Journal of Advances in Technology and Engineering Research
Journal ISSN: 2414-4592
Article DOI:
Received: 5 December 2018
Accepted: 9 January 2019
Published: 20 February 2019
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  • Website evaluation using cluster structures

Kiyoshi Nagata

Published online: 2019


Since the early 1990s, when frequent commercial use of the Internet started, academic researchers and website practitioners have actively conducted research on websites. The research's three broad categories are Web content mining, Web structure mining, and Web usage mining; apart from those, some research on coloring, placement technique of images, texts, and links on each page. This paper focuses on the difference between two cluster structures of websites, one induced from the link-based property and the other from the term-based property. The link-based property is stable until a new link is added, but the term-based one varies depending on the items for searching. We propose an evaluation method for the website by comparing the structures of clusters resulted from these properties. Here we adopt kernel k-means method as the clustering method and compare partial clusters derived from term-based property depending on the given sequence of particular terms to definite partial clusters from the link-based property. To distinguish them, we try to adopt spectral analysis.