Published online: 2016
The study is based on 3G feasibility in the M-Healthcare system. It also addresses the aging problem, which becomes severe day by day. At first, a survey was conducted by visiting eight upazilla hospitals and six union community clinics in different districts of Bangladesh to observe the real scenario of the m-Health system and used technologies. Both remote monitoring and interactive service mode of the m-Health system were examined there. In addition, by interviewing the patients who already got services through the 2G m-Health system, we found out the practical lacking and limitations of the present infrastructures. After that, we proposed a modified health infrastructure using 3G in remote and Optical Fiber in the backbone side with a wide range of services like video conferencing through VoIP and Skype, M.M.S. diagnostic reports, drug prescriptions, mobile purchase, and home delivery, etc. Analysis shows that 3G needs less transmission time than 4s for medical image upload and transmit. The interactive video visual quality is also better than the existing m-Health service based on 2.7G, monitoring vital signals like E.C.G. signal, heart rate, bone fracture, etc. The feasibility test shows that huge initial costs and poor I.C.T. healthcare professionals make a barrier to a ubiquitous m-Health system. Moreover, the handling of the Hi-tech devices comfortably by villagers also puts a barrier to the smooth running of the system. |