Journal of Advances in Humanities and Social Sciences
Journal ISSN: 2414-3111
Article DOI:
Received: 7 August 2019
Accepted: 4 September 2019
Published: 31 October 2019
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  • A virtual reality-based language learning environment to teach sentence
    word order

Kanade Sato, Kazuhiko Hamamoto, David Wright, Hiroshi Nakagawa

Published online: 2019


As part of a larger interdisciplinary research project, the objective of this small-scale study is to develop an engaging Virtual Reality (VR) based language learning task focused on sentence word order. It builds on a previous study of a VR-based language activity targeting prepositions. This study focused on providing an engaging language learning experience through immersive visual effects and tactile feedback from interactive 3D worlds. Furthermore, a new standalone HMD system that allowed users to walk freely around the VR space was procured for the study. University students (n = 17) each completed five sentences during a single treatment session. A 28 question exit survey was conducted immediately after the experiment. Analysis of the results showed that 11 out of 17 subjects felt the operation of the VR task was intuitive. Subjects found the learning tasks were monotonous. In addition, some found it difficult to move around the VR space using handheld VR controllers while wearing a wired Head Mounted Display (HMD). In addition, all subjects stated that compared to traditional language-learning activities, they enjoyed doing the activity. However, a review of the subjects' behaviors, captured by a video camera, indicated that some subjects were initially confused about physically manipulating the words. Based on the study results presented here, the VR-based language activity was found to be a pleasurable way to study sentence word order. Future goals include the creation of interactive tutorials and a larger set of content.