Journal of Advances in Humanities and Social Sciences
Journal ISSN: 2414-3111
Article DOI: https://do.iorg/10.20474/jahss-4.2.4
Received: 16 January 2018
Accepted: 26 February 2018
Published: 18 April 2018
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  • The number of virtual learning environment and their effective using impact on students’ information literacy

Pan Xiaoyun, Mao Siqiu

Published online: 2018


This research studied the relationship between Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and university students’ information literacy from two aspects: the number of VLE platforms’ influence on students’ information literacy; the quality and quantity of sources students tend to search and use VLE required course. University students’ different information literacy levels result in varying degrees of acceptance in VLE required environments; the various VLE involved environments have some interrelationship with students. The researchers predicted that if the number of VLE platforms students could access is higher then higher information literacy level university students would reach. Students’ information literacy levels could be evaluated by the quality and quantity of their sources. However, the relationships between the number of VLE platforms, students’ information literacy, and the source quality and quantity are not simply pairwise correlations. The research was located in Zhejiang, China; 160 students from five universities were randomly selected to participate in the study. Both questionnaires and interviews were conducted in the case study to collect relevant data. The data analysis exhibited that the number of VLE platforms accessible for students on campus has a weak positive correlation; however, students’ familiarity with a certain number of different VLE platforms is relatively more influential on students’ information literacy level.