceptance factors, including perceived ease of use, subjective norm, perceived monetary value, perceived usefulness, satisfaction, and attitudes toward mobile application usage. The population and samples in this research were Thai citizens who were using the mobile application. The sampling method used was convenience sampling. The total number of samples gathered was 460 samplings using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS, and the structural equation model was analyzed with LISREL 8.5. The research findings indicated that the model fits empirical data with Chi-Square =128. 69, df=129, p-value=0.49125, RMSEA=0. 000, GFI=0. 98, AGFI=0. 95 and CFI=1. 00. The factors that had direct effects on intention to use mobile applications were satisfaction, perceived usefulness, and attitudes. The factors that had indirect effects were perceived ease of use and perceived monetary value. Moreover, the perceived ease of use also affected the perceived usefulness of mobile application usage. The perceived monetary value affected the satisfaction of the usage of the mobile application. Mobile application providers and developers should consider the applications in a variety of communication technology or productivity tools, which the developers should focus on the ease of use and usefulness.