NOX and CO2 emissions from current air traffic in ASEAN region and benefits of free route airspace implementation
Shafirah Aneeka , Z.W.Zhong
Article first published online: 2016
The ASEAN region is affected by many climate-change inducing factors such
as Forest Fires, Transboundary Haze Pollution, and Forest Degradation. However, within
the next few years there may be one more significant contributor in making the ASEAN
region vulnerable to climate-change–Air Transportation. Air Traffic Demand in the ASEAN
region is growing tremendously. It is expected that air traffic in the region will triple by the
year 2033, thus, posing the need for reduction of Green House Gas emissions from aircraft
to reduce air pollution. This paper highlights the estimated amount of key air pollutants
such as NOX and CO2 emitted in the ASEAN region due to current air traffic demand and the
potential benefits of free route airspace implementation in the region. The environmental
emissions were estimated using System for Traffic Assignment and Analysis at a
Macroscopic Level (SAAM) tool. A simplified version of EUROCONTROL’s Advanced
Emission Model was adopted for estimating the environmental emissions. This paper also
discusses future ATM technologies that may be implemented in the ASEAN region, which
could support the feasibility of the Free Route Airspace Concept in the region.