Journal of Advances in Technology and Engineering Research
Journal ISSN: 2414-4592
Article DOI:
Received: 01 August 2019
Accepted: 16 October 2019
Published: 23 December 2019
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  • Software developemnt life cycle and testing

Abdul Basit, Iftikhar Alam Khan, Anmol Zubair, Khuram Ameen


The development of big and large scale software is a complicated process. Bugs, errors and faults can occurred at any stage of development and these errors and bugs can be fixed as early as possible to sort out the problems. The process stops the propagation and reduces the costs of verification which might be happened. The engineers those who are able to maintain quality of the software can avoid from bugs in the system. Tasks can be done and veriô€…«ied earlier as while developing the code. The product deployment can be easy if the codes are done properly in the maintenance stage. Developing the codes and testing the software this can be effective for the codes testing schemes. In this research paper we are going to test software testing process which can lead to the deployment and testing of the software. The testing of software leads to the characteristics of the testing of software properly. The quality activities are involved with two steps. The first problem is discussed as revealing the faults and then the other one is accessing the faults. One process is ended, the quality cannot be measured. The quality can be measured at the earliest stage of the development of the software. But the quality is forced to maintain during the whole development process. Sometimes important classes with faults are difficult to find out. Software is excellent from which all errors and bugs are removed.