Journal of Advances in Technology and Engineering Research

ISSN:  2414-4592  (Online) ISSN:  2519-0377 (Print)
DOI: 10.20474
Key Title: Journal of advances in technology and engineering research
Abbreviated Key Title: J. adv. tec. eng. res.
Publication Frequency : 02 issues per year
Editor in Chief : Professor Asadullah Shah
International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Journal of Advances in Technology and Engineering Research (JATER) is a double-blind peer- reviewed engineering journal, which publishes both theoretical and experimental high-quality papers of permanent interest, not previously published in journals, in the field of engineering and technology which aims to promote the theory and practice of technology and engineering. Published papers will continue to be a high standard of excellence. This is ensured by subjecting each paper to a strict assessment procedure by members of the international editorial advisory board. The objective is firmly to establish that papers submitted do meet the requirements, especially in the context of proven applications-based research work.

    Aim and Scope

    Journal of Advances in Technology and Engineering Research (JATER) is a double-blind peer- reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the field of engineering and technology. We publish cutting edge research that transcends across different fields of engineering and technology. JATER contributes to the technology and engineering field by publishing original studies, empirical investigations that use various empirical methods (e.g., Quantitative, Qualitative, Field, Laboratory, Simulations, Meta-Analysis, and Combination), and comprehensive review articles. JATER publishes two (02) issues a year.
    The scope of JATER includes a wide spectrum of subjects, including

    • An artificial immune network
    • Analysis of real-time data
    • Communications, Networks, Compilers and Operating Systems
    • Event-based networked control scheme
    • Mobile Computing and Distributed Systems
    • Neural networks application
    • Resource allocation in cloud computing systems
    • Robotics & Promotion of artificial intelligence
    • Survey of designing user interface for mobile applications
    • The integration of AHP and QFD
    • Wireless sensor network development

    In addition to the above-mentioned areas, the journal also accepts papers that deal with interdisciplinary aspects of engineering and technology along with big data and analytics, business and economy, society, and the environment.
    JATER is the official journal of Academic Research and Solutions Sociedad (ARS) Barcelona Catalonia, Spain, a reputable organization striving for business research excellence.


    Editors hold the following responsibilities:

    • All the steps involved in evaluation should be strictly adhered to so that the eminence of the research can be maintained. Any decision concerning the acceptance, rejection, major and minor revision of any paper should be made on the basis of the standard quality guidelines of the respective journal.
    • When any paper is being submitted, author should guarantee the authorities that the paper has not been submitted for getting published in any other journal. On the same lines, Editor is also not allowed to submit the work under review with any other person or institution except with the consent of the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers and the publisher.
    • The sole criterion of evaluation should be the eminence of research used in the paper and should not be biased in any sense.

    Reviewers need to fulfill the following duties:

    • The effective blinded peer review process facilitates the editors to improve the paper quality and take accurate decisions regarding every submission.
    • It is important that all the submissions considered for peer review should be taken as the secret essays and editor needs to keep them confidential throughout the process.
    • If the concerned reviewer is not able to review the manuscript within the given deadline, it should be brought to the editor’s knowledge. Even if the reviewer does not have the skills and expertise for manuscript review, it should be duly informed to the editor.
    • The reviewer should check for the fact that the works cited in the paper are actually backed by the corresponding research works. It is the duty of the reviewer to make sure that the materials given in the article are backed by authentic citations and should make out any work not considered by the author. If reviewer doubts the submitted manuscript to be plagiarized, then he/she must apprise the editor of this information.
    • Author should not be targeted with personal critique. Referees should support the author’s efforts through their comments.

    Authors should be aware of the following facts:

    • The manuscripts that are found to be plagiarized above the minimum tolerable level will be rejected before entering into the review phase. The concerned personnel should reconfirm the manuscript’s originality by meticulously checking the document for any trace of plagiarism.
    • Author should guarantee that the submitted manuscript is not being considered for publication in any other journal. It will be considered against ethics if any manuscript is found to be under review with more than one journal.
    • Authors should explicitly mention the reactions of the chemicals, procedures or equipment utilized in the research if any.
    • Only the real contributor of the paper can claim to be the owner of the manuscript submitted. Authors’ names should be stated according to their contributions in the paper. Author should only add the names of those people who were actually involved in bringing together of the corresponding manuscript.


    Journal of Advances in Technology and Engineering Research (JATER) operates a strictly anonymous peer-review process in which the reviewers’ names are withheld from the author(s) and, the authors’ name from the reviewer.
    Desk Review: On receiving a manuscript, the editor conducts a preliminary screening to assess the degree to which the manuscript fits the criteria in JATER’s ‘Aims’ and ‘Mission statement. Submissions that fail to satisfy our criteria may be returned to the authors either as a desk reject or desk edit. In case of desk edit, the authors are asked to edit the manuscript and then resubmit.
    Review process: For each manuscript that passes the desk review, the editor assigns an action editor (either him- or herself or an associate editor or a guest editor) and two reviewers. The manuscript’s action editor sends the manuscript for review to two reviewers who are specialists in their fields. After receiving the reviewers’ comments on the manuscript, the action editor makes publication decisions about it. However, these decisions are made in conjunction with recommendations provided by the reviewers. All submissions are blind reviewed; manuscripts prepared in a way that compromises blind review may be returned for revision prior to being submitted to the reviewers.
    Review Time: The journal strives to provide developmental and constructive feedback to authors within approximately five weeks. The peer-review process usually takes four weeks depending upon the manuscript size and availability of the editorial members. However, the initial quality of the manuscript can dramatically influence both the efficiency and effectiveness of review process. The better developed a manuscript and the ideas it contains, the easier it will be to review, and provide timely feedback to authors. We therefore encourage authors to ask scholarly colleagues to review their work prior to submission to the JATER.


    To give appropriate credit to each author, the individual contributions of authors should be specified in the manuscript. An 'author' is generally considered to be someone who has made substantive intellectual contributions to a published study. According to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines, to qualify as an author one should have:

    • made substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data;
    • been involved in drafting the manuscript or revising it critically for important intellectual content;
    • given final approval of the version to be published. Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content; and
    • agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
    Changes to Authorship

    Authors should be careful while listing and ordering author before submission. They should provide final list of authors at the time of manuscript submission. All the addition, deletion, or rearrangement of author should be confirmed before submission. Once submitted any changes will be done only if authorized by the editor of JATER. On request to such changes author need to give the reason for changes in the author list and written confirmation from all the authors. Consent of author that has been added or removed will be necessary. Such changes are considered by the editor in only exceptional cases. In case the manuscript has been published such requests are suspended or if approved by the editor will result in a corrigendum.


    • The Editor ought to make sure that all articles accepted for publication are assessed by minimum two reviewers
    • The Editor shouldn't create choices concerning manuscripts regarding that they'll have a conflict of interest. In such instances, a senior member of the Editorial Board ought to be appointed to assume responsibility for overseeing peer-review and creating choices concerning acceptance or rejection.
    • All of the responsibilities ought to be carried exactly among the timeframe.
    • Just in case of any delays, there ought to be a right away consultation with the authors.
    • The whole method ought to be clear and within the structured flow.
    • Though the Editor could publish in their own journal, a senior member of the Editorial Board is appointed to assume responsibility of overseeing the peer-review method.
    • Editors ought to give knowledgeable service to authors. Correspondence ought to be handled in a very timely and respectful manner, and economical and thorough peer review dispensed.
    • Systems ought to be in situ to make sure editorial workers’ absences don't end in a reduced service to authors.
    • Knowledgeable service to authors is anticipated.


    Public trust in the scientific process and the credibility of published articles are dependent partially on the fair and transparent handling of conflict of interest while processes like planning, implementation, writing, peer review, editing, and publication of scientific work are going on. A conflict of interest arises when professional judgment about a primary interest (such as patients’ welfare or the validity of research) might get affected by a secondary interest (such as financial gain). Discernments of conflict of interest hold the same importance as the actual conflict of interest. Financial relationships (such as employment, consultancies, stock ownership or options, honoraria, patents, and paid expert testimony) are the types of conflicts of interest that can be spotted easily and directly weaken the credibility of the journal, the authors, and the entire discipline. However, conflicts can arise due to other causes as well, such as personal relationships or enmities, academic competition, and intellectual dogmas. Authors need to be wary while signing any agreement with the study sponsors, whether for-profit or nonprofit, as such agreements can limit author’s access to the complete study’s data or their freedom to analyze and interpret the data and present the manuscripts independently according to their own will.
    1. Participants
    All people playing a part in the peer-review and publication process i.e., authors, peer reviewers, editors, and editorial board members of journals, should always keep their individual conflicts of interest in mind while they perform their roles during the article review and publication and are liable to openly state the relationships that can be a cause of conflicts of interest.
    a. Authors
    Authors, while submitting their manuscripts of any given type or format, should ensure that they disclose all the financial and personal relationships that can lead to conflict or bias later on. The ICMJE has formulated a Form for Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest for offering standard Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals. The ICMJE member journals facilitate authors with this form while disclosing conflict of interest, and the ICMJE also promotes the practice for the other journals to follow.
    b. Peer Reviewers
    Reviewers, when checking a manuscript critically, should be interviewed whether they have any conflicts of interest that can make the review process difficult. Reviewers should openly discuss with the editors all the possible means of conflicts of interest leading to biased judgement for the manuscript, and should avoid taking the responsibility of reviewing those manuscripts that exhibit higher risk of biased judgment. Reviewers should not violate the author’s rights over the manuscripts and avoid using the manuscript’s content for their own interest.
    c. Editors and Journal Staff
    Editors who give the final verdict for the manuscripts should refrain from continuing the process if conflicts of interest exist or relationships leading to potential conflicts regarding the articles under consideration have been disclosed. Other editorial staff members who play a part in the editorial decisions must let the editors know their present financial interests or other conflicts (that might affect the editorial judgments) and should avoid participating in the decision that has a visible conflict of interest. Editorial staff must never exploit the content of manuscripts for their personal interest. Editors should release regular disclosure statements about possible conflicts of interests concerning the obligations of journal staff. Same procedures apply to the guest editors.
    2. Reporting Conflicts of Interest
    Articles should have, at the time of publishing, statements or supporting documents, such as the conflict of interest form, proclaiming: – Authors’ conflicts of interest; and – sources of support for the work, including sponsor names with descriptions of the role of those sources if any in study design; collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; report compilation; the decision of report submission for publication; or a statement affirming no association of the supporting source; and – evidence of authors’ access to the study data, while highlighting the nature and extent of access, particularly its on-going nature. For bolstering the above statements or documents, editors may require the authors of a study having a funding sponsor with a proprietary or financial interest to get a statement formally signed, such as “I had full access to all of the data in this study and I take complete responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.” Author Agreement Form


    • Copyright on any open access article in a journal published by TAF Publishing is retained by the author(s). Authors grant TAF Publishing a license to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher. Authors also grant any third party the right to use the article freely as long as its integrity is maintained and its original authors, citation details and publisher are identified.
    • The Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) formalizes these and other terms and conditions of publishing articles.

    Exceptions to copyright policy
    There may be exceptions concerning copyright and licensing for articles which were previously published under policies that are different from the above. For instance, different licensing conditions may then apply. In all such cases, however, access to these articles is free from fees or any other access restrictions.


    Should any paper be removed from a Journal that has already been revealed, that paper will be removed from the PDF version of the Journal in such the way that it doesn't alter the page numbers of different papers revealed in the same issue of the Journal.
    Corrections that require to be created to associate already revealed Journal are going to be handled in a manner that it doesn't have an effect on any of the other papers revealed therein issue. Corrected versions of the Journal are going to be created accessible on the Journal website, along with all the applicable indices.


    The below procedure applies to appeals to editorial selections, complaints concerning failure of processes like long delays in handling papers and complaints concerning publication ethics. The criticism should be handled by the Editor-in-Chief(s) answerable for the journal and/or the Editor who handled the paper. If they're the topic of the criticism, please approach the in-house publication contact. (Please check the contacts page on the journal homepage. If no publication contact is known, send the question to
    Complaint about scientific content, e.g., an appeal against rejection
    The Editor-in-Chief or Handling Editor considers the authors’ argument, the reviewer reports and decides whether or not

    • The choice to reject ought to stand;
    • Another freelance opinion is needed
    • The appeal ought to be thought of.
    • The litigator is educated of the choice with a proof if acceptable. Decisions on appeals are final and new submissions take priority over appeals.

    Complaint concerning processes, e.g., time taken to review
    The Editor-in-Chief along with the Handling Editor (where appropriate) and/or in-house contact (where appropriate) can investigate the matter. The litigator is going to be given acceptable feedback. Feedback is provided to relevant stakeholders to enhance processes and procedures.


    Library Catalogue
    Biblioteca Nacional de España

    Journal of Advances in Technology and Engineering Research is committed to the permanent availability and preservation of scholarly research published in JATER. JATER is keeping digital archive with Biblioteca Nacional de España (digital library of the National Library of Spain).
    JATER also offer its authors to make their research publically accessible, free from payment and any embargo period through Green Open Access Policy.
    The Green Route – Open Access Archiving Policy
    Authors have the opportunity of turning their articles into Open Access by using the Green route for archival of their articles free of charge. Authors having their work published in subscription journal can avail this opportunity by depositing version 2 of their article i.e. the one accepted for publication in their respective institution’s repository.

    • Copyright of the work remains with the author.
    • Total discretion of version 1 of the article that is submitted to the journal remains with the author.
    • After acceptance of article for publication, version 2 or the accepted version can be submitted anywhere by the author e.g., on a personal website, department’s website or the repository of the respective institution with no further limitations.
    • Article’s version 2 is not allowed to be submitted to any repository other than the ones specified above. These exclusions include another institution’s repository or a subject repository. This restriction applies until 12 months after first publication of the article in the journal.
    • Authors can provide the version 3 i.e., the published version to research colleagues or keep as their own teaching aid, ensuring that such delivery is not commercial in any sense.
    • Version 3 can be used in a book being written by the author or can be edited as desired once publication in the journal is confirmed.
    • Version 3 is not allowed to be submitted to any website or any repository without formal consent of TAF Publishing.
    • Link to the appropriate DOI needs to be added in all the posts having the concerned article to ensure the readers are directed straight to the published version of the article on TAF Publishing Journals (
  • Information for Contributors

    Journal of Advances in Technology and Engineering Research (JATER) is a double- blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the field of engineering and technology. We publish cutting edge research that transcends across different fields of engineering and technology. Before you submit, we indorse familiarizing yourself with the following details about the journal;

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  • All new manuscripts should be submitted electronically. Files should be submitted in Microsoft Word format. All manuscripts must adhere to the JATER Style Guide.
    Electronic submissions should be uploaded to the Journal of Advances in Technology and Engineering Research

    Submit here

    Alternatively, you can send your manuscript to the editor at

  • Editor in Chief

    Asadullah Shah
    Professor of Information Systems
    Faculty of Information Communication Technologies
    International Islamic University Malaysia,
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Contact No. +60162977926


    A/Professor Akbar A. Khatibi
    Program Manager, MEng (Airworthiness)
    School of Engineering, RMIT,

    Muhammad Nasir Bashir
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Engineering Science
    Pakistan Navy Engineering College (PNEC)
    National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) Islamabad,

    Editorial Advisory Board

    Masahiko Haraguchi
    Columbia University, USA

    MD Elias Mollah
    Australian Winch and Haulage Co. Pty Ltd, Smithfield, NSW, Australia

    Elspeth Mckay
    RMIT Schol of Business, IT and Logistics, Australia

    Julius Kola Oloke
    All Saints University School of Medicine, USA

    Qiang Yang
    Zhejiang University, China

    Editorial Board

    Masahiko Haraguchi
    Columbia University, USA

    Akbar Khatibi
    RMIT University, Australia

    Elspeth Mckay
    RMIT Schol of Business, IT and Logistics, Australia

    MD Elias Mollah
    Australian Winch and Haulage Co. Pty Ltd, Smithfield, NSW, Australia

    Joe E Amadi-Echendu
    University of Pretoria, South Africa

    Korhan Levent Erturk
    Atilim University, Incek Ankara, Turkey

    Yingjie Zhang
    Xian Jiaotong University, China

    Nurul Akmar Binti Emran
    Universiti Teknikal Malaysia, Malaysia

    Nukman bin Yusoff
    University of Malaya, Malaysia

    Mariam Alimardanova
    Almaty Technological University, Kazakhstan

    Chien-Fu Cheng
    Tamkang University, Taiwan

    Noor Zaman
    King Faisal University, Saudia Arabia

    Zhaparov Meiramek Kazimovich
    Suleyman Demirel University, Kazakhstan

    A. Salahuddin
    University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

    Chi-Chih Shen
    Taiwan Shoufu University, Taiwan

    Izaidin Adul Majid
    Universiti Teknikal Malaysia, Malaysia

    Hamidah Ibrahim
    Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia

    Jun Wu
    National Pingtung University, Taiwan

    Mohd. Kamaruddin Ad. Hamid
    Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

    Ammar Yassir
    Ara Open University, Oman

    Julius Kola Oloke
    All Saints University School of Medicine, USA

    Qiang Yang
    Zhejiang University, China

    Nukman bin Yusoff
    University of Malaya, Malaysia

    Dengwei Jing
    Xi'an Jiaotong University, China

    Ida Idayu Muhamad
    Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

    Sheroz Khan
    Onaizah College of Engineering and Information Technology, Saudi Arabia

    Kamran Khowaja
    Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology (SZABIST), Pakistan

    Mahmood Shah
    Northumbria University, UK

    Dost Muhammad Halepoto
    King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    Sumbul Ghulamani
    Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology (SZABIST), Pakistan

    Najma Imtiaz
    University of Sindh, Pakistan

    Imtiaz Ali
    Government College University Hyderabad, Pakistan

    Ad hoc Reviewers

    Bonex Mwakikunga
    National Centre for Nano-Structured Materials, South Africa

    Hossein Hosseinkhani
    National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

    Chih-Ping Wu
    National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

    Congo Tak-Shing Ching
    National Chi Nan University, Taiwan

    Kuo-Lin Huang
    National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

    Win-Jin Chang
    Kun Shan University, Taiwan

    Tanghi Dallali Isfahani
    Golpayegan University of Technology, Iran

    Chao-Tsung Ma
    National United University, Taiwan

    Mohammad Luqman
    A’Sharqiyah University, Oman

    Mridul Kumar Gupta
    Chaudhary Charan Singh University, India

    U. Sabura Banu
    BS Abdur Rahman University, India

    Amir Jafargholi
    Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran

    Qiang Sun
    China University of Petroleu, China

    Md Shahidul Islam
    Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh

    Heng Zhang
    National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

    Uyanga Sambuu
    Korea University, North Korea

  • Journal of Advances in Technology and Engineering Research (JATER) is abstracted and indexed in the following

    • 1- Ulrich's Periodicals Directory

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    • 16- EuroPub
  • Volume 10, Issue 2

    Published online: 12 December 2024

    Original Articles :

    Abdul Salam Shah, Adil Maqsood, Asadullah Shah, Muhammad Adnan Kaim Khani, Junaid Anjum, Shahzad Zafar

    Abstract| Full Article (PDF)
  • Volume 10, 2024
    Volume 9, 2023
    Volume 8, 2022
    Volume 7, 2021
    Volume 6, 2020
    Volume 5, 2019
    Volume 4, 2018
    Volume 3, 2017
    Volume 2, 2016
    Volume 1, 2015
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    Any correspondence, queries or additional requests for information related to Journal of Advances in Technology and Engineering Research (JATER) should be sent to the Editorial Office at
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