Journal of Advances in Technology and Engineering Research Details Journal ISSN: 2414-4592
Article DOI: Received: 4 December 2018
Accepted: 9 January 2019
Published: 20 February 2019
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A Data Analysis platform for high altitude bio monitoring using DEVOPS principles and time series machine learning
Felix Constantin Adochiei, Radu Ciucu, Ioana Raluca Adochiei, Florin Ciprian Argatu, Ciprian-Marius Larco, Miron Casian
Published online: 2019
This paper proposes a software platform for correlating re-al-time physiological data using microservices and time series analysis with machine learning. We use a devops type architecture with multiple containers governing specific aspects of our platform. Several micro-services had been designed to orchestrate and process multiple data streams in real time to run the analytics and correlation protocol. The data ingested by our platform is provided in an intuitive data visualization interface that binds together digital elevation models and geospatial data with the blood oxygen saturation and heart rate of a subject. The platform provides an accurate representation of a subject's physical performance in high altitude/low oxygen environments.