Journal of Administrative and Business Studies
Journal ISSN: 2414-309X
Article DOI:
Received: 5 October 2018
Accepted: 12 November 2018
Published: 11 December 2018
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  • Risk Analysis Using Simulation: A Case Study of Construction Industry

Herlinda Rachmasari, Imam Baihaqi


Employees are important assets of an organization in the current knowledge economy. Thus, the issue on their behavior should be more emphasized and discussed. This study researches how self-exploration/self-exploitation comes into being and their follow-up effect based on the exploration/exploitation in organization. The former discusses the effect of self-exploration/self-exploitation due to personality traits and organizational structure, the results of which were then used to discuss whether organizational structure would affect expatriates' adjustment to foreign assignment. We used multiple regression analysis to test the relationship between self-exploration/self- exploitation, personality traits, organizational structure and expatriates' adjustment to foreign assignment. Addi- tionally, the mediation effect of self-exploration on the relationship between personality traits and expatriates’ adjustment to foreign assignment was studied. Through this empirical research, we provide insights into human resource management and future research.