Journal of Administrative and Business Studies
ISSN: 2414-309X (Online) ISSN:  2519-0407 (Print)
DOI: 10.20474
Key Title: Journal of administrative and business studies
Abbreviated Key Title: J. adm. bus. stud.
Publication Frequency: 4 issues per year
Editor-in-Chief : Professor Dr. Usman Raja
Goodman School of Business, Brock University, Canada
Journal of Administrative and Business Studies (JABS) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes six issues in a year. The journal publishes theoretical and empirical research, in both quantitative and qualitative domains, that have a significant impact on business and management practices. Considering the interdisciplinary nature of the management concepts, practices, processes and theories in the real business scenarios, this unique outlet provides opportunity to those research attempts which mainly focus on the impact of business and management research on the business community in general. The journal publishes original articles with promising ideas or novel perspectives on existing research in the areas such as international business, innovation, management studies, organizational theory, finance, marketing, entrepreneurship and organizational behavior and consumer studies.
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Volume 10, Issue 1 Published online: 11 February 2024 |
Original Articles : Niko Cajander, Arto Reiman Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis study compares the integration of skilled workforce management and corporate social responsibility (CSR) between Finnish and Taiwanese companies, highlighting both similarities and differences. The study analyzed CSR reports from 55 major companies, 25 from OMXH25 (Finland) and 30 from FTSE TWSE Taiwan 50 Index. Utilizing directed content analysis, the research identified and categorized skilled workforce management into normative, strategic, and operational levels according to used frameworks. Both regions emphasize the importance of diversity, equity, and non-discrimination as fundamental values for attracting and retaining skilled workforce. However, Finnish companies tend to focus more on clearly identifiable groups for inclusion and diversity efforts, while Taiwanese companies emphasize the diversity of skills and integrating them seamlessly into the existing workforce. Additionally, Taiwanese companies prioritize global talent attraction and flexible workforce needs, whereas Finnish companies excel in regulatory compliance and digital transformation. Both countries' companies benefit from continuous learning and development, suggesting that collaborative efforts among companies, educational institutions, and policymakers could bridge the skills gap and meet labor market demands. Taiwanese companies' holistic approach to integrating normative values, strategic planning, and operational execution offers a model for improving skilled workforce management globally. This comparative analysis not only highlights the nuanced differences but also provides insights for companies to tailor their strategies to local conditions, enhancing their competitive edge. Future research should explore a broader range of countries and include small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to provide a more comprehensive understanding of global talent management practices.
Akbar Farhadi Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis paper explores the complex relationship between consumer behavior and marketing strategies, demonstrating how understanding consumer decision-making processes can significantly increase the effectiveness of marketing efforts. Using a hybrid approach that combines quantitative data analysis with qualitative insights, consumer preferences, purchasing habits, and psychological factors influencing choices We analyze them. The study identifies key behavioral trends across different demographic segments and reveals the critical role of social influence, brand loyalty, and emotional engagement in shaping consumer behavior. The increasing expansion of social networks in various societies, including Iran, and their impact on people's consumption behavior is undeniable, due to the membership of many people in social networks and their visits to internet sites, it has provided an unparalleled opportunity for different users to market and introduce their products. The main issue of this study is the prioritization of online marketing strategies from the perspective of influencing consumer behavior. In this study, according to the above-mentioned conditions, online marketing strategies have been investigated and prioritized from the perspective of influencing consumer behavior using different decision-making criteria. We examine how these insights can inform the development of targeted marketing strategies that resonate with consumers. Specifically, we examine the impact of digital transformation on consumer interactions with brands and the growing importance of personalized marketing in strengthening customer relationships. These findings underscore the need for marketers to adapt strategies in response to customer expectations and technological advancements. Ultimately, this article supports a consumer-centric approach to developing a marketing strategy, emphasizing the importance of ongoing research on consumer behavior to stay ahead of the competitive market. By aligning marketing tactics with consumer insights, businesses can drive engagement, increase brand loyalty, and ultimately optimize their marketing performance. This research provides a framework for integrating behavior analytics The consumer contributes to the broader field of marketing in strategic planning and decision-making processes.
Akbar Farhadi Abstract| Full Article| CitationGeneration Z marketing is a fresh and dynamic approach to marketing that has been launched in order to attract attention and connect with today's young and dynamic generation. This type of marketing uses innovative methods and strategies to provide a different and engaging experience for the audience. Generation Z refers to people born between 1997 and 2012 and is known as the digital generation. It has grown up with advanced technologies and the internet in a global environment and has unique features that require different marketing strategies. This article examines the characteristics and consumption behaviors of Generation Z and provides effective solutions for marketers.Gen Z is sensitive to social and environmental issues and prefers to support brands that uphold social and environmental values. Gen Z is more trusting of brands that practice authenticity and honesty in their communications. They shy away from dishonest and deceptive advertising. The statistical populationof the present study included all men and women of Gorgan city from Generation Z (born in 1997 onwards) and due to the limitlessness of the population to compare the consumer's attitude towards marketing in Generation Z for this generation, 130 people were selected by the available sampling method Were. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and independent t-test using SPSS software. Effective marketing for Generation Z requires a deep and comprehensive understanding of the characteristics and attitudes of this generation. Considering the specific needs of this group, brands need to adopt innovative and digital-based strategies to be able to establish an effective and sustainable relationship with their customers. will be more successful. In today's dynamic Dan Yai, communication with Gen Z is of paramount importance. From meaningful and honest communication to the use of social media and short videos, all of these methods can help us connect best with Gen Z. Finally, the results showed that the marketing methods and strategies of Generation Z are as follows: (Focus on visually appealing content, interactive and engaging content, tagging, leverage for interaction, importance of customer feedback and opinions for Generation Z.
Abdul Qadir Bavardi Abstract| Full Article| CitationIn recent decades, financial crises have been considered as one of the major economic challenges at the global level. This paper examines the challenges and effective monetary policies in managing and resolving financial crises. First, the causes and factors of financial crises are analyzed, including economic fluctuations, inefficient fiscal policies, and structural weaknesses in financial systems.Various monetary factors that can be effective in reducing the effects of financial crises are examined. These policies include lowering interest rates, easing credit conditions, and using new monetary instruments such as asset purchases and stimulus programs. This research has investigated the challenges and effective monetary policies in resolving financial crises using library method. In this regard, various sources including books, scientific articles, government reports, and international documents were collected from reliable databases. The data were analyzed using content analysis to identify patterns and connections between challenges and monetary policies. Also, Case studies of different countries were analyzed in order to compare and extract best practices. The results are devoted to providing suggestions for improving monetary policies and strengthening the financial system . The results of this study show that coordination between monetary and fiscal policies, especially in times of crisis, is of great importance. Also, the case study of countries shows that countries that have adopted expansionary monetary policies quickly have been able to reduce the negative effects of the crisis. Finally, the article provides suggestions for improving monetary policies and strengthening the financial system against future crises . The results also show that the coefficient of the monetary base in both countries is positive and significant, which means that the increase in the monetary base in the long run has helped to increase production in these two countries. in countries with negative signs, which indicates the negative and significant impact of the financial crisis on the GDP of countries in the long run.
Bachar Kahil Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe nature of social conditions, relationships, citizenship, and information flow has changed from a moral and legal perspective to a digital one in the information and technology age, when the "physical" and "digital" worlds are combined. These days, digital and techno-ethical principles influence how organisations and their members operate, communicate, behave, and govern. The study makes the assumption that corporate social responsibility is predicted by techno-ethical orientation through the regulation of digital citizenship behaviour (DCB), which is based on social cognitive theory. The study also suggests that the proposed association is moderated by each of the DCB dimensions: online civic engagement (OCE) and online respect (OR). The study investigated the relationship between innovation performance and corporate social responsibility and techno-ethical orientation. The study involved 220 call center workers in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Structured and validated questionnaires were used to collect the replies. Longitudinal data was collected and 15 days interval between each time. Robust metrics of correlation, regression, validity (convergent and discriminant validity), and reliability (Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability) were used in the analysis. The software SmartPLS 3.0 used structural equation modelling (SEM) to test and analyse the moderating effect of digital citizenship behaviour. The findings show that techno-ethical orientation positively influenced on corporate social responsibility. R2 values showed 53.2% variation in corporate social responsibility, 59.7% variation in product innovation and 72.7% variation in process innovation. However, mediation analysis by SmartPLS shows corporate social responsibility among techno-ethical orientation and innovation performance. Although, moderation analysis of digital citizenship behaviour on corporate social responsibility and innovation performance. Through digital citizenship behaviour, this study illustrates a novel aspect of technological ethics that encourages the institutionalization of corporate social responsibility. This study is the first to investigate how CSR and techno-ethical orientation interact. Although a number of earlier aspects of ethical behaviour have been studied, the outcomes of employees' techno-ethical behaviour within a business have not yet been investigated.
Published online: 11 February 2024
Original Articles : Niko Cajander, Arto Reiman Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis study compares the integration of skilled workforce management and corporate social responsibility (CSR) between Finnish and Taiwanese companies, highlighting both similarities and differences. The study analyzed CSR reports from 55 major companies, 25 from OMXH25 (Finland) and 30 from FTSE TWSE Taiwan 50 Index. Utilizing directed content analysis, the research identified and categorized skilled workforce management into normative, strategic, and operational levels according to used frameworks. Both regions emphasize the importance of diversity, equity, and non-discrimination as fundamental values for attracting and retaining skilled workforce. However, Finnish companies tend to focus more on clearly identifiable groups for inclusion and diversity efforts, while Taiwanese companies emphasize the diversity of skills and integrating them seamlessly into the existing workforce. Additionally, Taiwanese companies prioritize global talent attraction and flexible workforce needs, whereas Finnish companies excel in regulatory compliance and digital transformation. Both countries' companies benefit from continuous learning and development, suggesting that collaborative efforts among companies, educational institutions, and policymakers could bridge the skills gap and meet labor market demands. Taiwanese companies' holistic approach to integrating normative values, strategic planning, and operational execution offers a model for improving skilled workforce management globally. This comparative analysis not only highlights the nuanced differences but also provides insights for companies to tailor their strategies to local conditions, enhancing their competitive edge. Future research should explore a broader range of countries and include small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to provide a more comprehensive understanding of global talent management practices.
Akbar Farhadi Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis paper explores the complex relationship between consumer behavior and marketing strategies, demonstrating how understanding consumer decision-making processes can significantly increase the effectiveness of marketing efforts. Using a hybrid approach that combines quantitative data analysis with qualitative insights, consumer preferences, purchasing habits, and psychological factors influencing choices We analyze them. The study identifies key behavioral trends across different demographic segments and reveals the critical role of social influence, brand loyalty, and emotional engagement in shaping consumer behavior. The increasing expansion of social networks in various societies, including Iran, and their impact on people's consumption behavior is undeniable, due to the membership of many people in social networks and their visits to internet sites, it has provided an unparalleled opportunity for different users to market and introduce their products. The main issue of this study is the prioritization of online marketing strategies from the perspective of influencing consumer behavior. In this study, according to the above-mentioned conditions, online marketing strategies have been investigated and prioritized from the perspective of influencing consumer behavior using different decision-making criteria. We examine how these insights can inform the development of targeted marketing strategies that resonate with consumers. Specifically, we examine the impact of digital transformation on consumer interactions with brands and the growing importance of personalized marketing in strengthening customer relationships. These findings underscore the need for marketers to adapt strategies in response to customer expectations and technological advancements. Ultimately, this article supports a consumer-centric approach to developing a marketing strategy, emphasizing the importance of ongoing research on consumer behavior to stay ahead of the competitive market. By aligning marketing tactics with consumer insights, businesses can drive engagement, increase brand loyalty, and ultimately optimize their marketing performance. This research provides a framework for integrating behavior analytics The consumer contributes to the broader field of marketing in strategic planning and decision-making processes.
Akbar Farhadi Abstract| Full Article| CitationGeneration Z marketing is a fresh and dynamic approach to marketing that has been launched in order to attract attention and connect with today's young and dynamic generation. This type of marketing uses innovative methods and strategies to provide a different and engaging experience for the audience. Generation Z refers to people born between 1997 and 2012 and is known as the digital generation. It has grown up with advanced technologies and the internet in a global environment and has unique features that require different marketing strategies. This article examines the characteristics and consumption behaviors of Generation Z and provides effective solutions for marketers.Gen Z is sensitive to social and environmental issues and prefers to support brands that uphold social and environmental values. Gen Z is more trusting of brands that practice authenticity and honesty in their communications. They shy away from dishonest and deceptive advertising. The statistical populationof the present study included all men and women of Gorgan city from Generation Z (born in 1997 onwards) and due to the limitlessness of the population to compare the consumer's attitude towards marketing in Generation Z for this generation, 130 people were selected by the available sampling method Were. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and independent t-test using SPSS software. Effective marketing for Generation Z requires a deep and comprehensive understanding of the characteristics and attitudes of this generation. Considering the specific needs of this group, brands need to adopt innovative and digital-based strategies to be able to establish an effective and sustainable relationship with their customers. will be more successful. In today's dynamic Dan Yai, communication with Gen Z is of paramount importance. From meaningful and honest communication to the use of social media and short videos, all of these methods can help us connect best with Gen Z. Finally, the results showed that the marketing methods and strategies of Generation Z are as follows: (Focus on visually appealing content, interactive and engaging content, tagging, leverage for interaction, importance of customer feedback and opinions for Generation Z.
Abdul Qadir Bavardi Abstract| Full Article| CitationIn recent decades, financial crises have been considered as one of the major economic challenges at the global level. This paper examines the challenges and effective monetary policies in managing and resolving financial crises. First, the causes and factors of financial crises are analyzed, including economic fluctuations, inefficient fiscal policies, and structural weaknesses in financial systems.Various monetary factors that can be effective in reducing the effects of financial crises are examined. These policies include lowering interest rates, easing credit conditions, and using new monetary instruments such as asset purchases and stimulus programs. This research has investigated the challenges and effective monetary policies in resolving financial crises using library method. In this regard, various sources including books, scientific articles, government reports, and international documents were collected from reliable databases. The data were analyzed using content analysis to identify patterns and connections between challenges and monetary policies. Also, Case studies of different countries were analyzed in order to compare and extract best practices. The results are devoted to providing suggestions for improving monetary policies and strengthening the financial system . The results of this study show that coordination between monetary and fiscal policies, especially in times of crisis, is of great importance. Also, the case study of countries shows that countries that have adopted expansionary monetary policies quickly have been able to reduce the negative effects of the crisis. Finally, the article provides suggestions for improving monetary policies and strengthening the financial system against future crises . The results also show that the coefficient of the monetary base in both countries is positive and significant, which means that the increase in the monetary base in the long run has helped to increase production in these two countries. in countries with negative signs, which indicates the negative and significant impact of the financial crisis on the GDP of countries in the long run.
Bachar Kahil Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe nature of social conditions, relationships, citizenship, and information flow has changed from a moral and legal perspective to a digital one in the information and technology age, when the "physical" and "digital" worlds are combined. These days, digital and techno-ethical principles influence how organisations and their members operate, communicate, behave, and govern. The study makes the assumption that corporate social responsibility is predicted by techno-ethical orientation through the regulation of digital citizenship behaviour (DCB), which is based on social cognitive theory. The study also suggests that the proposed association is moderated by each of the DCB dimensions: online civic engagement (OCE) and online respect (OR). The study investigated the relationship between innovation performance and corporate social responsibility and techno-ethical orientation. The study involved 220 call center workers in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Structured and validated questionnaires were used to collect the replies. Longitudinal data was collected and 15 days interval between each time. Robust metrics of correlation, regression, validity (convergent and discriminant validity), and reliability (Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability) were used in the analysis. The software SmartPLS 3.0 used structural equation modelling (SEM) to test and analyse the moderating effect of digital citizenship behaviour. The findings show that techno-ethical orientation positively influenced on corporate social responsibility. R2 values showed 53.2% variation in corporate social responsibility, 59.7% variation in product innovation and 72.7% variation in process innovation. However, mediation analysis by SmartPLS shows corporate social responsibility among techno-ethical orientation and innovation performance. Although, moderation analysis of digital citizenship behaviour on corporate social responsibility and innovation performance. Through digital citizenship behaviour, this study illustrates a novel aspect of technological ethics that encourages the institutionalization of corporate social responsibility. This study is the first to investigate how CSR and techno-ethical orientation interact. Although a number of earlier aspects of ethical behaviour have been studied, the outcomes of employees' techno-ethical behaviour within a business have not yet been investigated.
Published online: 23 November 2023
Original Articles : EGBUNIKE, Amaechi Patrick, OKORO, Godsday Edesiri, SINEBE T. Michael Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe audit marketplace is immersed with numerous audit firms varying from big-4 to non big -4 audit firms, thus making the audit selection choice cumbersome for organizations. In this paper, based on the burdensome nature of the dynamics that determine the selection choice of audit firms, we investigated the most significant dynamics that determine audit market choice of quoted companies in Nigeria. The survey research design and questionnaire were used. Five dynamics of audit market choice were identified, namely auditor-client compatibility and mandatory audit firm rotation; market concentration and departure of international accounting firm; governance and accountability; audit fee; and organizational complexity. Data obtained were analyzed via descriptive (frequency count, simple percentages, mean and standard deviation, Pearson correlation and normality test) and inferential (factor analysis) statistical methods. Findings of the principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that the determinants explained about 80.6% of the total variance in audit market choice. The practical implication of the result is that corporate entities base selections of audit firms in the marketplace using audit fees; need to ensure accountability, audit firm rotation, audit-client compatibility and complexity of the organization. Having analyzed the situation of the dynamics determining audit market choice, we found that all the dynamics determine audit market selection choice; however, the factor analysis established that audit fees, accountability, mandatory audit firm rotation, and audit-client compatibility were the most significant dynamics that determine the reasons for the choice of the selection of auditor in the audit market in Nigeria.
Buthina Ziead Alobidyean Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis research investigates the relationships among workplace sustainability, psychological contract fulfillment, and employee retention within the information technology industry in Jordan. The primary purpose is to empirically examine the direct impact of workplace sustainability practices on employee retention and explore the moderating role of psychological contract fulfillment in shaping this relationship. The study aims to contribute to theoretical advancements in organizational behavior and human resource management while providing practical insights for organizational leaders navigating sustainability practices and talent management. Employing a quantitative research design, the study utilizes survey instruments to collect data from employees within the Information Technology sector in Jordan. The research focuses on a specific industry and geographical context to offer contextually relevant insights. Statistical analyses, including regression and moderation analyses, are employed to validate and extend existing theoretical frameworks, providing empirical evidence of the hypothesized relationships. The research design allows for a comprehensive exploration of the intricate dynamics among workplace sustainability, psychological contract fulfillment, and employee retention. The findings of this research uncover the direct and positive impact of workplace sustainability practices on employee retention within the information technology industry in Jordan. Additionally, the study reveals the moderating role of psychological contract fulfillment in shaping this relationship. The interaction between workplace sustainability and psychological contract fulfillment significantly influences employee retention, offering nuanced insights into the conditions under which sustainability practices contribute most effectively to retaining valuable human capital. This research contributes to the existing literature by empirically testing the relationships among workplace sustainability, psychological contract fulfillment, and employee retention in a specific industry and geographical context. The study's originality lies in addressing gaps in the literature and providing valuable insights for both academic scholarship and organizational practice. The findings offer nuanced perspectives on the intricate interplay between sustainability practices and employee attitudes, contributing to the broader goal of creating sustainable and fulfilling workplaces within the evolving landscape of organizational sustainability and talent management.
Wachara Chaiyakhet, Praman Tepsongkhro, Chadchom Ratsameemonthon Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis research aims to investigate the interconnected relationships among sustainable leadership practices, knowledge dynamics, and organizational performance within the technology sector in Thailand. The purpose is to provide a comprehensive understanding of how sustainable leadership behaviors influence knowledgesharing and knowledge-hiding dynamics, subsequently impacting sustainable performance in this dynamic industry. Employing a mixed-method approach, this study first conducts qualitative interviews with 9 managers in the technology sector to explore the nuances of sustainable leadership and knowledge dynamics. Subsequently, quantitative data is collected through a questionnaire from 220 respondents. The study utilizes Smart PLS for data analysis, conducting nine interviews and employing statistical tests to examine the proposed model's validity and reliability. The research reveals a positive relationship between sustainable leadership practices and sustainable performance within the technology sector. Additionally, knowledge dynamics, specifically knowledge sharing and hiding, are identified as crucial mediators and moderators in this relationship. The study highlights the conditional impact of knowledge dynamics, shedding light on the strategic interplay between sustainable leadership and effective knowledge management. This research contributes to the academic literature by addressing gaps in existing research, offering a holistic model that integrates sustainable leadership, knowledge dynamics, and organizational performance in the technology sector. The study's originality lies in its context-specific exploration, providing industry-relevant insights that guide organizational leaders in fostering sustainability, innovation, and adaptability. The significance of this research extends to both academic scholarship and practical implications, offering a nuanced understanding of sustainable development within the dynamic landscape of technology organizations in Thailand.
Bachar Kahil Abstract| Full Article| CitationEmployees who have experienced sexual harassment are unwilling to disclose it, making it a persistent problem. The current study finds that sexual harassment significantly affects employee deviant behaviour in the workplace and job satisfaction. It also finds that psychological capital has a moderating effect on sexual harassment and that organisational shame mediates its effects. Since respondents have restricted access to the data, it is expected that different samples of respondents may yield different results when using convenience sampling in conjunction with affective event theory. Information was gathered from 230 middle management staff members of an Amsterdam, Netherlands-based bank. The examination of "partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM)" yielded data that showed the impact of sexual harassment on both job satisfaction and performance. The results also offered a noteworthy theoretical understanding: organisational shame and employee deviant behaviour at work serve as better mediators of the relationship between sexual harassment and job performance and satisfaction, while psychological capital plays a less significant moderating role in these relationships. The study offers implications for theory and practice as well as prospective directions for further research.
On Chee Hoong Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis research investigates the interconnected relationships among knowledge spillover, psychological trust, entrepreneurial ecosystems, and open innovation within organizational contexts. The primary purpose is to empirically examine the collective impact of these constructs on open innovation practices. By integrating key elements into a unified conceptual framework, the study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms driving innovation within organizations. Employing a quantitative approach, the study distributed 400 questionnaires in a Malaysian organizational context, receiving 230 valid responses. SmartPLS was utilized for data analysis. The research tested direct and mediated effects within the proposed conceptual framework, exploring how knowledge spillover, psychological trust, and the entrepreneurial ecosystem interact to influence open innovation outcomes. The findings reveal a positive and significant relationship between knowledge spillover and open innovation, emphasizing the pivotal role of external knowledge in driving innovation practices. Psychological trust is identified as a mediator, translating knowledge resources into innovative outcomes. The entrepreneurial ecosystem acts as a moderator, enhancing the impact of knowledge spillover on open innovation. This research contributes to the existing literature by integrating these constructs into a unified framework and empirically testing their collective impact. The study's significance lies in advancing theoretical models, providing actionable insights for organizational leaders, and informing policymakers on creating supportive entrepreneurial ecosystems for innovation.
Published online: 21 August 2023
Original Articles : On Chee Hoong Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe intricate relationships between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, brand perception, and consumer behavior have garnered significant attention in the contemporary business landscape. The primary aim of this study is to provide a nuanced understanding of how CSR initiatives influence brand perception and consumer behavior. Specifically, the research investigates the mediating role of trust and the moderating influence of consumer consciousness, aiming to move beyond surface-level exploration and contribute to a more sophisticated understanding of the complexities inherent in these relationships. Employing a comprehensive empirical approach, this research analyzes data collected through questionnaires distributed in three rounds. The study incorporates 250 completed questionnaires, with 230 selected for further analysis. The data is subjected to statistical analysis using SPSS, allowing for a rigorous examination of the proposed relationships. The findings of this study reveal intricate patterns in the relationships among CSR initiatives, trust, brand perception, and consumer behavior. The mediating role of trust and the moderating impact of consumer consciousness are illuminated, providing insights into the underlying psychological processes and contingencies that characterize these dynamics. This research contributes to the academic discourse by addressing research gaps and exploring the mediating and moderating factors in CSR dynamics. The significance lies in its potential to enhance theoretical frameworks, offer practical insights for businesses navigating CSR strategies, and contribute to the strategic integration of CSR in contemporary business practices. The study's originality lies in its systematic examination of trust mediation and consumer consciousness moderation, advancing the understanding of CSR's impact on brand perception and consumer behavior.
Rosa Fitriana Abstract| Full Article| CitationIn response to the evolving landscape of contemporary workplaces and the increasing emphasis on diversity and inclusion, this research addresses existing gaps in understanding the intricate relationships shaping employee satisfaction with diversity initiatives. Recognizing the nuanced experiences within organizational contexts, the study adopts a qualitative approach, conducting semi-structured interviews to capture rich narratives and perspectives. The primary purpose of this research is to comprehensively investigate how various organizational factors collectively influence employee satisfaction with diversity and inclusion initiatives. By examining the impact of organizational commitment, employee perceptions, training programs, team dynamics, and leadership support, the study aims to contribute a holistic understanding of the dynamics at play. The research aims to fill gaps in the literature, considering both theoretical and practical implications for fostering inclusive workplace cultures. Conducted as a qualitative study, the research engaged 14 semi-structured interviews, employing a three-step thematic analysis approach. The selection of this method allowed for an in-depth exploration of employee experiences, offering a nuanced perspective on the interconnected variables influencing satisfaction with diversity initiatives. The study reached data saturation, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the studied phenomena. The findings of the study illuminate the intricate relationships among organizational commitment, employee perceptions, training programs, collaborative team dynamics, leadership support, and employee satisfaction. Noteworthy insights include the pivotal role of leadership support, the significance of inclusive team interactions, and the impact of well-designed training programs. The study's contribution lies in uncovering the synergies between these variables, providing actionable insights for organizations seeking to enhance diversity and inclusion initiatives. This research stands out for its holistic exploration of the interconnected variables influencing employee satisfaction with diversity initiatives. By adopting a qualitative approach, the study captures the nuanced experiences of employees within specific organizational contexts. The originality lies in addressing gaps in the existing literature and offering a deeper understanding of how organizational commitment, employee perceptions, training programs, team dynamics, and leadership support collectively shape employee satisfaction. The significance of the study extends to both academic and practical realms, contributing theoretical insights for scholars and offering actionable recommendations for organizational leaders striving to create inclusive workplace cultures.
Isyaka Mohammed Salisu, Nuruddeen Abubakar, Ezra Samaila Danbauchi Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe study evaluated how PZ Cussons Nigeria's financial results were affected by inventory control, as determined by inventory conversion periods and inventory turnover ratios. This study aims to investigate the impact of the inventory conversion period and the inventory turnover period on PZ Cussons's financial performance. Regression analysis was used to evaluate the data in this study, which employed the ex-post factor as its research design. The results showed that the financial outcome and inventory conversion were positively correlated. On the other hand, PZ Cussons Nigeria's financial results and inventory turnover ratios are negatively correlated. According to the study, the inventory conversion period needs to be respected. They consider that businesses experience more financial success when their conversion times are longer. Thus, these moments call for the proper response. The techniques employed by several Nigerian businesses to determine inventory turnover ratios do not lead to satisfactory results. As a result, companies must adhere to additional grade 12 accounting requirements, which centre on assessing and disseminating financial data. Three fundamental principles are accountability, transparency, and ethical behaviour. Learners can record, evaluate, present, and interpret financial data to make wise financial decisions. They will also be able to compute ratios in novel ways.
Isaac A. Power Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis study investigated whether procedural and distributive justice served as determinants of whistle-blowing intentions among randomly selected local government councils in Delta State. Two determinants of whistleblowing intentions were identified: distributive and procedural justice. To do this, 354 questionnaires were administered to two (2) cadres of employees (senior and junior) in six selected local government councils; however, 250 were fully completed and retrieved. Data obtained were analyzed via descriptive and inferential statistics. Based on the analysis, it was shown that a significant relationship exists between procedural and distributive justice and whistle-blowing intentions. This implied that distributive and procedural justices are determinants of whistle-blowing intentions. It recommends that local government council authorities enhance whistle-blowing mechanisms and frameworks to guarantee honesty and voluntary whistle-blowers. Also, there is a need for local government council authorities to find consequences for attempts to silence the whistleblowers via retaliatory actions.
Shine Emenido, Glorilyn Montejo, China Bryce Lobrio, Jeric Potane Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis qualitative phenomenological study aimed to describe customer service representatives' struggles when dealing with indifferent customers and their strategies to manage them effectively. Specifically, this study seeks to fill the gap in providing strategies for managing indifferent customer interactions, contributing to the existing body of literature. The participants of this study were customer service representatives from different companies in different industries who reside in Mandug, Davao City, Philippines. These customer service representatives were purposively selected, particularly those employees, managers, or supervisors with experience and interaction with indifferent customers. Specifically, there were ten customer service representatives; seven participated in the in-depth interview, and three participated in the focus group discussion. Colaizzi's analysis method was employed to analyze the data, and two emergent themes were interpreted from the gathered data. These are customer aggression and strategic customer service. Moreover, results showed that customer service representatives experienced verbal abuse, and their interactions with indifferent customers affected their emotional well-being, including their motivation, leading to job withdrawal. Furthermore, findings showed strategies for managing indifferent customers through acknowledgment, empathy, and resolution, maintaining professionalism, and practicing active listening and effective communication. Additionally, this study may help customers realize that they need to be corrected at all times and should deal with customer service representatives with respect. Also, this study may benefit employees, managers, supervisors, and business owners in effectively handling customers to avoid getting angry. Similarly, this research may help businesspeople understand the experiences of their employees and develop effective training programs and support systems to improve employees' well-being. In conclusion, this research emphasizes the importance of customer service representatives in skillfully managing indifferent customers, as their behavior influences a company's image and financial performance.
Published online: 25 May 2023
Original Articles : Belfjore Zifla, Manjola Brahaj Halili Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe primary purpose of this rеsеarch was to invеstigatе and contribute empirical еvidеncе on thе relationships bеtwееn digital lеadеrship stylе, еmotional intеlligеncе, еmployее digital capability, and innovativе bеhavior. Thе study aimеd to fill еxisting gaps in thе litеraturе by proposing a comprеhеnsivе modеl and еxploring thе mеdiating rolеs of еmotional intеlligеncе and еmployее digital capability in thе rеlationship bеtwееn digital lеadеrship and еmployее innovativе bеhavior. A quantitative research design was еmployеd, with a samplе sizе of 203 еmployееs drawn from various industries in Albania. Thе samplе sizе was dеtеrminеd using thе rulе of thumb for rеgrеssion analysis. A random sampling tеchniquе еnsurеd rеprеsеntativеnеss, and data wеrе collеctеd through an onlinе quеstionnairе. Statistical analysis was conducted using thе Statistical Packagе for thе Social Sciеncеs (SPSS), еncompassing dеscriptivе, infеrеntial, and mеdiation analysеs. This mеthodology facilitatеd a robust еxamination of thе proposеd rеlationships. The findings of this study rеvеalеd significant and positivе rеlationships bеtwееn digital lеadеrship stylе and еmployее innovativе behavior. Morеovеr, еmotional intеlligеncе was idеntifiеd as a mеdiator in this rеlationship, еmphasizing thе importancе of a positivе еmotional climatе. Additionally, еmployее digital capability еmеrgеd as a mediator, highlighting the significance of technological proficiency. Thеsе findings contribute to our understanding of thе intеrconnеctеd dynamics within organizations in thе digital agе. This rеsеarch contributes both thеorеtically and practically to thе еxisting body of knowlеdgе. Thеorеtically, it adds еmpirical еvidеncе to thе еvolving discoursе on lеadеrship and innovation in thе digital еra, addrеssing gaps in thе litеraturе. Thе proposеd comprеhеnsivе modеl, considеring thе mеdiating rolеs of еmotional intеlligеncе and еmployее digital capability, offеrs a nuancеd undеrstanding of thе multifacеtеd dynamics within organizations. Practically, this study provides insights for organizational lеadеrs and policymakеrs, informing stratеgiеs for cultivating innovation in thе еvеr-changing digital landscapе. Thе findings can guidе lеadеrship dеvеlopmеnt programs, training initiativеs, and administrative policies aimed at creating еnvironmеnts that foster innovation.
Hicham Zohir, Malika Ait Nasser Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis rеsеarch aims to еmpirically invеstigatе thе intricatе rеlationships bеtwееn digital transformation initiativеs, absorptivе capacity, еasе of usе, usеr satisfaction, and organizational pеrformancе within thе spеcific contеxt of a rеtail chain implеmеnting е-commеrcе solutions. A qualitativе rеsеarch approach was adopted, еmploying 13 sеmi-structurеd intеrviеws with kеy stakеholdеrs in thе sеlеctеd rеtail chain in Morocco. Thе study aimеd to achiеvе data saturation, еnsuring a comprеhеnsivе еxploration of participants' pеrspеctivеs. Thеmatic analysis was еmployеd in a thrее-stеp procеss, focusing on identifying pattеrns and thеmеs rеlatеd to digital transformation, absorptivе capacity, еasе of usе, usеr satisfaction, and organizational pеrformancе. Thе rеsеarch findings rеvеal a complеx intеrplay bеtwееn digital transformation variablеs. Stratеgic implеmеntation of digital initiativеs, particularly in thе form of е-commеrcе solutions, positivеly influеncеs opеrational еfficiеncy, markеt rеsponsivеnеss, customеr satisfaction, and financial pеrformancе. Thе еasе of usе of digital tools еmеrgеs as a crucial factor, contributing to еnhancеd productivity, positivе еmployее satisfaction, and thе dеvеlopmеnt of a favorablе organizational culturе. Usеr satisfaction еxtеnds bеyond intеrnal procеssеs, shaping еxtеrnal intеractions and fostеring organizational rеsiliеncе. The synеrgistic impact of absorptivе aptitudе and digital transformation is еnlightеning in dеlinеating organizational intеrprеtation, adaptability, ingеnuity, and compеtitivеnеss. This rеsеarch contributes to thеorеtical framеworks by еmpirically validating rеlationships among digital transformation variablеs in thе rеtail sеctor. Thе originality liеs in thе contеxt-spеcific еxploration of thеsе rеlationships within thе е-commеrcе landscapе, providing a uniquе contribution to thе broadеr undеrstanding of digital transformation's impact on organizational dynamics in thе rеtail domain.
Akhlaq Ahmad Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis research delves into the impact of Performance Management Systems (PMS) on key employee outcomes, explicitly focusing on Employee Motivation and Turnover within the manufacturing sector. The aim is to unravel the intricate relationships among PMS components, employee motivation, and turnover, with a nuanced examination of the moderating role played by Employee Satisfaction. By scrutinizing performance planning, employee participation, feedback and counseling, procedural justice, distributive justice, and interactional justice, the study aims to provide sector-specific insights that contribute to theoretical advancements and practical strategies for organizational leaders. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the study conducted qualitative interviews with expatriates in Hungary to explore the deep-seated nuances of performance management in manufacturing. Subsequently, a quantitative analysis, utilizing smartPLS for data analysis, involved a questionnaire administered to 207 respondents. The methodological approach allowed for a comprehensive exploration of the subject, combining qualitative depth with quantitative rigor. The findings illuminate the intricate connections between specific PMS components and employee motivation and turnover. Moreover, the study unveils the moderating influence of employee satisfaction on these relationships, providing a holistic understanding of how performance management practices interact within the manufacturing sector. This research stands out for its sector-specific focus, shedding light on the unique challenges and opportunities within the manufacturing industry. The findings present a novel perspective that advances understanding of the complex interplay between PMS, employee motivation, and turnover, emphasizing the significance of tailoring performance management practices to sector-specific demands.
Kornthong Tesprasit, Mongkolchai Wiriyapinit, Uthai Tanlamai, Krerk Piromsopa Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe COVID-19 pandemic has affected not only the global tourism issue and small hotel businesses but also the long-term effects of changes in tourism behavior that have shifted to more individual-oriented tourism. The transformation of small hotels’ business model emphasizes the customer value co-creation. They are supported by modernized technology. Consequently, small hotel entrepreneurs must adjust to survive, maintain their income levels, and seek new business opportunities related to accommodation and tourism through various activities. Certain factors contributing to customer value co-creation among small hotel businesses and customer needs are thus supposed to be examined and identified. This study addresses such issues by focusing on factors from customers and entrepreneurs affecting small hotel businesses' customer value co-creation model. The research uses a qualitative research technique. The result of the study reveals three main factors of customer and four main factors of the entrepreneurial side. It is found that developing customer value co-creation for small hotel businesses is beneficial when applied in a practical environment. By having exposure to individual-oriented tourism and dealing with crises in the future, the results provide guidelines for small hotel entrepreneurs to see how they can contribute to the mutual value of their customers for sustainable small hotel businesses and continue to implement them for commercial use.
Dzingai Katsamba Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis research explores the intricate relationships among work-life balance, employee productivity, employee engagement, and family-supportive supervisor behavior within the context of service organizations in South Africa. The study seeks to inform organizational practices, policies, and leadership strategies tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities in the South African service sector by investigating how these components interconnect. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, combining a comprehensive literature review with qualitative data collection through semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis is applied to the literature review, identifying key themes and concepts across existing research. Twelve in-depth interviews with experts in the field provide qualitative data, utilizing a semi-structured interview guide to explore real-world experiences and perspectives. This dual-method approach enables a holistic understanding of the variables under investigation, allowing for both a synthesis of existing knowledge and fresh insights from industry experts. Organizational policies and continual connectedness affect work-life balance impressions, which are subjective. Transformational leadership boosts staff productivity, demonstrating the link between leadership, well-being, and teamwork. The study acknowledges generational disparities in employee engagement preferences and how technology shapes virtual engagement techniques. In remote work, family-supportive supervisors demonstrate the necessity for adaptability. These findings provide practical and theoretical guidance to help firms design strategies that match the complexity of the South African service industry. Organizational policies, leadership development, and family-friendly workplaces promote a balanced, engaged, and productive workforce.
Published online: 11 February 2023
Original Articles : Hastirullah Fitrah Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe foundation of many economies, agriculture depends on luring a fresh generation of highly qualified people into the farming industry. This study examines, under the framework of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), the complex dynamics influencing people's intentions to pursue a profession in farming. As potential moderators and mediators, it looks into attitudes towards farmers, self-efficacy, perceived behavior control, and social capital. 325 farmers provided data using a cross-sectional quantitative design, and Smart PLS was used for the analysis. Although the research offers valuable insights, it is imperative to acknowledge its limits and explore potential avenues for future investigation. A crucial part of the world's food production and sustainability is the agriculture sector. Comprehending the elements that influence people's aspirations to become farmers is essential to the development of the sector and its ability to adjust to modern issues. This research expands upon the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) framework by examining self-efficacy and social capital, acknowledging their possible impact on the goals of prospective farmers.
Marwane El halaissi Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe emergence of Social Entrepreneurship Organizations (SEOs) has marked a significant shift in addressing social and economic challenges within regions while upholding democratic values and principles. These organizations employ localized strategies to counter the negative repercussions of global economic financialization. Through socio-economic initiatives, SEOs generate regional momentum by harnessing local resources and fostering collective action, thus bolstering regional development. SEOs act as intermediaries that bridge the gap between public policies and market forces. This study elucidates the complex interplay among SEOs, local governance, and regional development. In the context of evolving governance structures characterized by diminishing state involvement and growing emphasis on networks of actors, SEOs have assumed a pivotal role in reshaping public action. The shift towards localized governance has found a natural ally in SEOs due to their inherent participatory decision-making processes and deep-rooted connections within regions. SEOs serve as linchpins for constructing local networks, thereby facilitating the expansion of local governance models. This comprehensive exploration of SEOs and their impact on regional development is underscored by a robust theoretical foundation that combines insights from territorial economic analysis and sociological perspectives. This study highlights the role of Social Entrepreneurship Organizations (SEs) in revitalizing regions, generating social and economic value, empowering local actors, promoting local governance networks, mobilizing resources, and horizontal deliberation. The practical implications of this study are far-reaching and offer a roadmap for policymakers and regional development practitioners to harness the potential of SEOs in promoting local development. By advancing the knowledge of the complex relationships among SEOs, local governance, and regional development, this study provides valuable resources for academics, policymakers, and practitioners working in the realms of regional development and social entrepreneurship.
Bashir Abdullahi, Ibrahim Idris Pindiga, Ahmed Musa Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis study looked at Nigeria's food security and economic dependence. Nigeria has enormous agricultural potential but has remained a net importer of agricultural products over the past few decades. Due to intentional neglect of agriculture in the early 1970s, Nigeria lost its standing as a significant global exporter of agricultural products, including food, which had a detrimental effect on food security. This study examined the effects of economic dependency on food security in Nigeria because prior efforts to boost food production did not consider the systemic ramifications of economic dependency. A qualitative method was used in which published materials such as journal articles were consulted and analyzed using content analysis. Dependency Theory was the study's foundation. Based on findings, Traditional farming techniques and knowledge have been lost due to the nation's reliance on imported food. This disruption needs to improve the ability of the local communities to produce enough food. Additionally, it impairs their ability to grow a wide range of nutrient-dense foods. It makes it harder for them to adjust to changing environmental conditions, exacerbating malnourishment, hunger, inequality, illnesses, and other food poverty-related problems across the continent. Therefore, Nigeria should mobilize domestic resources to enhance local food production to achieve food sufficiency rather than relying solely on food imports. Food security requires deliberate strategies such as research, value addition, and infrastructure development.
Ibrahim Abubakar Abubakar, Shamsudeen Ladan Shagari, Umar Salisu, Abdulkadir Abubakar Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe study examined how thin capitalization affected the profitability of consumer goods companies in Nigeria. The selected companies' annual reports and financial statements from 2007 to 2022 provided the research's data. A sample of fifteen (15) out of the twenty companies that comprised the population was employed. Regression and correlation analyses were used to analyze the data using descriptive statistics. According to the study, the profitability of consumer goods companies is negatively impacted by thin capitalization. Board size has a negligible and adverse impact on the tested companies' profitability. The companies' ages positively and significantly impacted the profitability of the sampled companies. In order to increase the profitability of the tested Nigerian consumer goods companies, the study recommended that consumer goods companies limit the size of board members and ensure that a minimal amount of thin capitalization is maintained.
Bekmukhametova Assemgul Bauirzhanovna Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis empirical study analyzes the complicated interaction between visitor education, behavior, and socioeconomic status in the evolving tourism industry. This study examines how conformity and self-direction impact tourism-related cultural experiences and economic position based on the concept that tourism education encourages responsible conduct and cultural sensitivity. Using empirical data and theoretical frameworks, this study provides complete information for responsible tourism, cultural appreciation, and sustainable economic growth. This study examines tourism education's transforming power. According to this study, education affects responsible tourism attitudes and capacities beyond knowledge dissemination. Based on earlier results that education improves sustainable conduct, this study examines how educational interventions alter tourist behavior in different settings. The study also explores how conformity and self-direction impact tourism workers' cultural and economic experiences. This study examines how behavioral impacts on decision-making and cultural perceptions affect tourist socioeconomic status. Beyond academics, this study impacts corporations, lawmakers, and educators. The research combines empirical and theoretical evidence to advise ethical, culturally sensitive, and economically viable schooling. This study underlines the necessity of responsible conduct, cultural awareness, and education in improving the global tourist sector for a more sustainable, culturally rich, and economically prosperous future.
Published online: 23 November 2022
Original Articles : Areeba Nisar, Ammar Hassnain Abstract| Full Article| CitationWork-to-Family Conflict (WFC) is a phenomenon experienced by almost every employee and the worldwide, even at the top level. The detrimental effects of WFC on professional and personal life have been the focus of research for quite some time. Many relevant variables that affect this relationship have also been studied by scholars. Mental health is a growing concern in the new day society, and life satisfaction is amongst the pointers of the worth of life and is important to understand what makes a person happy and content with their life. Our research is based on how the provision of family support in accordance with the Conservation of Resources (COR) theory during WFC, while affecting mental health and life satisfaction of employees, moderates the relationship between our independent variable of WFC, and dependent variables of mental health and life satisfaction, and that too in an eastern context (i.e., Pakistan). Quantitative survey technique has been used in the research, and data from simple random sample was collected in cross-section (N=220). Pearson correlation was calculated between predictors and the outcome variables. Moderated regression analysis was carried out to test the hypotheses. The additional variance of each outcome was also observed. The results revealed that WFC negatively affects the mental health and life satisfaction of employees, and the provision of family support moderates the relationship between WFC, and mental health but is otherwise in the case of life satisfaction. This research provides a new perspective for managers to look after their employees, which is essential to achieve optimal performance from juniors in today’s environment.
Hsuan-Pei Ho Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis paper examines the business strategies employed by the hotel industry during the COVID-19 pandemic from 2021 to 2022. The study conducts a systematic review and adopts Teece's concept of 6S sub-constructs (SAFETY, SCAN, SYSTEM, SUPPORT, SPREAD, and SPEED) derived from dynamic capabilities. It analyzes 76 online articles focusing on two prominent hotel chains: Intercontinental Hotels Group and Marriott. The findings highlight several key points. Firstly, stringent cleaning protocols are essential to ensure the safety of guests and employees. Secondly, incorporating new technologies and automated systems enhances contactless customer experiences, enables proactive risk scanning, and facilitates the tracking of pandemic-related contact-tracing data. Thirdly, knowledge management integration plays a vital role in providing relevant training and equipping staff with up-to-date knowledge of evolving cleanliness and safety regulations. Fourthly, implementing flexible booking and cancellation policies and offering accommodations for medical staff exemplify the concept of "true hospitality for good." Lastly, top strategies for generating additional revenue include launching food and beverage delivery services and finding innovative ways to utilize indoor spaces while ensuring safety. The new normal presents managerial and policy implications for businesses in the hotel and tourism industry, necessitating their adaptation to radical and dynamic environments.
Hastirullah Fitrah Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe farmers in Indonesia's South Kalimantan Province are a narrative deeply rooted in the region's agricultural heritage and socio-economic evolution. Traditionally, before the colonial era, the indigenous communities in this lush province practiced subsistence farming, cultivating staples like rice and various other crops. They lived in harmony with the fertile land, harnessing its resources to sustain their livelihoods. The Dutch colonial period, which commenced in the 17th century, marked a pivotal juncture in the region's agricultural landscape. This paper aims to explore the intricate dynamics of technology adoption among farmers in Indonesia's South Kalimantan Province, with a particular focus on the influences of social capital theory, social influence, and government support and personal innovativeness as mediating variable and hedonic motivation as moderator used in this study. A sample size of 370 farmers participated in this study, and the data was analyzed using the structural equation modeling (SEM) tool, Smart PLS, which is well-suited for complex structural modeling. A convenient sampling method was employed to collect cross-sectional data. Our findings confirm the mediating role of hedonic motivation and the moderating role of personal innovativeness in shaping farmers' willingness to adopt new agricultural technologies. The results shed light on the complex interactions and interdependencies among these variables, providing valuable insights for policymakers, agricultural extension services, and researchers seeking to enhance technology adoption strategies in agricultural contexts.
Sumi Manomohanan Salila, Maria Monica M, Noor Un Nisa Abstract| Full Article| CitationAccreditation has become a hallmark of quality in health care organizations across the word even in developing countries. To enhance quality of care as well as to add value for the organization many centres are currently getting accredited by international organizations which provide accreditation. Health care organizations are competing to provide ‘safe and quality care’ as well as to reach highest level of customer satisfaction with excellent performance by the employees. During an accreditation process employees play a major role, and they are the key people for carry forward the benefit of accreditation. Most of the studies on accreditation has been based on how it enhanced quality of care and significantly limited investigated aspects of staff expectation and benefit of accreditation from their point of view. This study attempted to analyse this aspect of accreditation: what the staff expect during an accreditation process, benefits for them because of it and how much understanding do they have about accreditation. This study uses survey questionnaire to collect information for quantitative analysis. In this research survey will be done to analyse the effect of accreditation in improving the quality of care. This study recommends center, more research studies on effect of accreditation in specific to rehabilitation centres as well as specific to the accreditation bodies for e.g.: ‘like JCIA and CARF’. As well as to include various areas which can be impacted by accreditation including staff expectation in addition to quality of care, enhancement/addition of services, safety and patient satisfaction.
Published online: 16 August 2022
Original Articles : Dr. Noor Un Nisa, Sophia Abnerine J. Mendoza, Shakhnoza Shamsuddinova Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe aim of this paper is to provide a review of literature on the effect of 'greenwashing' on consumer various attitude towards their purchase. This paper will discuss the consequences of greenwashing on consumer purchase decision, more particularly its impact on consumer green trust, green consumer confusion, and green risk. The objective of this paper is to convey the gap in consumers' shopping behavior who are environmentally conscious. The first step was to evaluate the research on "greenwashing, green consumer confusion, green risk, and green trust, and the second step was to provide literature on assumptions settled by the study. Moreover, the study focuses on consumers who purchase environmentally friendly goods and highlights the consequences if organizations are using them.The findings of this study suggest limiting greenwashing to increase customers' faith in environmental issues. Advertising that claims to be "green" is more effective and can encourage sustainable purchases when consumers do not take "greenwashing, green misunderstanding, green danger, or a loss of green trust" into account. The conclusion showed that there were significant links between the five assumptions that were explored to determine the relationship.
Ammar Hassnain Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe efficacy of autocratic and democratic leadership styles has been investigated on the performance and motivation of employees, predominantly in the context of the society of Pakistan. Quantitative survey technique has been used in the current research. Primary data has been collected from a diverse sample (N=192) of employees from various organizations in Pakistan (both public and private), which supported the hypotheses. The study is causal and has been conducted to investigate the causal effects of autocratic and democratic leadership styles on the performance and motivation of employees. Pearson correlation (zero-order bivariate correlations) was calculated between autocratic and democratic leadership styles and employees' performance and motivation. Moreover, regression analysis was carried out to test all the hypotheses. Additional variance of each outcome was also observed. The results indicate that the democratic leadership style is positively related to the performance and motivation of employees. Efforts have been made so that my current research can act as an aid for practitioners; to adopt suitable leadership styles at their place of work. This research provides clear guidance to the managers that an authoritative leadership style will create a sense of contemptuousness in the subordinates, which is not appropriate to achieve optimal performance from juniors, in today's environment. Hence, instead of intimidating the subordinates, managers of today need to motivate and encourage their under-command staff, behave in more interactive, helpful, and friendly way, and allow empowerment for problem solving.
Nishwa Khan, Yumna Nadeem Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis study examines the relationship between online reviews and consumers ' buying patterns in the food business, with Trust Propensity (TP) functioning as a moderator. A sample size of 100 respondents was collected using a convenience sampling technique at a particular point in time, providing strong support for the hypothesis. The collected data was then examined using SPSS statistical software. The collected data was examined using SPSS to determine the mean, standard deviation, independent t tests, and moderation regression analysis. The data demonstrated that online reviews had a major impact on customer purchasing patterns. As a result, restaurant managers must pay special attention to client reviews posted online. However, further study in any other area might be undertaken to acquire a better knowledge of how online reviews may affect their operations. This study is significant as it provides useful insight into the impact of online reviews on consumer buying decisions in the food industry. Additionally, it is one of the first studies to explore TP as a potential moderator in this relationship. This research may be used as a reference for restaurant managers to tailor their marketing strategies accordingly for better customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Hastirullah Fitrah Abstract| Full Article| CitationLocated in the southern region of the island of Borneo, the province of South Kalimantan in Indonesia is renowned for its abundance of natural resources and rich agricultural history. Offering a wide variety of agricultural goods and commodities that considerably boost the local and national economy, this region is crucial to the country's agriculture industry. This study examines the complex interactions between farmers in Indonesia's South Kalimantan Province that are farmers' environmental orientation, and have attitudes towards agricultural prodution. Beliefs on climate change are a mediating element and have a moderating influence on innovativeness. Based on the diffusion of innovation theory, this study clarifies the crucial processes that farmers' environmental orientation and farmers attitudes toward agriculture production. Only farmers in the South Kalimantan Province of Indonesia provided the data, which would limit the conclusions' wider applicability. Additionally, SmartPLS is used in the study to analyze the data, which provides insightful information but can benefit from additional validation using a variety of analytical techniques. This study, which included 355 farmers in all, offered insightful information about the complex interactions between variables affecting agricultural production. The results show that farmers' attitudes towards agricultural production are highly influenced by their environmental orientation, with ideas about climate change serving as a mediating factor in this relationship. Furthermore, innovativeness moderates the relationship between agricultural attitudes and opinions about climate change. These revelations highlight the practical importance of encouraging environmental consciousness among farmers and have theoretical implications for understanding the farmer's attitudes toward agriculture production. Notwithstanding its limitations, the results of this study provide theoretical and practical insights into the challenges of promoting environmentally conscious farming in a changing global environment.
Published online: 19 May 2022
Original Articles : Suleiman Umar Suleiman, Kamal Tasiu Abdullahi Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis study sought to determine the effect of compensation on employee productivity in Albabello trading company, Unilever, Kano. However, the specific objectives of the study are: To determine the effects of reward system on employee productivity in Albabello trading company Unilever Kano, to identify the effect of motivation on employees' productivity in Albabello trading company Unilever Kano, and to investigate the effect of financial compensation on employees’ productivity in Albabello trading company. The research design adopted in the study is a survey research design; meanwhile, the total population used in the study was three hundred and ninety-nine (399). The sample size derived from the population was two hundred (200), and a convenient sampling technique was used for the selection of the sample. A structured questionnaire was developed and used as the instrument for data collection. The biodata of the respondents was analyzed using simple percentage and frequency counts, while the formulated hypotheses were tested using multiple regression analysis, descriptive statistics, and correlation analysis. The major findings include motivation is not effective in Albabello trading company Unilever Kano. The study recommends that Management should endeavor to apply an appropriate motivation system to improve and enhance employees’ productivity.
Romina Cheraghalizadeh, Jaroslava Dědková, Julie Holendová Abstract| Full Article| CitationMarketing trends have been changing over the last decades, and companies need to adapt themselves in order to remain competitive. In the last few years, social media has become one of the most important tools of marketing in many industries. The hotel industry is a dynamic and fast-growing sector, and the importance of social media in this industry is more pronounced. Social media allows hotels to provide information about their services to their customers and get immediate and direct feedback from them. The main aim of this research is to understand how hotels apply social media in order to attract and retain customers and how social media can affect their success. This research has been conducted in the Czech Republic, considering 4 and 5-star hotels. Data for this research was collected through interviews and also observation. Managers and hotel employees who had enough knowledge about the marketing and social media of the hotels were selected for interviews. Public pages of hotels on social media were also monitored in order to understand the contents and also the customers’ comments. The findings of this research can provide a better understanding about the importance of social media in the hotel industry and can provide beneficial implications in practice.
Ahmet Emre Bozkurt, Dr. Şafak Uf nü varvá Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis study investigated the relationships between demographic characteristics, personality traits, and job performances of travel agency employees using quantitative research methods. Personality traits are typically defined as people's descriptions of relatively stable patterns of behavior, thoughts, and emotions. Personality traits can be investigated in terms of the degree of each personality trait or interactions between personality traits. In this context, a questionnaire consisting of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), ROCI-II questionnaire, Employee Performance Scale (EPS), and some socio-demographic questions was applied to 399 participants ranging from agency directors to hotel sales personnel working in travel agencies operating in the tourism sector in Konya. As a result of the study, it was determined that the average scores of the participants' personality scale and the performance of the employees showed statistical differences according to some socio-demographic characteristics. In addition, in the study, it was determined that there was a statistically significant and negative relationship between employee performance and personality traits.
Mehdi Shojaei, Parisa Shojaeiá Abstract| Full Article| CitationKaizen (Japanese) means continuous improvement or change to achieve a better result and focuses on continuous improvement of the manufacturing, engineering, or business management process. Kaizen philosophy is based on the principle that the way of human life, including work life, social life and family life, should be continuously improved. The aim of this study is to path analyzed the effect of kaizen on improving employee performance. In this study, Kaizen was implemented in unit of one of the products of an automotive company in Iran, in 2018 and then its effect on the performance of the personnel was investigated. Data were analyzed by SPSS-22 and Lisrel-8.8 software using statistical path analysis. According to the findings, the final path model fitted based on CFI =0.25, RMSEA=0.51 index. Also among direct paths, Automation" with β=7.66 and "order at work (5S)" with -0.38 had the greatest and least impact on employees' performance, respectively. It is very important to use standard devices and tools to automate activities to have better results on employee performance. The overall impact of kaizen on performance is clear, but one way to determine which dimension has the greatest impact is through path analysis, so that by identifying direct and indirect effects on performance, we can focus more on identifying drivers and barriers to kaizen implementation. Convincing managers to implement kaizen in their system, teaching its implementation steps to managers and personnel with different views and expertise at different organizational levels. In fact, the impact of kaizen on the performance and productivity of the organization may take some time, but the officials of the organization expect to see the result of this implementation faster and have a significant increase, especially in the field of financial profit.
Hastirullah Fitrah́ Abstract| Full Article| CitationIn this cross-sectional quantitative research study, the researcher aimed to determine whether South Kalimantan Province in Indonesia serves as an optimal location for investigating the application of Internet of Things (IoT) technology in agriculture. The researcher also explored the effects of mass media and interpersonal sources, the moderating role of psychological capital and psychological capital theory, and the mediating influence of technological anxiety on farmers' adoption intentions of IoT in agriculture. Our data collection involved survey questionnaires administered to a sample of 305 farmers from South Kalimantan Province. Through rigorous Smart PLS (Partial Least Squares) analysis, we examined the complex interplay of variables in this context. Our findings will shed light on the suitability of this region for IoT in agriculture research and provide insights into the multifaceted factors that influence farmers' technology adoption decisions. This research contributes to the growing body of knowledge in the field of agricultural technology adoption and can inform policies and strategies aimed at fostering IoT adoption among farmers, not only in South Kalimantan but also potentially in other similar agricultural regions.
Published online: 22 February 2022
Original Articles : Helmy Tsany Abdillah, Daniel Hendrawan Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe study aims to explore the legal framework for the possibility to use digital currency as a guaranteed assets in case of bankruptcy as per Indonesian law. The digital currency is rising at rapid pace all over the world and its time to formulate, ammend laws related to firm bankruptcy laws which can use digital currency as guarantee assets. The sale of bankrupt assets (boedel pailit) in the form of digital currency is something that must be done to pay off all forms of debt in the event of bankruptcy. This study uses a normative juridical research method approach, namely by examining legal issues with library materials which include research on legal principles, legal systematics, and legal history along with online published material available in legal reports, books and journals. The content analysis technique was used for data analysis and results revealed several new regulations requirements to adjust this emerging legal need of time. Study provides multiple theoretical and practical implications and future research directions for the scholars, practitioners and policy makers.
Iftikhar Alam Khan, Alexandra Reyes, Arshiya Subhani Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis paper analyses how women in online gaming are essentially treated and seen through online games, video game culture, and within the gaming community. As an industry, online games have seen exponential growth and have become increasingly diversified over the past decade, especially in esports, which includes competitive online gaming. Despite this, it is still stereotyped as a male activity. With that being the case, a survey was handed out to female respondents to understand how marginalized women really are in online gaming and about the gender differences in the video game industry and how exactly that affects women. The results following the survey showed that women are, in fact, treated very differently than men, which oftentimes includes harassment and misogyny.
Rosa Fitriana Abstract| Full Article| CitationWith the changing era of the world, it has become necessary for every firm to remain updated and keep on searching for how it can better satisfy the customers’ needs than other firms; for this, it should be active in research and development. The goal of every firm is to reduce its costs as much as it can, and taxes are one of the highest costs due to which a firm cannot spend on many other activities. This study has focused on the impact of research and development on the financial performance of the firms along with the impact of tax avoidance on the financial performance of the firms in the firms from a non-financial sector of Pakistan. This study has explored more and tried to clarify the big question of that is there any impact of research and development on the financial performance of the firms that was answered in a mix in previous studies and also calculated the effective tax rate in another way rather than using the usual methods to pay taxes.
Asma zeeshan Abstract| Full Article| CitationUsing a sample of 466 non-financial firms from Pakistan Stock Exchange for the period from 2007 to 2017, this thesis examines the momentum effects by employing 25 momentum strategies. Furthermore, this thesis also used Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Carthart four factors model for risk factors analysis. The results of Carthart four factor model shows that there is a robust relationship between risk and returns because of systematic risk and likewise, the coefficient of size factor (SMB) positive and statistically highly significant implies that small minus big stock is explain the portfolios returns. Conversely, the coefficient of factors (HML) and momentum factors (MOM) negative and highly significant implies that the momentum and HML factor perfectly negatively explains the dependent variable and the momentum profits are almost vanished. Furthermore, it is concluded that Carhart models is able to define variation in stock return for above given factors and is appropriate for Pakistan Stock Exchange. The results of short term momentum monthly 25 momentum strategies as well as long term 16 Strategies indicates the in-existence of momentum in Pakistan stock. Furthermore, this thesis found that only 1/3 and 6/9 strategies produce abnormal return and this returns is due to systematic risk and manager performance respectively. This study concluded that all momentum portfolios confirmed that there are no momentums effects exist in Pakistan Stock Exchange. This study suggests that investors should avoid investing in Pakistan capital market based on momentum strategies. This thesis recommends that sample should be increased and used to daily stock, bond, commodities data to revisit the momentum effects. Furthermore, contrarian momentums as well as early and late stage momentum strategies should apply in order to see the existence and robustness of momentum.
Hui-Ru Chi, Hsuan-Pei Ho, Pei-Kuan Lin Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis paper explores the business strategies of car-sharing platforms between 2020 and 2021 during the COVID19 pandemic. The study conducted a systematic review and adopted a double-loop learning approach; it analyzes 217 online articles concerning Uber, Lyft, and Didi to demonstrate Safety, Scan, System, and Internal Support as Single-loop strategies, and the other Spread and External Support to composite the Double-loop strategies. The findings suggest that developing safe riding experiences, identifying and reducing threats through technology, realigning culture/structure through financial/community support, and expanding delivery services are necessary strategies to combat the pandemic. These new normal would provide managerial and policy implications on how businesses in the sharing economy sector adapt to the radical and dynamic environments.
Hastirullah Fitrah Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis cross-sectional, quantitative study investigates the intricate relationships between farmers' attitudes towards agriculture, sustainable farming practices, and the application of planned behavior theory, and how these factors are associated with their attitudes towards agriculture production and attachment. Additionally, the study explores the mediating and moderating roles of agriculture knowledge and technology adoption behavior. A sample of 373 farmers was collected through convenient sampling, and the data was analyzed using SmartPLS. The findings reveal several significant relationships and dynamics within the agricultural context. First, the study demonstrates that farmers' attitudes toward agriculture significantly influence their attitudes toward agriculture production, emphasizing the pivotal role of personal attitudes in shaping production-related decisions. Furthermore, attitudes towards agriculture also have a substantial impact on farmers' attachment to the agricultural domain, highlighting the emotional dimension of their connection to the profession. Sustainable farming practices emerged as a crucial factor, significantly affecting both attitudes towards agriculture production and attachment. This underlines the growing importance of eco-friendly and resource-efficient agricultural methods in shaping not only production processes but also farmers' emotional ties to the industry. Planned behavior theory, applied within the framework of this study, offers valuable insights into the interplay of attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control in influencing farmers' intentions and behaviors related to agriculture. This theoretical framework helps to explain the underlying motivations and decision-making processes of farmers in the agricultural context.
Published online: 25 November 2021
Original Articles : Iftikhar Alam Khan, Akilah Antoinnette G. Lapure, Arshiya Subhani Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis study aims to contribute to better enhance the experience of students in WhatsApp groups to utilize its benefits and ensure that students are well-informed about critical information. In this research, an online questionnaire is provided to university students that use academic WhatsApp groups in order to collect quantitative and qualitative data about their experience with WhatsApp. The survey received a total of 34 responses. The results showed that inconsistencies in sending updates, message flooding, and disorganized group chats lead to more students missing them. The survey showed results on which time students’ prefer to receive these updates or check on WhatsApp. Furthermore, it’s important to implement rules in student group chats while keeping these issues identified in mind. The survey lacked on why some issues occur for these students to miss some messages, and it also received a few responses. With that, the results may not be as accurate as the information gathered is limited.
Altaf Akbar Abstract| Full Article| CitationEconomic performance is one of the key factors for the growth of the country’s economy, which will only be affected by the Investment Climate (IC), and it will help the private sector to create different opportunities for employment, which will completely cut down the poverty alleviation from the country. The research aim is to know about the IC in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and merged areas and is planned to improve programs, policies, and regulatory reforms of the KP government, which is crucial for the betterment of developing private sectors and the data included in the cost of doing business, labor market, business governance, financial sector, investment level, and regulatory environment. This research shows the IC of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and merged areas by using cross-sectional data of about 37 people from formal and informal sectors, and the nature of this research is qualitative. Furthermore, factors of IC are infrastructure, labor skills, regulatory governance, institutions, and access to finance. It was concluded that a restricted IC would lead the country to poverty. Furthermore, the results of this research were quietly different from the other studies. The basic issues in the development of organizations, which can also be based for further in-depth analysis for the future, are border clearance & price competitiveness, custom duties & tax registration, basic utility issues, financial inclusion, law enforcement & local administration, financial & operational issues, training & development, Policymakers will get to know from the study findings that how to enhance firm productivity and IC which will automatically add value to the country sustainable growth.
Bachar Kahil Abstract| Full Article| CitationMergers and acquisitions are a global strategy that is followed by the different companies to fulfill the needs of the business environment. This strategy important in Pakistan in the financial and non-financial sectors. The main aim of this research is to evaluate the effect of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) on the financial performance of the non-financial and financial sectors in Pakistan. In this research paper, we use 10 financial ratios such as Return On Equity (ROE), Return On Assets (ROA), Net Profit Margin (NPM), Total asset turn over, Equity Multiplier (EM), Dividend Per Share (DPS), Earning Per Share (EPS), Debt Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio (D/E Ratio) and Capital Ratio to measure the financial performance. We use a t-test for before and after -merger comparisons. We get financial data of 18 companies listed in the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX). Finding shows that due to M&A, there is an insignificant difference in the financial performance of the selected firms.
Published online: 26 August 2021
Original Articles : Muhammad Zeeshan Abbas, Muhammad Ahmad-ur-Rehman, Buthina Alobidyeen, Saqib Mehmood Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis study investigated the influence of Social Media Marketing Activities on consumer’s response, intentions to buy, and mediating role of brand equity towards the apparel brands. This research explores these relationships by scrutinizing the top fifteen apparel brands on social media in Pakistan. An online structured questionnaire was developed on google form with five elements of social media marketing activities, three dimensions of Brand Equity, three sizes of consumer response, and intentions to buy. This study shows a positive and significant relationship between social media marketing activities, consumer response, buying intentions, and brand equity. The study results also show that up-to-date businesses have gradually considered social media platforms as a capable and efficient way to promote and meet the target population.
Ioannis G. Kroustalis, Demetres N. Subeniotis Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis study analyzes the price discovery process of credit risk in sovereign Credit Default Swap (CDS) and bond markets of peripheral and core European countries. We consider an extensive time sample that begins with the transformation of the global financial crisis to a debt crisis in Eurozone and ends shortly before the outburst of COVID-19 pandemic crisis. To investigate the relative efficiency between CDS and bond market in credit risk pricing, we apply co-integration and Granger causality methods utilizing rolling windows. We obtain dynamic price discovery measures which allow us to identify the leading market in price discovery in a time-varying context and, thus, to detect potential alternations in the direction of influence from CDS to bond market and vice versa. Indeed, we find that the dominant market in terms of pricing and informational efficiency depends on the examined period, while CDS market leadership is more frequently observed during periods of increased risk and economic uncertainty. To examine the determinants of the leading market in price discovery, we estimate a Log it regression model using a set of economic variables as explanatory factors. The empirical results reveal that the funding cost and the level of systemic risk in financial markets positively affects the probability of CDS market leadership. The level of volatility in stock markets negatively affects the pricing efficiency of the CDS market in core European countries, while its effect is insignificant in peripheral countries. Relative liquidity between CDS and bond market and counter party risk also have significant effect on the determination of the leading market. However, the sign of the effect depends on the country concerned. Overall, the conclusions of this study provide useful insights for investment, funding, and regulation decisions to participants in sovereign credit risk market.
Rosa Fitriana Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis research attempts to ascertain the impact of different determinants of dividends on dividend payout policy in Pakistan. The total attention given to this study includes only all non-financial firms which are listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX). The sample of this study is 120 non-financial firms listed on the PSX, and the data for five years was accumulated on a yearly basis. The time period of data was from the year 2011 to 2015. In e-views software t-test has been done. The paper assists the management of the company in knowing how much firm size, financial leverage, and profitability impacts the dividend payout policy of a firm because, in most of the research paper related to dividend payout policy in the context of Pakistan, results revealed that financial leverage and profitability had an insignificant relationship with dividend payout policy. The study shows that timely dividend payments will improve the company's image in the long run.
Iftikhar Alam Khan, Allelee Flores, Arshiya Subhani Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis study aims to ϐind out the correlation and relationship between social interactions inside Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPG) and their effects on aspects of mental health. This study will revolve and focus around three mental health aspects, loneliness, depression, and social anxiety. This study uses a quantitative methodology. An online questionnaire was given out to people who play MMORPGs (n=50). Social Interactions inside MMORPGs give supportive and positive validations to those who have or are part of any mental health aspect, and respondents who don't ϐit in any mental health category are still affected by the effects of social interactions. On the different categories of social interactions, most participants agreed that this helped their mental health and day-to-day lives. The results have shown mainly positive and supporting effects. There are no methods of social interactions inside MMORPG games that negate or invalidate mental health. Though not all participants strongly agreed or simply agreed that this helped with their mood, it is worthy of note that no participant answered that social interactions didn't help them either. Other answers were simply just neutral but never negative. This paper talks widely and in-depth about mental health and measures each aspect by the level of severity. This study can expand to topics and conversations of how gaming in general, certain games, or certain attitudes while gaming could be the reason or factor for either worsening, intensifying, improving, or recovering a participant from their mental health.
Published online: 19 May 2021
Original Articles : Wang Juan, Li Li Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe purpose of this study is to examine the effects of capital structure, equity structure, talent attraction, intangible assets, and firm size on the financial performance of cultural media companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange from The impact of an intangible asset on financial performance 2012-2019. This article uses a multiple linear regression model to study the relationship between various influencing factors and company performance. It was found that the factors affecting the financial performance of cultural media companies listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges, Current ratio and Company size are positively influenced, Asset-liability ratio, Intangible asset ratio, The average of Top management team' education degree, and the ratio of employees with bachelor’s degrees or higher degrees are negatively correlated. At present, many empirical studies on factors affecting financial performance have not reached a consistent conclusion. Many studies have begun to develop into specific industries and fields, and the culture media industry is locked in perspective to explain the correlation between factors that affect financial performance. Provide a reference for the research of the later culture media industry perspective.
Mohsen Mohammadi, Toshio Fujimi, Ryuji Kakimoto Abstract| Full Article| CitationValue of Statistical Life (VSL) benefits from saving one life stated in monetary terms at a specific risk level. This concept is an essential tool for policymakers in the cost-benefit analysis used in many developed countries. However, the VSL concept is still missing or less applied to developing countries where people are exposed to various risks compared to developed countries. This study employed a meta-regression analysis using VSL in developing countries and some developed countries to clarify the effects of different variables such as annual income, annual work hours, and age on VSL. Meta-regression analysis was decided based on the distribution of each variable. Across all the studies, annual working hours and age were distributed normally. In contrast, VSL and annual income had a logarithmic distribution, leading to applying a log-log model using logarithmic transformation of VSL and annual income in the analysis. The results indicate that the VSL in developing countries has a positive and strong correlation with income, while the correlation between VSL and annual working hours is negative, meaning that with increasing annual working hours, the VSL will decrease.
Erna Pujihartanti Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis research is motivated by the phenomenon of service problems that have not been maximized at PT KAI Daop 2 Bandung for people with disabilities, breastfeeding mothers, and the elderly. Through an organizational development strategy in improving the quality of rail transportation services at PT KAI Daop 2 Bandung, it aims to realize the expectations of rail service users to get maximum service, and PT KAI Daop 2 Bandung is able to become one of the cheapest means of transportation with services that cover all layers of society in West Java. This study uses the theory of organizational development proposed by Edward Hampton. According to Edward Hampton (Organization Development at Work, 2003-28.29), it is clear that the dimensions of sustainable organizational development, namely systematic, empathetic and competent, have a positive and very large impact on organizational development at PT KAI Daop 2 Bandung. lo The researcher used the descriptive analysis method with a case study approach. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, observations, literature studies and document studies. The strategic analysis carried out in this study uses TOWS analysis, with the final result being to produce an organizational development strategy in improving the quality of rail transportation services at PT KAI Daop 2. The results of this study are 1). PT KAI developing an organization is not enough with just three variables, the Coordination dimension in organizational development is needed to improve service quality at PT KAI. In an organization, every leader needs to coordinate activities to its members, aiming to launch tasks and authority. Organizational development in improving Railway transportation services is always far-sighted. This requires determination and initiative to always be open to new opportunities, revitalize competitiveness, renew competencies, and develop a sustainable business foundation. 2). The results of the TOWS analysis are in Quadrant I so that the strategy applied is systematic organizational development, has a sense of empathy, competence and coordination. Without coordination in each work, the company's goals will not be achieved.
Published online: 15 February 2021
Original Articles : Shazmina Saher, Shahbaz Masih, Valliappan Raju Abstract| Full Article| CitationAs diversity and complexity are increasing in organizations, so there is increased demand for leaders who can face the challenges and maneuver the followers to accomplish organizational objectives. Dark leadership is becoming the emerging area of today’s research, as it affects the personal life of employees, and has been ignored. This research study establishes the connection to measure the well-being of employees by predicting through Despotic Leadership (DL). Building the base on the Social Exchange Theory (SET), this study includes the PS as an intervening variable to explore how effects of DL travel from professional life to family lives of workers, which results in reduced well-being. The study examines the moderating effect of emotional intelligence on the relation between DL and PS. Two wave surveys of time lags were conducted to collect the data from 384 nurses of the hospital industry of Pakistan. SPSS 20 and AMOS 15 were applied for data analysis. The findings of the study show that DL significantly and negatively influences the well-being of employees through the intervention of PS. Emotionally intelligent individuals have better control over PS. This study contributes by giving a relational process model and can be implemented in hospitals to improve the well-being of nurses.
Farideh Asadi, Majid Moradi, Davoud Ghorjizadeh Abstract| Full Article| CitationLiquidity is one of the important variables in investors' decisions to evaluate risk and return on securities. High liquidity in a stock exchange is the success of that market in clarifying and approaching the price of securities to their intrinsic value. Stock with high liquidity naturally carries less risk. Because it has a high speed of chang- ing to liquidity. Therefore, investors try to select a stock with high liquidity to escape risk. The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of unregistered assets and information transparency on a firm's performance and stock liquidity in the listed firms in the Tehran Stock Exchange. This research was conducted in the period 2011-2018. The objective of this research is applied and the methodology is content correlation based on its type. The research was conducted within the framework of deductive-inductive reasoning. In addition, panel analysis was used to analyze hypotheses. The results of testing hypotheses showed that the unregistered assets Research and Development (R&D) costs index, firm's development, and capital costs index) had a positive and significant effect on the stock liquidity. However, they did not have a significant effect on the firm's performance. Moreover, the results showed that information transparency did not have a significant effect on the firm's performance but has a positive and significant effect on the stock liquidity.
Saba Saira, Muhammad Tayyab, Maham Hafeez, Kashif Rehman Cheema Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe purpose of the study was to examine the influence of antifragility and cross-cultural adaptability on employee engagement, directly and in the moderated mediation role of perceived insider status. A self-designed question- naire was utilized to collect data from 207 employees from Land Record Department, Punjab, Pakistan. The collected data was analysed through confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling technique by utilizing AMOS as well as the moderating effects were evaluated through using Process Macro. Findings revealed that antifragility and cross-cultural adaptability has positive direct as well as indirect effect on employee engagement. Also, the moderating role of perceived organizational support is proved. This study has both theoretical and practical contributions, especially with reference to new model in Land Record Department of Punjab, Pakistan. This study will be valuable for Government of Punjab as well as other provincial Government for proper management of employees at Tehsil Land Records Centre level moreover its helpful for policy makers and administrator to appropriately deal with employees’ engagement and perceived insider status in consideration of antifragility and cross cultural adaptability. These findings cannot be generalized as study is conducted in Land Record Department of Punjab, Pakistan. Organizations can improve the level of employees’ engagement by focusing on antifragility, cultural adaptability, and perceived insider status at tehsil level.
Thomas Moser Abstract| Full Article| CitationAs diversity and complexity are increasing in organizations, so there is increased demand for leaders who can face the challenges and maneuver the followers to accomplish organizational objectives. Dark leadership is becoming the emerging area of today’s research, as it affects the personal life of employees, and has been ignored. This research study establishes the connection to measure the well-being of employees by predicting through Despotic Leadership (DL). Building the base on the Social Exchange Theory (SET), this study includes the PS as an intervening variable to explore how effects of DL travel from professional life to family lives of workers, which results in reduced well-being. The study examines the moderating effect of emotional intelligence on the relation between DL and PS. Two wave surveys of time lags were conducted to collect the data from 384 nurses of the hospital industry of Pakistan. SPSS 20 and AMOS 15 were applied for data analysis. The findings of the study show that DL significantly and negatively influences the well-being of employees through the intervention of PS. Emotionally intelligent individuals have better control over PS. This study contributes by giving a relational process model and can be implemented in hospitals to improve the well-being of nurses.
Published online: 15 December 2020
Original Articles : Mark Wever Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis study evaluates the impact of FFP on consumer behavior. It assesses determiners and moderators of effective FFP design in a representative customer survey (n = 502) of Miles & More members in Germany. The study finds that FFP impact all levels of the customer behavior chain, particularly customer attitude, brand image, booking behavior, customer loyalty, sustainable customer relationships, and passengers' value perception. FFP building blocks interact: Service, status, and monetary awards must be effectively combined to maximize customer impact. A broad and far-reaching partner network and transparent redemption options are essential to convince cus- tomers of the program's value. Airline safety and quality are additional essential determiners of customer booking and loyalty behavior. FFP mainly addresses frequently flying business customers on short-distance flights. Airlines should develop their programs to appeal to this customer group and ensure perceived FFP honesty by transparent and reliable redemption conditions and a comprehensive service package awarding loyal customers reliably. Wever, M. (2020). The Effect of frequent flyer programs on consumer behavior in the German airline market. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(6), 222-235. |
Walaa Khoder Kattar, Ahmet Diken Abstract| Full Article| CitationEven though the Industrial Revolution started in Britain, American firms overtake British firms so spectacularly, and the US has become the world's leading economic power. The purpose of the present article is to explore Some Historical Events During the Industrial Revolution and try to find the reasons behind the advance of the US-based on reliable data and numbers. In this study, we used secondary data from the previous literature review of the effectiveness of US Firms and UK Firms in the market since the Industrial Revolution. After examining numerous articles, books, blogs, and data related to the subject, we find that natural sources like America's large landmass, the diversity of US population, the availability of mineral sources followed by numerous reasons as technological innovation capability, dynamic financial system, well-spread infrastructure, transportation stand behind the superpower economy of the United States. Kattar, W. K., & Diken, A. (2020). Why have USA firms been more effective than the UK firms in the market since the industrial revolution? Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(6), 236-245. |
Jihan A. Labrador, Thelma O. Alderite Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe study endeavored to explore the institutional internationalization efforts through the top management leadership skills and faculty research capability among the State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in Region XI. The quantitative component made use of survey questionnaires administered to 400 participants. The method used was descriptive, correlational, and multi-regression analysis as it delved to test the theory of leadership skills among the SUCs heads, faculty research capability, and their relationship to institutional internationalization efforts. There were 10 participants involved in the in-depth interview and seven informants for focus group discussion to examine their lived experiences as they engaged in research, their experiences with the leadership of their heads, and how these experiences shaped their attitudes, commitment, and aspirations concerning institutional internationalization efforts. A triangulation mixed-method design was used to compare and corroborate the results. Findings had shown that top management leadership skills and faculty research capability influenced the institutional internationalization efforts among SUCs in Region XI. Future studies may venture into the influence of emerging variables from qualitative findings. This includes variables like innovative leadership and creative services. Labrador, J. A.., & Alderite, T. O. (2020). Working towards internationalization through the top management leadership skills and faculty research capability: A convergent parallel design. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(6), 246-263. |
Fanghan Liu, Lingyu Qian, Tai Ren Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis paper aims to analyze the relationship between the development of human capital and local innovation across China. Based on provincial panel data collected from 2000 to 2016, a multivariate regression model was constructed based on the OLS method to explore the correlation between human capital development and innovation level on a provincial level. Regression results display a significant positive correlation between the development of human capital and the improvement of local innovation level in the past 16 years. After taking into account other determinants of innovation, including the Gross Domestic Product, industrial structure, tax level, and regional openness, the positive relationship is still robust. On this ground, this paper further discussed regional heterogeneity that existed across China by dividing the provinces into Eastern, Middle, and Western regions according to geographical locations. The regression results showed that human capital generally facilitates the innovation progress across China, and its influence is especially significant in the Western region, followed by the East region. The researchers also used alternative indicators of innovation and human capital to increase the main findings' robustness. Meanwhile, the researchers also added interactive terms to the regression model and jointly discussed the influence of external factors such as marketization and high-tech industries on the beneficial effect of human capital. The results show that a highly market-oriented economy and a high proportion of high-tech industries' contribution to GDP will encourage local innovation. Our research indicates that the government should focus on the development of human capital and industrial upgrading in order to promote the local innovation level, especially in the eastern and western regions.
Published online: 20 October 2020
Original Articles : Seidou Hafissou Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe main goal of this study is to investigate the influence of store formats and sales promotion on consumers selecting a retail store. The data was collected through an online survey of 230 Indomaret consumers in Bandung and were analyzed using SmarPLS 3. The results reveal that both store format and sales promotion significantly influence consumers' purchase decisions. This current study also shows many students as Indomaret consumers with indicators such as coupons, shopper cards, products line, and customer care that strongly influence the purchase decision. The research results of the present study will contribute to better understanding the incidence of consumers' perception of store formats benefits on their decision to make shopping over sales promotion, thus allowing retailers to perform sales promotion as a perfect technique for boosting their sales effectively. Although sales promotion better impacts consumers' purchase decisions than store format, it's a short-term tool that should be used with great caution so as not to tarnish the brand image. Consequently, this research contributes to the advancement of knowledge, particularly in retailing, by establishing the effect of the store format and sales promotion on consumers' purchasing decisions in an Asian country. Hafissou, S. (2020). The impact of store formats and sales promotion towards consumer’s purchase decision: Case study of Indomaret in Bandung city.Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(5), 164-175. |
Huma Mahmood, Rusni Hassan, Syed Ahmed Salman Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis study aims to examine the prospects of Islamic microfinance in India. The quantitative method is employed, and primary data is collected through a questionnaire. The probability sampling method is used. Out of 500 questionnaires disbursed, 303 are received. The result of the questionnaire shows that the majority of the public believes Islamic Microfinance Institutions (IMFIs) will aid the poor financially, poverty will be alleviated, it will be beneficial to the society, and will help micro SMEs become more developed. Similarly, the majority of the respondents also agreed to IMFIs being ethical, meant for all religions, catering to the needs of the society, and help to extend loans without collaterals. This reflects that Islamic Microfinance holds great potential and prospects and will be widely accepted by the public and also the Indian market. Policymakers should consider IMFIs, establish guidelines and promulgate them as this can pave the way to a financially more stable India. The limitation of the study is that the outreach was among people with access to the internet. Therefore, people with no internet and education could not be included in the perception of those in rural areas. Hence, future research will fulfill this lacuna. Mahmood, H., Hassan, R., & Ahmed Salman, S. (2020). Prospects of Islamic Microfinance: A Study in India.Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(5), 176-187. |
Majid Moradi, Zohreh Sayyad Abstract| Full Article| CitationCorporates Social Responsibility (CSR) and the role of the business units have expanded in society along with global trade development. In addition, significant international development has occurred in the CSR movements, and this development is observable in the research evolution of CSR transparently. This research aims at assessing the viewpoints and models of the concept of social responsibilities. This research is applied according to the fundamental objective, is research-based on its nature, and the data collection method is the librarian. The research findings showed that according to the financial collapse and scandal of some companies such as Enron at the beginning of the 21st century, discussion about the rank of CSR in the global economy, particularly the international corporates, has increased to improve the social and environmental conditions. The objective of corporates is to increase efficiency and profit. Negligence to the social and environmental issues and similar cases makes problems for the corporate and undoubtedly influences the activities and mission of the corporate, as well as its success. It is recommended to the manufacturing corporates to search for the root changes of this factor in other factors and know that if other facilities and conditions of social responsibility are tracked correctly, this factor will go on effectively along with the social responsibility. Moradi, M., & Sayyad, Z. (2020). Investigating the various models and viewpoints of the corporates social responsibilities.Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(5), 188-196. |
Nattapat Chanchotiyan, Kavin Asavanant Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis paper aimed to 1) study the factors of family business successor readiness and 2) investigate the obstacles that are mostly found during the succession process and factors that lead to successful succession in family business from successors' perspectives. The study was undertaken in Thailand among eight family business succes- sors who ran medium to large-size family businesses based on qualitative research. They already had a successful transition in their family businesses. The participants were selected by purposive sampling technique; including family business successors from pharmaceutical industry, tea industry, packaging industry, energy industry, food processing industry, and shoe industry. The findings revealed that nine factors contribute to the successor's readiness: 1) working experience in the family company, 2) working experience in other company, 3) industry-specific knowledge, 4) reward or cash compensation, 5) personal interests or needs, 6) commitment to the company, 7) relationship among family members, 8) family harmony, and 9) trust in successor's ability. By addressing these nine factors appropriately from both the predecessors and successors, the family business will ensure its continuity into the future. Chanchotiyan, N., & Asavanant, K. (2020). The factors of family business successor readiness and how their impact on the business transition from successors’ perspectives.Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(5), 197-204. |
Petra Růčková, Nicole Skuláňová Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis article aims to analyze the financial structure of companies belonging to the second and third sectors. The issue of funding sources is one of the fundamental decisions of financial managers and has been a much-debated topic in the last century. A number of studies have been written throughout this period, but there is still no consensus, and there is still a need to expand this area with new knowledge for other countries and sectors. The analysis covers medium and large companies engaged in the automotive industry and is located in eleven selected countries, including the Visegrád Group, Austria, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Germany, Italy, and France. The period under review is between 2010 and 2018. The input data come from the Orbis and World Bank database. The research deals with the impact of profitability, liquidity, asset structure, non-debt tax shield, GDP, inflation, and basic interest rate on the total, long-term, and short-term debt of companies. Panel regression using the GMM method is used to determine the impact of individual factors on debt levels. The main conclusion of the research is that companies in both sectors are mainly affected by the determinants of the external environment, most of all by changes in interest rates. This research builds on existing knowledge and seeks to disseminate it by focusing on specific sectors. From a practical point of view, the results of the research could help companies from the researched sector to optimize their sources of financing with regard to the influence of external determinants, which proved to be more significant. Růčková, P., & Skuláňová, N. (2020). What determines leverage in selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe in the automotive industry.Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(5), 205-221. |
Published online: 12 August 2020
Original Articles : Aisyah, Adi Mursalin, Dina Octaviani Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis study aimed to determine and analyze the influence of organizational culture and motivation on employee performance, especially employees of PT. Pontianak Harbor. The unit of analysis in this study is the employees of PT. Pontianak Port as many as 92 employees with a purposive sampling technique. Measurement of variables using a Likert scale with multiple linear regression analysis using Social Sciences Statistical Package (SPSS). The results showed that organizational culture variables positively and significantly affected employee performance, so did motivation variables emphatically and affect employee performance substantially. Cultural variables and motivation together (simultaneously) have a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees of PT. Pontianak Harbor. Based on the results of this study, the implications for PT. Pontianak harbor is that in supporting organizational culture and motivation, it is also necessary to pay attention to and improve the quality of the potential employees of PT. Pontianak harbor, for example, by providing opportunities to continue attending education and participating in various training courses on risk management related explicitly to risk so this can improve the performance of PT. Pontianak port. Aisyah, Mursalin, A., & Octaviani, D. (2020). Effect of corporate culture and work motivation of employee performance of PT. pontianak harbor. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(4), 109-116. |
Beenish Arshad, Muhammad Ali, Amna Niazi Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe present study investigates the mediating role of team monitoring in intra-team trust and team effort relationships. Intra-team trust influences coordination between team members, while team monitoring is a process to assess and evaluate team processes and performance. This research analyzes whether team monitoring influences the trust-effort relationship in ongoing teams of organizations in Pakistan. A field survey approach was used to test the research hypothesis. Data were collected from a sample of 100 team members and supervisors of 20 ongoing teams in organizations of different sectors. In order to explain the association between variables, the model was tested using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS. The findings showed that hypothesized model fit reasonably well based on comparison fit indices. The results show that team monitoring significantly influences the relationship between intra-team trust and team effort for teams operational in chosen organizations. The study adds valuable insights to the existing literature on team dynamics by analyzing the aforementioned relationships in the South Asian organizational context. Arshad, B., Ali, M., & Niazi, A. (2020). Team monitoring useful or not useful? Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(4), 117-128. |
Shiqi Zhou, Songsak Siriboonchitta, WoraphonYamaka, Paravee Maneejuk Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe current study explores the impact of cultural industries on economic and employment growth in China using the data from 2004Q1-2018Q4, taking the quarterly data of National culture and related industries value-added, employment, and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as the main variables. In this study, we choose to work with the production function approach. The simultaneous equations are used to consider the impact of cultural industries on the economy and employment, and the lasso regression is used to screen out the factors that can most affect the economy and employment. The empirical results demonstrate a positive impact of national culture and related industries' value-added on the economic growth and employment growth in China. In the current era, the cultural industry can exert its industrial characteristics, drive the innovation and development of related industries, promote the transformation and upgrading of the industrial structure, and change the mode of economic development. Therefore, studying the factors affecting the development of the cultural industry has important theoretical and practical significance. Zhou, S., Siriboonchitta, S., Yamaka, W., & Maneejuk, P. (2020). The impact of cultural industry on economic and employment growth in China. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(4), 129-137. |
Christine Natalia, Chendrasari Wahyu Oktavia, Trifenaus Prabu Hidayat, Welhelmina Makatita Abstract| Full Article| CitationIn this study, the supply chain risk management model will be integrated using HOR and ANP model. HOR phase 1 is used to determine which risk agent will be prioritized in advance for precautionary measures and ANP to obtain the best alternative action. ANP is a tool to determine the correlation between risk mitigation and hence rank that mitigation based on the priorities. The second phase of HOR determines the correlation between risk mitigation and the event risk and its effectiveness based on its degree of difficulty to be applied. This study is conducted on 3 reputable manufacturing industries to be compared and analyzed. HOR2 is intended to prioritize the proactive actions that the company should pursue to maximize the cost-effectiveness of the effort in dealing with the selected risk agents in HOR 1. This research shows that risks apply differently to each company. Hence, the ANP ranking is different. Mitigation risk’s rank is determined from the second phase of HOR as it has considered the correlation aspect of risk agents and its degree of difficulty to be mitigated. Finally, special actions are applied to various risks, such as performance appraisal to the staff. Further study is needed, such as by ISM method in order to make mitigation actions are focused on the companies. Natalia, C., Oktavia, C. W., Hidayat, T. P., & Makatita, W. (2020). Risk management model development by integrating House of Risk model and ANP model. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(4), 138-149. |
Xiaotong Xi Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis paper studies the consequences of income inequality on life quality in a subset of selected countries. Specifically, I examine the impact of (log) GDP per capita and the Gini coefficient of income inequality on a set of life quality indicators. This paper relies on the data from the World Bank, which provides statistics for almost all the information that is required for inequality and other measures of living standards for different countries around the world. The data was collected from 2010, as it gives the best trade-off between being the most recent and not having too much missing data. First, both life expectancy and infant mortality are improved when there is less inequality, and the country is wealthier. Second, the effect on crime statistics is more mixed. While theft increases with GDP per capita, the inequality does not seem to play a role; conversely, homicide increases in inequality but remains unaffected by GDP. Results indicate that the influence of Gini co-efficient and log GDP per capita may vary among different categories of crime. The R-squared shows that the two factors could only explain 35.7% of changes in the homicide rate. Plausible explanations for these empirical observations are offered throughout the paper. The unavailability of data could also be a factor that influences the final results, particularly for Gini co-efficient; out of the 216 existing countries, I only gather the full set of data for 84 of them. Therefore, access to more data could further improve my results. Xi, X. (2020). The cross-sectional impact of income inequality on life quality indicators. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(4), 153-163. |
Published online: 29 June 2020
Original Articles : Mohd Helmi Masor, Norliya Ahmad Kassim Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe Institutional Repositories (IR) is a new scholarly communications platform for disseminating the digital contents of a university and academic institution. This study aims to measure the perceptions on six success factors of IR (knowledge sharing, self-archiving, IR usage, IR policy, IR procedure, and copyright awareness) and IR performance among academicians in a Malaysian university and to seek the relationship between success factors of IR and IR performance. A set of questionnaires was distributed to selected academicians in one large faculty of information management in a Malaysian university. The results found that self-archiving, IR policy, and IR procedure are the most preferred response by the respondents, while it was also revealed that IR policy was positively and strongly correlated with IR procedure. The strong relationship between IR policy and IR procedure shows that positive perceptions will help enhance IR performance. The result is significant to the academic libraries in enhancing their repository services and measuring the performance of the university’s research activities. Masor, M. H., & Kassim, N. A. (2020). Measuring success factors and performance of institutional repositories. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(3), 78-83. |
Ivy Hawah Taana, Valliappan Raju Abstract| Full Article| CitationProject Management (PM) has become popular as an important management concept driving the economic development agenda of nations and corporate organizations using it to successfully drive their business objectives. As a result, it is quite worrying for a country like Ghana or an organization to adopt these important concepts in the Project Management Methodology (PMM) and still register a high level of project failure. This study aims to look at the factors of project management methodologies that are more likely to lead to project success in Ghana. The work is underpinned by the Capability Maturity Model and extant literature to know the factors of project management methodologies that are likely to lead to project success in Ghana. This conceptual framework requires future work that requires the collection of empirical data subjected to descriptive and inferential statistics through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to validate the model. The researchers thus proposed a model that can be used to assess the success of projects in Ghana with empirical data. Taana, I. H., & Raju, V. (2020). Determinants of project management methodologies and its effects on project success in Ghana–A conceptual paper. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(3), 84-94. |
Adi Mursalin, Zulfahmi, Dina Octaviani, Naiyun Hunting Utama Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis research aims to know how The Perceived Usefulness (PU) and the perceived easy use of Edmodo influence the students' intention To use edmodo in learning at fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Panca Bhakti. The method used is quantitative and analyzes the relationship between independent variables with the dependent variable; the measurement method uses a Likert scale by taking 200 respondents from the existing population as a research sample. For the regression test, the researcher uses statistical analysis with SPSS program. Perceived usefulness has a positive and significant impact on behavioral intention to use Edmodo, which has the ability of p-values 0.000 < 0.05. While perceived ease of use has a positive and significant effect on behavioral intention to use edmodo, that is having the ability of p-values value 0.000 > 0.05. Suggestions for further researchers relevant to this title are to add variables or other factors such as a trust for students that can affect or improve the students' performance. Mursalin, A., Zulfahmi., Octaviani, Dina., & Utama , N. H. (2020). The influence of the perceived usefulness and the perceived easy use of edmodo on the students’behavioral intention to use edmodo in learning (Students of Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Panca Bhakti Pontianak). Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(3), 95-103. |
Ramazan Yanik, Asfia Binte Osman, Ozcan Ozturk Abstract| Full Article| CitationPurchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) is an indicator to measure the health of an economy. PMI is considered by policymakers and related bodies as it is an influential indicator for gauging the general tendency of the economy, especially GDP growth and Industrial Added Value. This study examines whether the manufacturing PMI has any influence on the stock market of Turkey or vice versa. We use the secondary sources of information collected from the official website of BIST, Turkey for Stock Index data and “” for Manufacturing PMI data. The study covers monthly data ranging from April 2015 to February 2019. We test the causality between Manufacturing PMI and BIST index by employing the Granger Causality Test. Our analysis reveals that manufacturing PMI does not granger cause the Turkish Stock Index but the Turkish Stock index or the stock market does granger cause manufacturing PMI. This study is the first attempt by the authors, which covers data of manufacturing PMI from April 2015 to February 2019 as no further data is available to be dealt with. Yanik, R., Osman, A. B., & Ozturk, O. (2020). Impact of manufacturing PMI on stock market index: A study on Turkey. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(3), 104-108. |
Published online: 8 April 2020
Original Articles : Kuo Tsung-Nien Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis paper constructs the evaluation research on Online Travel Agency (OTA) through the validative example of on the innovative 3-tier business model, which consists of a competitive advantage facet, a conceptual model, and a financial model. Competitive advantage is the most important core concept in the field of business strategy, and it is also the sum of the performance of enterprises in the competitive market. The conceptual model describes the idea of a new business which is useful to explain a business. The financial model provides the new business numbers, which makes the business model accountable and measurable. By integrating the financial model and the conceptual model, the overall synergy of competitive advantage is exerted. The findings show that the OTA enterprises continuously develop in the process, broaden the market space of Internet travel services, and provide more consumption options and travel experience for tourists, thereby creating more value for the tourism industry. Simultaneously, this paper also analyzes the evolution law of the innovative business model on OTA, and is taken as a case study example to validate the proposed business model. The research conclusion can be used as a theoretical reference for the development of the OTA enterprises. And we believe that this paper will stimulate future empirical research on this important topic and positive implications for managers and policymakers of firms. Tsung-Nien, K. (2020). Research on evaluation of innovative 3-tier business model on online travel agency. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(2), 43-53. |
Faisal Asghar, Mubeen Asif, Muhammad Haseeb Aslam, Rao Qamar Bahadur, Khalid Mahmood Abstract| Full Article | CitationExchange Rate (ER) stability is an important factor in determining the economic position of an economy. Speculation in the exchange rate shows the poor performance of a country. A change in the exchange rate may affect the inflation as well as interest rate in the country, and Pakistan is not an exception to this relationship. In this paper, we have tried to examine the impact of the exchange rate on the trade balance. We used the data for 30 years and tested the relationship with the help of correlation and regression. The findings show that Pakistan is continuously facing a trade balance deficit, and the correlation is highly negative. This means that the small open economy of Pakistan has a low saving rate, and thus, NX (the trade balance) is negative. This is due to the continuous depreciation of currency or, in other words, due to an increase in the exchange rate. Continuously increasing in the exchange rate causes the increase in the interest rate, and this cause less saving in which import increase to fulfill the investment gap and thus our trade balance goes to negative. Asghar, F., Asif, M., Aslam, M. H., Bahadur, R. Q., & Mahmood, K. (2020). Does exchange rate effects the trade balances really? Evidence from Pakistan. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(2), 54-60. |
Kamal Tasiu Abdullahi, Suleiman Umar Suleiman Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis study aims to determine the impact of benefit on capital structure of recorded cement firms in Nigeria and descriptive and ex-post facto design to establish the firm's distinctiveness of capital structure among Nigeria's cement firms. Also, correlation and regression analysis will be used for this research. The research adopted descriptive and ex-post-facto design to establish the firms' capital structure characteristics among the cement firms in Nigeria. The ex-post facto design is used to establish the impact between the leverage (dependent variable) and Profitability, Firm size, Tangibility of assets, Firm growth, and Liquidity. The result produces proof to accept the null hypothesis, in hypothesis one, which states that firm profitability has no significant impact on the capital structure of cement firms in Nigeria. By implication, the alternative hypothesis, which states vice versa to the above, should be rejected. Capital structure is one of the successful apparatuses of administration to oversee the fetches of capital. An ideal capital structure is achieved when the capital cost is not much. Even though a few ponders have been done on the determinants of capital structure, imperative questions remain on what are the determinants of the capital structure of firms in different sector. Abdullahi, K. T., & Suleiman, S. U. (2020). Firm characteristics and capital structure of cement firms in Nigeria. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(2), 61-88. |
Wen-Hong Chiu, Yuan-Shen Shih Abstract| Full Article| CitationBesides, increasing competitive pressure has led many enterprises to shift their production to focus on low-cost areas. Therefore, it is critical if enterprises can continue to survive with sustainable developments by improving business profits. To this end, this study has explored the business model development of a chemical company. The business model comprises customer value proposition, key resources, key processes, and profit model. The study aims to appreciate the business model development, strategic choice, and future trend of the case from the initial innovation and expansion stages. Since secondary data collection cannot reflect deeper significance, in-depth interviews are conducted to d The findings show that the study, the case that triggers the development of its business models, has emphasized the key resources and key processes in the initial stage. In the innovation stage, the case that emphasizes profit orientation has created and upheld high profits as well as rapid growth and innovation. Finally, the case that stresses customer value proposition has strived towards the goal of factory integration and profit-sharing in the expansion stage. Chiu, W. H., & Shih, Y. S. (2020). Innovation and evolution of business models in chemical industry. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(2), 69-77. |
Published online: 12 February 2020
Original Articles : Rindu Rika Gamayuni Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe purpose of this paper is to examine (1) The effect of accounting information technology on management accounting Information Quality (IQ), and (2) The effect of management accounting IQ on village finance management, and (3) The effect of Act of Republik Indonesia (RI) Number 6/2014 on village finance management. This study population uses the villages in Indonesia. The questionnaire as primary data is statistically processed and tested using Structural Equation Model Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). This study provides empirical evidence that the implementation of accounting information technology has a positive and significant effect on management accounting IQ. The v accounting information technology has a positive and significant effect on village finance management. The more quality of the information technology application generates, the better the village finance management (transparent, accountable, participative). The implementation of Act Number 6/2014 about The Village has a positive and significant effect on village finance management. The implementation of Act Number 6/2014 is reflected by being implemented the strategy, organization, movement, leadership, and reasonable control so that it will create transparent, accountable, and participative village finance management. This result implies that villages must implement a high-quality management accounting information system to produce quality information to improve village finance management. The novelty of this research is to give empirical proof about information technology and quality of management accounting in the village as the public sector, which is essential to create transparent, accountable, and participative village finance management. Gamayuni, R. R. (2020). Accounting information technology and village finance management in Indonesia. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(1), 1-8. |
Mahnaz Mansoor, Tahir Mumtaz Awan, Fauzia Syed Abstract| Full Article | CitationBased on the growing importance of customer emotions like gratitude in the organizational literature, the current study is focused on finding out the underlying mechanisms through which customers’ gratitude leverage the benefits to the service providers in the form of positive behaviors. Employing the reasoning of “broaden and build a theory of positive emotions,” a customer emotion versus behaviors model has been developed and tested in order to assess the mediation of customers’ delight and overall satisfaction in parallel with each other among the association of customer gratitude and behavioral outcomes (positive word of mouth and revisit intentions). This research is conducted in the context of Pakistan’s mega shopping malls. Based on the quota sampling method, a cross-sectional research design has been used to obtain data (N = 352) from shoppers. Using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analysis, our results specify that among two parallel mediators, the links of customer gratitude with both outcomes have been mediated by overall customer satisfaction; in comparison, customers’ delight only intermediates the association of customer gratitude with revisit intentions. This study opens up a new side in the customer gratitude literature by finding the predictive differences in the parallel mediatory mechanism of customer’s delight and overall satisfaction. Mansoor, M., Mumtaz, A. T., & Syed, F. (2020). Positive emotions as underlying mechanism between customer gratitude and behavioural intentions. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(1), 9-20. |
Shohreh Sadeghi Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis study aimed to investigate the attitude towards advertising promoted by sports' endorsement in social media. The present study was correlation research. The statistical population was Iranian university students. A total of 236 questionnaires were collected using cluster-random sampling. In inferential statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression were used for data analysis. To assess the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach's Alpha was used (0.94%). The coefficient of determination (R2 ) shows the variance explanation and the changing dependent variable by the sum of independent variables and the factors related to sports endorsers explaining 20% of consumers' attitudes towards advertising. F = 15.02 indicates that four independent variables have high explanatory power and well- explained the extent of the variation of the dependent variable. In general, the results of this study showed that there is a significant relationship between dependent and independent variables, and among these four factors, the endorsed testimonial can be a good predictor of the consumer attitude towards the advertisements promoted by athletes. This analysis, one can hope that the sport's celebrities and their popularity will be used to improve the position of advertising on social media and society and will seek to inform and identify the product to customers, as well as easier access, with trust the quality and services of the products. Sadeghi, S. (2020). The relationship between sport’s endorsement in social media and consumers’ attitude towards the advertising. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(1), 21-28. |
Buthina Alobidyeen, Ayad Taha Al-Rawashdeh Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe study aims to identify the impact of strategic intelligence in achieving Entrepreneurship on Jordanian industrial companies that won the King Abdullah II Award for Excellence. For the achieving of the study objective, a questionnaire was developed for data collection. The study sample consisted of (200) employees chosen in a proportional stratified random method. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 19) was used to analyze the data. The study found the following important results: The perceptions of the study sample individuals on the level of strategic intelligence in the researched companies are of an average level, and the perceptions of the study sample individuals on the level of achieving entrepreneurship in the researched companies were of an average level. The study recommends focusing on initiating and taking the risk of seizing and expanding opportunities in markets and concluding deals between companies and alliances in a manner that helps provide distinguished services among other companies. Further, it recommends supporting entrepreneurial initiatives by the managers of the researched companies by providing a work environment that utilizes/encourages/expands energies and generates ideas that contribute to the establishment of entrepreneurial projects that lead companies to grow and continue. Alobidyeen, B., & Al-Rawashdeh, A. (2020). Strategic intelligence and its impact on achieving entrepreneurship: A field study on Jordanian industrial companies that won the King Abdullah II Award for excellence. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 6(1), 29-42. |
Published online: 23 December 2019
Original Articles : Shuja ul Islam, Rida Chughtai Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis study aims to address the behavior of project managers and project team leaders working in software houses in Pakistan. that how project managers and project team leads react when they have to deal with complex and riskier projects. This study explores the effects of project-related factors (project risk and shareholder relationship) on the software houses project manager's intention to leave their jobs and psychological distress. The mediating effect of intrinsic motivation is also explored. This study intends to overcome the existing gap, as, in literature, these variables' relationship is not studied. It was a time lag study based on two online questionnaires for data collection. Data was collected from the project managers and project team leaders of the software houses. A total of 40 software houses were used for data collection. The findings suggest that psychological distress mediates project risk, stakeholder relationship, and intention to leave. There was no significant mediating effect of intrinsic motivation. The results showed that the project manager's intention to leave depends on psychological distress. The data was collected from the software houses of twin cities of Pakistan. So its results cannot be generalized to all software houses operating in Pakistan. Data were obtained from software houses operating at large levels involved in multiple projects; less data was collected from the software houses operating at a small level. This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge of project management. The findings of this study will help the owners of project-based IT organizations to understand the project-related factors' contribution in developing project managers and project team leads intention to leave the job and how these factors affect their mental health that can lead to negative effects. Islam, S. U., & Chughtai, R. (2019). Antecedents of project managers turnover intention: Psychological distress as mediator. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(6), 303-315. |
Constante Eduardo Jara Ortega, Daniel Eduardo Jara Rodrı́gue , Flor Vanessa Huamán Callo Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis research aims to demonstrate that with a correct order in the accounting management, internal control, and application of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for SMEs since an SME starts, it can consolidate its stability over time through greater financial sustainability. To that end, the company Millman y Qaytu was analyzed, an SME dedicated to the textile sector based in alpaca fiber. The accounting information was used from the creation of the company until the last available (2015 to 2017), proposing an applied investigation, correlational level, with non-experimental design and applying an adaptation to the specific case of the methodology proposed by (Bowman, 2011) ), which serves to measure the financial sustainability of an entity. As a result of the investigation, it was obtained that IFRS for SMEs positively impacts the sustainability of SMEs in the alpaquero textile sector. It is recommended that these international accounting standards be implemented by SMEs of the alpaquero textile sector to improve their financial sustainability. Ortega, C. E., Eduardo, J. R. D., & Vanessa, H. C. F. (2019). Incidence of IFRS for SMES in the financial sustainability on the Alpaquero textile sector of Perú, 2018. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(6), 316-322. |
Dana Nedea, Ioan Petrișor Abstract| Full Article | CitationBusiness corruption behaviours directly impact the business environment and the way in which strategic diagnosis is conducted at organizational level. Thus, the diagnosis of these business corruption cases becomes highly important in the process of strategic decisions. The methodology we use is based on networks analysis. We propose a Strategic Diagnosis Based on Networks Analysis (SDBN) which incorporates modularity and clustering coefficient measurements. These measurements allow for a cross-diagnosis of business corruption behaviours. A large quantity of event data from mass-media was extracted from the Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone regarding European Union business corruption, over the year of 2019. The data encompasses countries and organisations & institutions as the nodes, and the number of times that << European Union >> and << business corruption >> appear together in our search, as the edges of the networks. These networks are then located in our proposed SDBN model, and are separated in concentration or diversification strategies, weakly connected or highly connected. The distinctiveness of our research consists of involving the theory of network analysis in the process of strategic diagnosis. The results reveal the specific business corruption behaviours conducted by actors involved in business corruption cases, with the limits being given by the usage of big-data and the magnitude of corruption behaviours. Future research will intend to apply the proposed SDBN to a larger sample of data and to different perspectives. Nedea, D., & Petrișor, I. (2019). A methodology for strategic diagnosis of business corruption behaviours using network analysis. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(6), 323-329. |
Rindu Rika Gamayuni, Dewi Suryani Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis paper aims to demonstrate whether budgetary participation, budgetary slack, authority delegation, and organizational commitment positively affect the managerial performance of the local government work units. This empirical study is conducted with a local government work unit in a district/city in Lampung province, uses primary data by distributing questionnaires to 601 respondents, and is tested using SME. The study result proves that participation in budgeting preparation, budgetary slack, authority delegation, and organizational commitment will increase the managerial performance of local government work units in Lampung district. The findings imply that budgetary slack in budgeting making will affect performance, so supervision is needed on the managerial performance of local government work units so that income potential in the district of Lampung Province can be optimized. Gamayuni, R. R., & Suryani, D. (2019). The Effects of budgetary participation, budgetary slack, authority delegation, and organizational commitment on managerial performance on local government in Lampung, Indonesia. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(6), 330-338. |
Published online: 31 October 2019
Original Articles : Nesreen Awada, Siti Sarawati Johar, Fadillah Binti Ismail Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis study aims to examine the effect of employee happiness on employee performance in the public sector in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The study operationalized employee happiness into performance appraisal, flexible working hours, promotion, rewards and recognition, income, peer and supervisor support, workload, and workplace environment. The data was collected from 319 employees working in Abu Dhabi and Dubai using a questionnaire “The effect of employee spirituality and emotional wellness toward the relationship between employee happiness and employee performance 2019”. The findings were derived using Smart Partial Least Squares (PLS). The findings showed that performance appraisal, income, workplace environment, promotion, reward and recognition, and peer and supervisor support are significant predictors of employee performance. Flexible Working Hours (FWH) and workload have an insignificant effect on employee performance. Findings were discussed, and decision-makers are advised to increase employee happiness among employees in UAE. Awada, N., Sarawati, J. S., & Binti I. F. (2019). The effect of employee happiness on performance of employees in public organization in United Arab Emirates. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(5), 260-268. |
Sepvina Mutikasari Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis paper provides a literature review to investigate how Agile Manufacturing (AM) capabilities could be used in different plants within a company's Global Production Network (GNP). To do this, this paper makes use of Ferdows, Vereecke, and De Meyer (2016) subnetworks positions framework. Each of the subnetwork positions has its manufacturing characteristics and missions. From the four subnetworks, this paper focused on the main two, footloose and rooted. Seventeen articles were analyzed, and this paper found four major AM capabilities categories: responsiveness, flexibility, integration, and competency. Each of the AM capabilities categories could be used differently in each subnetworks depending on the focus factors emphasized in each category. With that, this paper has presented how AM system capabilities could help plants in the footloose and rooted subnetworks to achieve their missions. Further, this study provides an early phase to understand how AM system could accommodate different plants positions in the GPN. This study also set out an insight that, despite being founded 29 years ago, AM system with its capabilities is still relevant to be continuously implemented in the present time. This paper does not provide any empirical validation yet for the findings. Thus, this paper also provides avenues for future research. Mutikasari, S. (2019). Analysis of how agile manufacturing capabilities could be used differently in plants within the footloose and rooted subnetworks of the global production network. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(5), 269-280. |
Thitiporn Katato, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis research focuses on the analysis of finding factors that positively affect the long-term relationship of outsourcing. A model is being proposed that suggested that cooperation, control, and improvement can affect performance and then further affect outsourcing long-term relationships. Using a data set collected from 322 questionnaire surveys via e-mail and 200 questionnaire surveys sent to personal to test the proposed hypotheses from June 1 to June 30, 2019. As a result, 219 respondents were used for data analysis (41.95 percent). This study utilizes Partial Least Squares (PLS) to confirm the hypotheses–a variance-based Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach. The results showed that at 0.05 significance level, cooperation has a positive effect on the control. Moreover, cooperation and improvement have a positive effect on the performance, and performance has a positive effect on outsourcing long-term relationships. This study suggests that outsourcing suppliers in Thailand maintain or extend their outsourcing relationships with their current customers. Katato, T., Leelawat, N., & Tang, J. (2019). Factors affecting to long-term relationship of outsourcing: A case study of Thailand. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(5), 281-290. |
Michał Bernardelli, Mariusz Pró chniak, Bartosz Witkowski Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe article aims to verify the β convergence hypothesis in the entire EU28 group basing on the monthly data. Structural breaks in 2008 and 2013 have been introduced into the model basing on the turning points in the economic growth paths of the EU countries. The main value-added of the article is an assessment of monthly estimates of the rate of convergence with the use of the extrapolated data. The latter has been acquired using a monthly economic sentiment indicator based on the survey data. The β convergence hypothesis has been positively validated with the use of monthly data. However, different rate of convergence has been spotted between different turning points. Furthermore, big deviations of the estimates for extrapolated monthly data compared to the results based on the observed annual time series can be observed. The research focused on convergence every month enables a more profound analysis of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth paths in the EU countries. Bernardelli, M., Pró chniak, M., & Witkowski, B. (2019). Towards the similarity of the countries in terms of business cycle synchronization and income level equalization–empirical analysis. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(5), 291-302. |
Published online: 26 August 2019
Original Articles : Tetsuhiro Kishita Abstract| Full Article | CitationWhile the drastic changes in the business environment surrounding Japanese companies gave them huge pressures to change their management systems and practices, the magnitudes of those changes are different from respective practices. The purpose of this research is to examine why and how the traditional Human Resource Managment (HRM) practices of large Japanese manufacturers stayed unchanged or have been changing in the past two decades. For this research a question is taken theoretical and case-study approach. Based on institutional theories, we present hypothetical propositions to explain why some practices change and others do not. The related cases are provided to enhance the robustness of the propositions’ explanatory power with findings that inertia of HRM practices in large Japanese manufacturers is likely to stem from strong pressures of normative and cultural-cognitive elements inside the organizations; and transformation of HRM practices in those manufacturers tends to arise from increasing pressures from political, functional and social factors in the model of deinstitutionalization. The findings in this research imply that policy makers should make strategies to promote new technologies in Japanese industries and enhance the language ability of Japanese workers to change the traditional HR practice to more suitable ones in the globalizing economy. Kishita, T. (2019). Transformation of traditional HRM practices in Japanese manufacturers in globalizing economy. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(4), 193-205. |
Yu-Chieh Chang, Shu-Yi Liao Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis study aimed to analyze and compare the economic efficiency of the separation model and vertical integration model. For the industry of downstream Research and Development (R&D), this model examines the effect of market size and product substitutability on the economic output. This study applied the modified Cournot duopoly model proposed by Buehler and Schmutzler (2008) and Milliou and Pavlou (2013). This study establishes the following results: (i) the benefits of a downstream firm on vertical integration will increase when the product substitutability is lower. (ii) While the market size becomes bigger, the benefit has further enhanced this conclusion. The integration firm will promote investment in R&D to cause intimidation effect. (iii) When the product substitutability is higher to a certain degree, the benefits will also increase. Thus, a high degree of product homogeneity and a high degree of product heterogeneity is more suitable for vertical integration. In the long run, the industry that will extend or increase demand suggests a merger as early as possible. These findings imply that in the long run, the early adoption of M&A strategies will lead to better economic benefits to firms from such industries as will see the scale expansion and more demands in the future; it also can help firms to make consideration and planning in advance for whether to expand the scale. Chieh, C. Y., & Yi Liao, S. (2019). The economic analysis of product substitutability and intimidation effect on vertical integration. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(4), 206-218. |
Juhi Gahlot Sarkar Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis conceptual article aims to understand how different dimensions of brand portfolios discussed in the extant literature can predict desirable portfolio outcomes by influencing the strength of different sub-brands included in the portfolio. This article has reviewed relevant existing literature related to brand portfolio management in order to develop a conceptual framework(s) that can guide brand portfolio managers. Based on reviewing the extant research, this article has developed three theoretical frameworks showing the impacts of different actionable brand portfolio characteristics on desirable portfolio outcomes through enhancing brand strength. It is also found that the effects of portfolio dimensions on portfolio outcomes vary across different types of brand portfolio architectures. A rubric is also developed suggesting different steps that brand portfolio managers should consider while taking brand portfolio structuring decisions. The article's value lies in developing theoretical frameworks that would help brand portfolio managers enhance their understanding of the roles played by contemporary brand portfolio characteristics that remain unexplained by the traditional portfolio planning tools like the BCG matrix. Gahlot, S. J. (2019). Managing brand strength in a brand portfolio: A conceptual analysis. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(4), 219-227. |
Abhigyan Sarkar Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis empirical article investigates various factors that would create hotel brand love in tourist’s minds and potential outcomes of such hotel brand love in the emerging Indian hotel sector. Based on reviewing relevant extant research, a set of hypotheses are formulated. Data are collected by surveying young Indian travelers and analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The study findings support that other customer perception, hotel service quality, hotel brand foreignness, and hotel location emotion significantly predict hotel brand love among young Indian tourists. Hotel brand love, in turn, predicts conative hotel brand loyalty and tourist’s emotional labor. This study contributes to the existing body of hotel service theory by validating some important causal relationships between various tourist psychological factors associated with hotel brand love in a comprehensive theoretical framework for the first time in the context of young Indian tourists. The model validated is expected to guide the emerging market hotel managers to elicit hotel brand love among young adult tourists. GSarkar, A. (2019). Validating a theoretical model for hotel brand love amongst young Indian tourists. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(4), 228-243. |
Huo-Tsan Chang, Tsung-Yao Chen, I-Chieh Hsu, Min-Chin Miao, Jui-Yu Hsu Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis study explores the harmonious passion and obsessive passion, and innovation between the behaviors of the mediating process. The purpose of this study is to: (1) to explore the different types of work passion for the impact of innovative behavior; (2) to explore the positive and negative mood in the passion type and innovation between the mediating effect. In this study, the data were collected from R&D engineers and their supervisors making a pair of high-tech industry in Taiwan, respectively to the positive mood and negative mood, to explore the type of work passion affect the path of innovation. Moreover, the LISREL software was used to validate the scale with 267 samples. The structural equation model was used to verify the mediating hypothesis. The results show that: (1) there is a positive relationship between harmonious passion and innovation behavior; (2) there is a positive relationship between obsessive passion and innovation behavior; (3) positive mood for the harmonious passion of the innovative behavior of the mediating variables; (4) negative mood is not obsessive passion for innovative behavior of the mediating variables. According to the results of the study, this study proposes the following management implications: (1) to put the passion of the work into the recruiting Research and Development (R&D) personnel considerations; (2) to promote R&D personnel in the work of a sense of accomplishment to improve the harmonious passion; (3) to promote and maintain the positive mood of R&D personnel to facilitate innovative behavior. Chang, H. T., Chen, T. Y. Hsu., I. C., Miao, M. C., Hsu, J. Y. (2019). The influence of R&D person’s passion type on innovation behavior: The mediating effects of positive and negative moods. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(4), 244-259. |
Published online: 28 June 2019
Original Articles : Adalet Hazar, Senol Babuscu, M. Oguz Koksal, M. Agah Tekindal Abstract| Full Article | CitationIn this study, the relationship between balance sheet items in terms of credit risk and market risk is tried to be measured by panel data analysis. The banking sector is one of the leading sectors in a country's economy. The fact that banks are financially sound ensures their sustainability on the one hand and a sustainable profit level on the other. This study investigates whether the diversification of banks' asset items has a financial impact on the risk level. In this context, panel data analysis was conducted by considering the data of the 15 largest banks operating in the Turkish Banking Sector for the period 2008-2017, and the relationship between banks' asset diversification and riskiness was investigated. While this relationship was found in some banks, it was observed that some banks did not. This study has outlined policy implications and opened up avenues for future research. Hazar, A., Babuscu, S., Oguz, K. M., & Agah, T. M. (2019). Does asset diversification in banks reduce risk? Turkey case. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(3), 124-137. |
Almaz Sandybayev Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe research study investigated the growing role of Human Resource Management (HRM) through the prism of how daytime sleep or nap may impact on happiness statement of the employees. In the United Arab Emirates, where the authorities have achieved a very high standard of living of the population and consistently introducing modern technologies in various spheres of life and the economy, the term “happiness” has become one of the most important criteria and goals for the work of government agencies at various levels. The outcomes are based on information collected from a detailed quantitative and qualitative data research of 200 respondents. Results proved that there is a significant correlation between happiness and nap. Furthermore, the results also show that the impact of employee’s development and happiness also measures the overall organizational performance. Thus, the main contribution of this study to the literature on current and future HRM and performance concerns the use of daytime sleep in a multidimensional performance perspective. Sandybayev, A. (2019). Daytime nap as a factor of happiness to impact on work performance: Evidence from the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(3), 138-152. |
Mittheera Leelayudthyothin, Amon Boontore Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe main objective of this research was to compare the preferences between residents and staff members of the company toward logo design elements consisting of type font, graphic, and color. The most recent annual sales of property development businesses in Thailand were reviewed, and the Pruksa brand was selected as our case study due to its top-selling margin. Through questionnaire interviews, samples of two groups, including 1) A hundred and fifty residents of Pruksa’s low-rise and high-rise residential properties in Bangkok and 2) Forty Pruksa’s staff members were randomly selected to rate three types of logo preference in terms of uniqueness, recognition, and aesthetics. The preferences concerning the logo’s main elements and the attitudes toward brand personality between the two groups above were analyzed by T-Test and Chi-square statistics, respectively. Guidelines for real- estate logo design aiming to represent brand personalities-sophistication, excitement, simplicity, and security- while meet their client’s preferences at the same time are proposed. Leelayudthyothin, M., & Boontore, A. (2019). Residential versus organizational preferences toward logo of property developer in Thailand. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(3), 153-160. |
Vicente E. Montañ o, Rosalia T. Gabronino, Restie E. Torres Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe primary purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between monthly energy and agriculture price indices. The research uses the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) methods, taking into account the cointegrating relationship among the series of monthly observations from October 1973 to October 2018. Contrary to the findings of earlier studies, the empirical result of this research indicates that the oil price index responds to the equilibrium between agriculture and oil, and that is, the agricultural price index affects the energy price index and not the other way around. This study attempted to quantify the causal relationship between energy and agricultural price using the structural economic framework that recognized the fundamental problem in the relationship between energy and agriculture. Furthermore, this study presented a window of opportunity to closely examine the curious relationship between energy and agriculture prices. Montañ, V. E., Gabronino, R. T., & Torres, R. E. (2019). The curious relationship between agricultural and energy price index: A Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) analysis approach. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(3), 161-177. |
Hadi Rezaei Vandchali, Stephen Cahoon, Shu-Ling Chen Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe purpose of this paper is to investigate and analyze the current Relationship Management Strategies (RMS) that firms apply to govern the whole SCN. The paper conducts a comprehensive review of Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) and SCN literature to explore how firms develop relationships with various actors with the SCN. The findings reveal that the linear perspective is not enough to truly understand the SC and emphasize that firms need to consider a network perspective to analyze their SC, which paves the way to shift from the SC towards an SCN context. By providing the main distinctions between an SCN and an SC, this paper also clarifies the actor’s characteristics of the SCN and enhances the understanding of the SCN actor. Furthermore, it identifies different RMS models that firms apply to manage their SCN, synthesizing knowledge involving the RMS and SCN. Finally, by outlining further research directions, this paper alerts researcher, for example, to investigate RMS in the network context while considering various contingency variables in their future research. Rezaei, V. H., Cahoon, S., & Ling, C. S. (2019). Developing relationship management strategies in a network context. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(3), 179-192. |
Published online: 24 April 2019
Original Articles : Kuenga Choden Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe main objective of this study is to empirically examine the factors that determine the quitting decision of public school teachers in Bhutan. This study will examine teachers' job satisfaction and quit decisions and determine how the quit decision differs among different gender and regions. Cross-sectional data were collected through a questionnaire distributed randomly among 596 teachers in secondary public schools in Bhutan because they comprise about 70.73% of total public school teachers. This study focuses on the factors that can lead to quitting decisions by the teachers within two years. Based on descriptive analysis of raw data, and index data, and the Ordered Probit model, the result revealed that decision actors such as gender, qualification, work satisfaction, monetary rewards and support from the administration affected the teachers' quitting decision within two years more than the experience, working environment and interpersonal relation. Also, the actual rate of the teachers who were planning to leave within two years was yielded and some of the suggestions from the participants to the Ministry of Education in order to retain the experienced ones in the system, which can be helpful even for the policymakers of public and private schools, are given. Choden, K. (2019). An ordered probit model on quitting decision of sec- ondary public school teachers in Bhutan. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(2), 65-78. |
Zunairoh, Fatkhurrohman Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis study aims to examine the effect of liquidity and leverage with variable control dividend payment and company size on cash holding in property & real estate companies in Indonesia during the period 2012-2016. The research method used is multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the analysis results, it can be concluded that the variables liquidity, leverage, and dividend payment have a positive effect on cash holding, while the firm size has a negative effect on cash holding. The purpose of this paper is to find empirical evidence to analyze the effect of liquidity and leverage with dividend payment control variables and firm size on cash holding. This study uses a quantitative approach, namely by recording and analyzing the research data in an exact manner using statistical calculations. Based on the results of data analysis that refers to research objectives, hypotheses, and analysis models, it can be concluded that in property and real estate companies, liquidity variables have a significant positive effect, variable size has a significant negative effect, and leverage and dividend payment have no significant positive effect on cash holding. This research is relevant in the current times as the property and real estate industry can be rampant lately due to the tax amnesty turmoil that has made this sector more crowded. Naturally, it requires a place to increase with the increasing population. More properties in Indonesia are mentioned by the growth of the tourism and business sector. Cash management is needed as a consideration in investment decisions. Zunairoh., & Fatkhurrohman. (2019). Liquidity, leverage, and cash holding: Evidence from In- donesia listed real estate firms. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(2), 79-87. |
Nucharee Supatn, Teeradej Puapradit Abstract| Full Article | CitationEmployee’s performance is agreed to be one of the important factors that can indicate the firm’s performance. Several management and psychological factors have been focused in the researches as the factors influencing job performance of the employees. Motivation is one of the most interesting factors that could influence employee’s attitudes and behaviors. This study emphasizes on Vroom’s expectancy theory which explains the motivation process from effort to performance and outcomes. The study aims to examine the valid factors affecting employee engagement and job performance in respect to expectancy model. Five motivational factors modified from the original expectancy model, i.e. expectancy, extrinsic instrumentality, intrinsic instrumentality, extrinsic valence and intrinsic valence, were focused as the factors that influence employee’s employee engagement and job performance. The survey was performed to collect data from 356 employees working in the firms from various sectors in Thailand. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was performed to analyze the data. The results indicate the direct influences of expectancy, extrinsic instrumentality, and intrinsic valence on employee engagement and indirect influence of the three factors on job performance while the influence of intrinsic instrumentality and extrinsic valence on employee engagement was not found. In addition, the direct influences of all expectancy-related constructs on job performance were not illustrated. Supatn, N., & Puapradit, T. (2019). Roles of expectancy on employee engagement and Job performance. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(2), 88-98. |
Radya Senoputra, Budi Santosa Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis study evaluates a new approach to perform an economic evaluation for the Low Low Pressure (LLP) project on the different platforms. P field is a Gas field in the Mahakam area, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Since 1999, its production has decreased and is forecasted to fall below economical cut-off starting at the end of 2020.project may extend the life of the field. In 2016, An economic evaluation had been performed for the LLP pilot project on Platform 4 and Platform 5 but did not properly integrate the uncertainties behind the production profile. The new method proposed in this study develops a model from platform 2 data to capture production profile uncertainties by using factorial design. Monte Carlo simulation is applied to the model to obtain a production profile range. Economic analysis is then performed to calculate Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payout Time (POT). Eventually, the new method concludes that the LLP project on Platform 2 will generate cumulative cash flow between 32.9 to 60.4 MUSD (NPV0) or 11.7 to 21.8 MUSD (NPV11) with IRR ranging between 27 to 34%. Therefore it is economical. Information gathered from Platform 2 evaluation hinted that only Platform 1 has the potential to be economical. Additional work is required to have a complete economic evaluation. However, the management should decide to go on with the platform 2 LLP project. Senoputra, R., & Santosa, B. (2019). Managing production profile uncertainties in P field LLP project economic evaluation using factorial design. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(2), 99-109. |
Huo-Tsan Chang, Shang-Chih Liao, Min-Chih Miao, Xiu-Hui Huang, Hung-Ming Hsu Abstract| Full Article | CitationBased on the fit and person-in-situation theory, this study investigated the effect of each variable on retention tendency to propose a more comprehensive fit research framework. Taking the semiconductor manufacturing industry in Taiwan as the research population, this study surveyed R&D personnel in 15 manufacturers. A total of 300 questionnaires were sent out, with the matched samples were valid for a response rate of 72%. To all R&D personnel, the findings of this study indicate that: i. Person-organization fit is positively related to retention tendency. ii. Person-group fit is positively related to retention tendency. iii. Person-job fit is positively related to retention tendency. iv. Person-supervisor fit is positively related to retention tendency. v. Under the R&D personnel’s multidimensional fits, the person-organization, person-job, and person-supervisor fits have significantly positive effects on the retention tendency, but person-group fit has no significant effect. This study proposed some practical management implications based on the findings. Huo, T. C. H., Chih, L. S., Chih, M. M., Hui, H. X., & Ming, H. H. (2019). The effects of person-organization, person-group, person-job and person-supervisor fit on retention tendency. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(2), 110-123. |
Published online: 20 February 2019
Original Articles : Yan Nasution, Citra Sukmadilaga Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe aim of this research is to find out the effect of solvency, activity, and implementation of good corporate governance on the profitability of non-banking state-owned enterprises, which the IPO before 2012 and registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012 until 2017. The number of the research sample was 14 companies. The phenomenon of operational inefficiency of the company resulted in the loss of several state-owned enterprises in that period. In this study, profitability indicators use Return On Assets (ROA). While the debt of the state-owned enterprises is increasingly swollen, especially those who get government assignments are feared that they will default. This is related to solvency as measured by using the Debt to Equity Ratio (DER). In comparison, the inefficiency of companies in using and managing assets owned will only increase the company's burden in the form of investment that does not bring profit. This is related to the activities measured by using Total Assets Turnover (TATO). The last is Good Corporate Governance (GCG), where corporate governance is seen as not yet optimal by State- Owned Enterprise. As for corporate governance using the Audit Committee indicators. Based on the study results, it is concluded that DER, TATO, and GCG with the Audit Committee indicators have a significant effect on ROA in State-Owned Enterprise registered on the IDX. The same result is also with partial test (t test), where DER has a significant effect on ROA, TATO has a significant effect on ROA, and GCG with the Audit Committee indicator has a significant effect on ROA. The findings imply that to reduce the level of debt, the state-owned enterprises should efficiently use their assets and maintain and enhance competent audit committees. Nasution, Y., & Sukmadilaga, C. (2019). The effect of solvency, activity and implementation of good corporate governance on profitability. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(1), 1-12. |
Asep Alipudin, Harry Suharman Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis research aims to determine the effect of corporate social responsibility and corporate governance on companies performance on BUMN (state-owned enterprises), which are registered in the Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2012 until 2017. The number of the sample was 14 companies. The phenomenon that occurred was that the performance of state-owned enterprises with Return on Assets (ROA) indicator was more decreasing from 2012 until 2016. The company pays attention to the business interests, but the social responsibility needs to be paid attention to create the added value. Many things must be solved in State-Own Enterprises, especially in corporate governance. Results show that Good Corporate Governance (GCG) does not affect ROA where CSR, the Board of Directors, the Board of Commissioners, and the Audit Committee significantly affect ROA in state-owned enterprises registered on the IDX. These findings imply that the implementation of GCG is very necessary to build public trust in value creation. Therefore, companies need to implement GCG principles and practices in each company unit. Alipudin, A., & Suharman, H. (2019). The effect of corporate social responsibility and corpo- rate governance on company’s performance. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(1), 13-25. |
Hasan Dinçer, Umit Hacıoğlu, Serhat Yü ksel Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis study aimed to rank the service innovation issues of deposit banks in Turkey. In this context, 26 deposit banks of Turkey are analyzed by considering 16 different balanced scorecard-based criteria. Regarding the methodology, the fuzzy ANP method is used to measure the significance of dimensions and criteria. It is defined that the most significant dimension is performance. It is also seen that organizational compliance (D3) is in the last rank. Addi- tionally, return on investment (C1), profitability (C2), and customer expectations (C5) have the highest significance. These alternatives are ranked by considering fuzzy TOPSIS and fuzzy VIKOR methods. The results of both these methods are very similar. It is concluded that there is not a comparative advantage among the banks regarding the ownership type. For example, the best bank (F15) is a foreign bank, whereas the worst bank (F13) is another foreign bank. Similar to this situation, some private banks (P1, P7, P8) have successful performance while others (P4, P5) have weak performance. The new service development concept will probably become more important in the future. Hence, this study has significant results by focusing on a very important topic for the banking sector. Dinçer,, H., Hacıoğlu, U., & Yü ksel, S. (2019). Examining service innovation competencies of Turkish deposit banks with fuzzy ANP, fuzzy TOPSIS and fuzzy VIKOR methods. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(1), 26-36. |
Dauda Ibrahim Adagye, Dauda Musa Ibrahim Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis study sought to determine the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) (i.e., Environmental Expenditure (EE), Community Expenditure (CE), and Employee Expenditure (EmE) on Enterprise Value (EV)), with particular reference to quoted deposit money banks in Nigeria. The study adopted the correlational design, and a population of 21 banks was considered. Out of this population, 15 banks were sampled through the purposive method. Panel regression was used to analyze the data collected from the sampled banks' annual financial reports. Overall, the analysis results indicated that CSR's effect on enterprise value is statistically significant, meaning that corporate social responsibility expenditure has a significant effect or association with an enterprise value (i.e., EV). The study recommended that banks in Nigeria maintain and possibly increase their CSR expenditure rather than reduce or even eliminate it as they seek to cut down on their business cost. This is because of the likely negative effect it might have on their business in the long run as documented by the outcome of this study. Ibrahim, A. D., & Musa, I. D. (2019). Effect of corporate social responsibility on enterprise value of deposit money bank in Nigeria. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(1), 37-46. |
Bongs Lainjo Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis study explores Result Based Management (RBM) in the strategic system approach by analyzing a life case study. It is a management approach purely shaped by the results. This study discusses the RBM logical framework and the theory of change. The logical framework of RBM resides on the structured, logical model, which identifies the expected outputs and, consequently, the inputs and activities required to accomplish the outcomes. The logical framework is structured around five items: assess, think, plan, do and review. The philosophical assumptions underlying this study are based on critical realism. This study seeks to establish the mechanisms applied in RBM and the required structures via a life case study of the United Nations Organizations. In critical realism ontology, three aspects are considered, the real, the actual, and the empirical. This study combines all three aspects of insightful analysis. The study notes the existence of RBM on policy papers, but there is a minimal impetus to implement it practically despite its potential benefits in achieving organizational performance. There is an inadequate degree of inclusivity, participatory, and enabling environment in occasional cases where the framework is implemented. The life case study focused on the United Nations Organization and the modalities for the implementation of RBM. In conclusion, this work has explored the concept of RBM as a management approach that targets improving results in a three-thronged model constituted of short-, medium-, and long-term types of results, outputs, outcomes, and impacts. The concept is particularly prevalent in public and not-for-profit organizations. The study has provided valuable insight into the RBM in program management and its application in a selected case study. Lainjo, B. (2019). Results Based Management (RBM): An antidote to pro- gram management. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 5(1), 47-64. |
Published online: 11 December 2018
Original Articles : Supaporn Prasongthan, Thitiya Chueaworawit, Pensiri Charoensuk Abstract| Full Article | CitationAt present, Diversity Management plays an important role in the organization. Diversity in the workforce can be a competitive advantage because different viewpoints can facilitate unique and creative approaches to product development, problem-solving, and innovation. For Thailand, diversity is quite new. Many organizations overlook the importance of this issue as the hotel business is one of the key businesses in the tourism industry and considers a labor-intensive business that the co-existence of employees from various social-cultural backgrounds. The purposes of this research were 1) to identify major sources of diversity in the hotel business in Bangkok and 2) to examine the diversity management practices of hotels in Bangkok. This study used a qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from key informants. For data analysis, a coding analysis technique was used. Relationships among codes and themes were then examined. The results showed all ten workforce diversity issues were encountered in hotel business in Bangkok. The challenge issues in diversity management were including marital status/family structure, educational level, cultural/value difference and experience. Interestingly, none of the diversity practice that initiate from the corporate strategic plan or diversity policy were implemented in the sample hotels. Four diversity initiatives were mentioned to use as a tool to manage diversify workforce; training and development, recruitment and selection, labor relation and employee relations, and corporate culture. The suggestions to manage workforce diversity are 1) bringing diversity to be a part of the strategy to lead the organization to success 2) formulating a range of HRM diversity initiative activities to support management strategy and 3) improving communication within organization for better understanding and acceptant of individual differences. Prasongthan, S., Chueaworawit, T., & Charoensuk, P. (2018). Diverse Workforce in Hotel Industry: A Preliminary Study of What and Why. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(6), 267-276. |
Jui-Hsiung Chuang, Jiun-Hao Wang, Yu-Chang Liou, Szu-Yung Wang Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe scarcity of young farmers is a severe structural problem encountered in small-scale agricultural countries. How to encourage agricultural students to enter into farming careers is becoming a political priority for agricultural policy. Previous studies suggested that proactive entrepreneurship is regarded as an important driver for business expansion in rural areas. Agriculture-related social enterprises are seen as a crucial solution to the challenges faced and have gradually become part of mainstream business in rural areas. However, there is limited research available on individual traits and factors that affect students’ intentions to set up agri-business to pursue a social and/or environmental contribution. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of personality traits and creativity factors of university students on their social entrepreneurship. A survey was designed to measure social entrepreneurial intentions as a dependent variable and personality traits and creative ability as explanatory variables. A face-to-face interview was conducted and targeted the students in two national universities and followed a systematic sampling scheme during October and November 2017. A total of 585 respondents were obtained. A Structural Equation Modeling was used to examine causal relationships among latent variables. The results show that social entrepreneurship is positively influenced by the personality traits of agricultural students directly. However, the creative ability does not have a direct impact on entrepreneurial intentions significantly. Our results reveal that creativity is mediated by personality traits and affects social entrepreneurship intention indirectly. This study contributes to a better understanding of the structural relationship between personality, creativity, and social entrepreneurship by developing and testing a structure model. The main policy implication of this study can be inferred. In addition to professional creativity courses, we suggest that educators and policymakers regarding entrepreneurship education need to pay more attention to the general education courses related to personality re-shaping. To enhance extraversion, emotional stability, and openness of personality traits may serve agricultural students better to engage in social entrepreneurship after their graduation. Hsiung, C. J., Hao, W. J., Chang, L. Y., & Yung, W. S. (2018). Exploring Relationship between Personality, Creativity and Entrepreneurship: Empirical Evidence from an Agricultural Students Survey in Taiwan. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(6), 277-287. |
Bibhushan Raj Joshi Abstract| Full Article | CitationTo understand the demand of the constantly changing software market environment, the known attributes and factors of employee behavior such as team size, requirements, innovation, culture, experience, and software development frameworks should be considered to make decisions. The interrelation between these available resources helps to understand the developmental process better and attain the better result. This paper examines and compares the sustainable key factors in the IT companies of Nepal to get a better understanding of the factors which can help the companies grow and maintain their position in the market. For this study, the factors defined by Clarke and O’Connor (2012) were carefully looked at and closely compared with the reviews from the software developers. This research was done based on questionnaires asked between software developers and a group of freelancers and a semi-structured interview conducted with the CEO of two software companies. The result suggests that the employee attitudes were highly dependent on some factors defined by Clarke and O’Connor (2012) which was later compared with Sobhani, Wahab, and Neumann (2017) employee performance factors to provide a perspective of employee behavior and decision making. Finally, the study sorts the result based on the priority and provides a new perspective gained during the research, which could aid in strategic decision-making for sustainable growth in the software industry. The software industry of Nepal is still in the growing phase, and many changes are going on within a short time frame. Close monitoring of the factors affecting the software developer's behavior and satisfaction level will help managers comprehend their employees' needs better and take a proper coordinated decision. Raj, J. B. (2018). Factors affecting the software developer’s performance. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(6), 288-296. |
Kristina Sisyuk Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis research aims to analyze available theories on investment in-company training, knowledge and competence formation, and performance of employees in the workplace and explore empirical relations between these four variables. This research is exploratory and interpretative in nature. It is based on conclusions from the analysis of the existing theoretical literature and empirical studies conducted from 1962 to 2018 and related to the variables “in-company training,” “knowledge,” “competence,” and “employee performance in the workplace.” The findings show that the theoretical and methodological diversity of analyzed theories and empirical studies is quite large yet still limited. Numerous scientists have tried to explain relations between “training” and “employee performance” and operationalize the latter. However, the relations and interdependencies between in-company training, knowledge, competence, and performance of employees in the workplace have rarely, if ever, been explored thus far, and the economic efficiency of in-company training continues to be among the unknowns. This first stage will develop a theoretical framework for empirical research on the relationship between in-company training, knowledge, competence, and performance of employees in the workplace. The resulting findings will have academic relevance and significant practical relevance to design results-oriented learning strategies at companies. Sisyuk, K. (2018). Training, knowledge, competence, performance: what is the relationship? Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(6), 297-312. |
Herlinda Rachmasari, Imam Baihaqi Abstract| Full Article | CitationEmployees are important assets of an organization in the current knowledge economy. Thus, the issue on their behavior should be more emphasized and discussed. This study researches how self-exploration/self-exploitation comes into being and their follow-up effect based on the exploration/exploitation in organization. The former discusses the effect of self-exploration/self-exploitation due to personality traits and organizational structure, the results of which were then used to discuss whether organizational structure would affect expatriates' adjustment to foreign assignment. We used multiple regression analysis to test the relationship between self-exploration/self- exploitation, personality traits, organizational structure and expatriates' adjustment to foreign assignment. Addi- tionally, the mediation effect of self-exploration on the relationship between personality traits and expatriates’ adjustment to foreign assignment was studied. Through this empirical research, we provide insights into human resource management and future research. Rachmasari, H., & Baihaqi, I. (2018). Risk Analysis Using Simulation: A Case Study of Construction Industry. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(6), 313-322. |
Published online: 10 October 2018
Original Articles : Abimanyu Aulia Akba, Sangkan Paraning Wisesa, Chairunnisa Syaifuddin Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe research aims to determine the relevance of rural resources and economic development based on education, training, and community assistance to eradicate poverty in Southeast Asia. And to analyze accurate strategies which appropriate to develop rural resources and economics based on education, training, and community assistance to eradicate poverty in Southeast Asia. In this paper, the normative legal research method will be used because the author will use data obtained from the materials which came from the library to answer the main problem in this paper, the main concept that used by the author to examine the issue is rural empowerment based on education, training, and community assistance. The correlation between rural empowerment and rural resources and economic management in the eradication of poverty program become a positive, constructive, and prospective response to reduce the high poverty rate in Southeast Asia. We can manage rural resources, both natural resources and human resources, through rural empowerment. The resource is managed systematically. To implement the program is needed cooperation from all stakeholders. This program can be coordinated by governments of each country of Southeast Asia involved all elements of society. They must synergize with each other to realize the sovereignty and prosperity of the region. The results of ETA will create educated, skilled, competent, and highly competitive rural human resources so that poverty can be eradicated and millennium development goals can be attained. Aulia, A. A., Paraning, W. S., & Syaifuddin, C. (2018). ETA: Rural resources and economic management program by rural empowerment to attain millennium development goals. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(5), 231-236. |
Marek Matejun Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe paper aims to determine the level and scope, and nature of the variability of dynamic capabilities in the various stages of the development process of SME sector companies. The objective was achieved by conducting survey research on a sample of 356 micro, small and medium enterprises that operate in the European Union. The results indicate that the level of dynamic capabilities significantly varied in the subsequent phases, with the relatively highest values reached the stages characterized by significant development activity. Its characteristic is the polynomial nature of the course that fits the model assumptions of staged concepts of the life cycle of the organization. Therefore, the research results can be a useful tool for describing, interpreting, and forecasting the volatility level of dynamic capabilities in the development cycle of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. Matejun, M. (2018). Variability of dynamic capabilities in the small business development process. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(5), 237-246. |
David K. Ding, Echo Su Chen Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis study examines investor reactions to the appointment of female directors in New Zealand-listed companies. Using the event study method, we find that female director tend to be appointed as independent directors rather than in a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) role. The results reveal that female board appointments are generally negatively associated with stock performance. This study captures both the gender diversity arising in New Zealand companies and the stock price performance resulting from the reaction of investors to the different positions of female directors. The evidence of a decrease in market performance is shown by the negative Cumulative Average Abnormal Returns (CAARs) from the announcements of women appointees to the board. The findings of this article have some practical implications for policymakers. Although firms that appoint women to their boards can enjoy good publicity for their support of gender diversity through the mass media, they should be mindful of the negative market response that follows such announcements, as evidenced by the results of this study. Should firms find the need to appoint female directors due to their commitment toward gender diversity, they should be appointed to the role of non-CEO directors rather than CEO-directors. Ding, D. K., & Su, C. E. (2018). The market impact of the appointment of female directors in listed companies in New Zealand. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(5), 247-257. |
Domingo T. Balse, Jr Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe fundamental of this research is centered on determining the aggregate remittance cost and diaspora financing of Overseas Filipino Teachers (OFTs) in the Kingdom of Thailand. The Philippines is second to India with the highest total remittances from 1995-1999 (Gammeltoft, 2002). Given that the Philippines ranks second in terms of remittances, the researcher is interested in determining the aggregate cost of sending remittances to the Philippines and proposing the most cost-efficient and cost-effective remittance service provider. This is a related study to the previous research on Working Capital Management Practices of OFTs presented in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, in 2017. The researcher employed descriptive and comparative research using a mixed-method – partly quantitative and qualitative to address the problem's statement. In "descriptive research, it involves collecting information through data review, surveys, interviews, and observation" subjected for a data analysis (Kefela, 2011). The researcher used a survey questionnaire and interview schedule in obtaining information relevant to this study. Primary data were provided by the OFTs who are legally teaching in Thailand for at least one year. There were 120 plus OFTs surveyed and interviewed, but only 53 were qualified respondents because they were out of scope and delimited from this study. Secondary financial data were also utilized. One of the momentous findings in this study is the significant switch of OFTs just recently regarding their preferred remittance service provider. Ria remittance becomes the most preferred remittance agent of OFTs. Ria, a money transfer company, has recently partnered with the Government Savings Bank (GSB) in Thailand. Ria offers a cost savings of more than 50% compared to prominent remittance agents such as theWestern Union (WU). Ria and Money Gram both charge ฿150.00 per transaction. However, Ria offers a higher exchange rate. The study also revealed that 69.82% of the OFTs have a salary range of ฿20,000 to ฿30,000 and cash remittance ranges from ฿5,000 to ฿15,000 which is 25% of their salary. Policymakers of the Philippine government are encouraged to revisit the current financial literacy programs concerning OFWs in general. Further study may deal with WU and other remittance agents' threats resulting in the partnership of Ria Remittance with GSB. Balse Jr, D. T. (2018). Aggregate remittance cost and diaspora financing of overseas Filipino teachers in the kingdom of Thailand. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(5), 258-266. |
Published online: 2 August 2018
Original Articles : Hinlayagan Kymwell Recamadas Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe study's main purpose is to determine the factors that lead to customer loyalty to homegrown coffee shops. This study was also conducted to investigate the relationship of the marketing mix, customer expectation, customer experience, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty among homegrown coffee shops. The quantitative study utilized a descriptive correlational and causal-comparative approach as the research design was utilized in this study. The study employed path analysis to allow the testing of a hypothesis based on a proposed causal model. The data were obtained from the 580 homegrown coffee shop customers in Davao Region, Philippines. Sets of questionnaires were used as instruments. Pearson product-moment correlation was used to determine the inter-relationships between the marketing mix, customer expectation, customer experience, and customer satisfaction to customer loyalty. Multiple linear regression was performed to determine the significant predictor of customer loyalty. Path analysis was utilized to analyze the path relationships among the variables. The study's findings revealed that the level of the marketing mix, the level of customer expectation, the level of customer experience, the level of customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty as perceived by the customers of homegrown coffee shops were all rated highly. This means high customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in homegrown coffee shops in Davao Region. Moreover, marketing mix, customer expectation, customer experience, and customer satisfaction were highly correlated to customer loyalty. This indicates that marketing mix, customer expectation, customer experience, and customer satisfaction would directly affect customer loyalty. Meanwhile, all exogenous variables have a significant direct influence on customer loyalty. Furthermore, the final model passed all the goodness of fit indices criteria CMIN/DF, p-value, TLI, CFI, GFI, RMSEA, PCLOSE. Kymwell, R. H. (2018). A path analysis of customer loyalty of homegrown coffee shops in Davao region. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(4), 185-195. |
Dewi Izzwi, A. M., Zila, Z. A, Zaidatulnisha, A. J., Fazrul Radzi, S. Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe rapid development of information communication technologies has created business opportunities for individuals to create wealth, where these individuals may or may not be employed by organizations. Online business has gained popularity as it allows individuals to generate income at their convenience, regardless of their age, marital status, or ethnicity. Nevertheless, not all individuals are successful with their online businesses. The performance differences were found among Bumiputera online entrepreneurs, which then raised the question of what factors contributed to such differences. Using resource-based view as the underpinning theory, this research argued that marketing capability and network resources would contribute to their business performance. Hence, this research was conducted to determine the relationship between marketing capability, network resources, and performance of Bumiputera online entrepreneurs. Using face-to-face and online surveys, 158 responses were collected from Bumiputera online entrepreneurs throughout Malaysia. Results from regression analysis found that both marketing and network directly correlated with most of the performance indicators. However, the influence of the network as the moderator was not significant and needed to be further explored. The research findings can be useful to online entrepreneurs and contribute to the content development of entrepreneurship programs. It is recommended to strengthen measurements for marketing capability and network resources of online entrepreneurs for future research. Izzwi, D., Zila, A. M., Zaidatulnisha, Z. A., & Fazrul, R. S. A. J. (2018). Would marketing capability and network resource influence business performance? The case of Bumiputera on-line entrepreneurs in Malaysia. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(4), 196-205. |
Jono M Munandar, Dadang Firmansyah Abstract| Full Article | CitationSmall Medium Enterprises (SME's); Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) has a huge contribution in indonesia and asean economic. There is 96% micro business in ASEAN and 99% in Indonesia. Digital technology helps SME's move faster and more competitive in a national and international context. Technology and the Internet had a huge impact on economic growth in the world including Indonesia. The effective free market is the basic point of SMEs. Therefore, it needs the right strategy in increasing competitiveness to compete in AEC. Little Bandung is one of Bandung Goverment programs in increasing SME's to active in International business and contributes an economic growth nationally by becoming a part of the global value chain as a response to the AEC challenge. The purpose of this research is to identify the characteristics of SMEs in little Bandung. The research will analyze the impact of digital marketing on the competitiveness of SMEs little Bandung in AEC and the effectiveness factor of digital marketing in SMEs. The data collection process will be held in Indonesia. This research identifies three main variables that have the potential to influence Digital Marketing (DM) and Digital Leadership Capability (DLC) that is Digital Culture(DC), Digital Attitude (DA), Leadership Skill (LS). Furthermore, digital marketing and digital leadership capability are also tested whether they can influence competitiveness. The research is quantitative, which was collected by visiting SME's dan melalui google form. The data analysis method is partial least squares; structural equation modeling. The Findings depict that DA and LS have a significant effect on Digital Leadership Capabil- ity where an employee will have the capability if supported by the attitude and skills of the HR. Digital Culture and Digital Leadership Capability have a significant effect on Digital Marketing where every cultural dimension and capability of employees support in carrying out Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing has a significant effect on competitiveness where there is an influence between Digital Leadership Capability and Digital Marketing in running SME business performance. Munandar, J. M., & Firmansyah, D. (2018). The role of digital marketing in improving SME’s prod- uct competitiveness in The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) (Case study in Indonesia). Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(4), 206-218. |
Faizo Kasule, Li Zibiao, Keyuan Sun Abstract| Full Article | CitationEconomic implications on government incentives to industries are key areas that require critical analysis in understanding the impacts. Tax incentives are the most predominant approach used in most cases in reducing various related costs. This paper aims to reveal the impact created by the government incentives on IT-related Hi-tech companies. This research uses the government annual survey data on Chinese listed corporations in Hebei province to investigate the incentives-related parameters. Data from a survey of 85 Information Technology (IT) related industries in Hebei province showed a significant positive impact of company’s incentives role, the incentives given by the government increase output in industries. This study also examined the role that the government incentives played concerning high-tech related industries Using multiple regression analysis methods, the results indicated that related Hi-tech company’s incentives created a significant impact in increasing the gross value of industrial output, impacting both product sales income and the commodity sales revenue. However, the results indicated that not all the government IT-related Hi-tech company’s incentives led to improved total income between the study periods. Moreover, there would be an anticipated increase in employee rate if these incentives were constantly provided to Hi-tech companies consistently, but there was no clear increase in personnel over that period in totality. Therefore, this study provided room for discussion and further studies that would help in coming up with other concrete evidence in subsequent years. Kasule, F., Zibiao, L., & Sun, K. (2018). Government IT related Hi-Tech company’s incentives and subsidies role on industries in Hebei province, China. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(4), 219-230. |
Published online: 6 June 2018
Original Articles : Pari Irai, Allan Cheng Chieh Lu Abstract| Full Article | CitationWith the rapid changes in technology and extreme global competition, organizations today have been forced to explore avenues to survive this extreme competition and maintain their competitive edges. Innovation has made it possible for organizations to provide strategic advantages for costs reduction, new product and service disparity, and improved quality. This study explores and explains the connection among employees’ perceived psychological safety in the workplace, knowledge sharing, and organizational innovation performance in the context of public sector in Papua New Guinea. This study is a quantitative research using a self-administered questionnaire as the major research instrument to collect the data. The sample of this study were 160 employees of government agencies in Papua New Guinea who have been working in the agency for more than 2 years. The findings show that psychological safety directly affects organizational innovation and an indirect effect on organizational innovation through knowledge sharing. The analytical results provide important practical implications for public sector managers in Papua New Guinea regarding how to encourage employees’ knowledge sharing behavior and facilitate organizational innovation performance. Irai, P., & Cheng, C. L. A. (2018). Exploring the relationship among psychological safety, knowledge sharing, and innovation. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(3), 126-135. |
Marycris O. Albao Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe paper investigated the retirement confidence among Domestic and Overseas Filipino Workers concerning job commitment. Specifically, the study determined the relationship between clarity of retirement goal and retirement confidence that refers to the quality of life that could still be maintained during retirement. For several studies, savings already provided perceived confidence for retirement to retirees, but this study would check if the perception still applies. Today, banks in the Philippines offer a savings interest rate of less than 1% (excluding withholding tax) with the current inflation rate target of 4.3%. Purposive sampling was employed to determine the respondents who were domestic and overseas Filipino workers in the United Arab Emirates and New York. An explanatory-causal design was utilized to explain the relationship/influence and effect of the variable/s on the retirement confidence. The results of the regression indicated that the predictor for retirement confidence explained 55.4% of the variance (R2=.55, F (4,13) = 4.03, p < 0.05). It was found that job investment (p < .01) significantly predicted retirement confidence. The result of the correlation of retirement confidence to the job commitment proves significant, (r (18) = 0.50, p < .05). The study output could motivate government agencies to review mandatory retirement packages that direct employers offer their employees for a comfortable retirement. Albao, M. O. (2018). A comparative study of the retirement confidence level between domestic workers and OFW as linked to their job commitment. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(3), 136-144. |
Romel C. Nemino, Gloria P. Gempes Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe ultimate aim of this study is to determine the moderating effect of intellectual capital on the relationship be- tween corporate reputation and knowledge sharing of commercial banks in the Caraga Region, Philippines. Its objectives are to determine the levels of corporate reputation, knowledge sharing, and intellectual capital. Also, correlations between corporate reputation on knowledge sharing and intellectual capital on knowledge sharing were studied. Adapted survey questionnaires were given to a sample of 400 bank employees of various commercial banks in the region using a stratified sampling technique. Results uncovered that the three constructs have a very high level as perceived by the bank personnel. Findings revealed that corporate reputation is significantly related to knowledge sharing. Intellectual capital also showed a significant positive relationship towards knowledge sharing. To determine the moderating effect of intellectual capital, hierarchical logistic regression was employed in this study. Results revealed that intellectual capital demonstrates a significant moderating effect on the relationship between corporate reputation and knowledge sharing. Employees who have higher intellectual capital also have a higher level of corporate reputation towards knowledge sharing. Having said this, the proposed research model in this study may be considered by the business enterprises, in general, by revisiting their current platforms and policy formulations and reviews on corporate reputation towards knowledge sharing with the complementary effect of intellectual capital. With these three constructs as a support system, superior performance and competitiveness among commercial banks and other business organizations may be expected. With the growing economic activities nowadays, especially that ASEAN development is already taking place in the ASEAN member countries where the Philippines is a member of, commercial banks have to sustain their competitive position amidst the challenging competition in the banking industry. Nemiño, R. C., Gempes, G. P. (2018). The moderating effect of intellectual capital on the relationship between corporate reputation and knowledge sharing of commercial banks. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(3), 145-155. |
Onanong Kaothan Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis study aims to 1) study the level of organizational attractiveness, person-job fit, and intention to stay. 2) To study the relationship between organizational attractiveness and intention to stay. 3) To study the relationship between person-job fit and intention to stay. 4) To predict intention to stay with organizational attractiveness and person-job fit. The sample of the research was the employees’ sample of 406 people. The research instrument was questionnaires. Statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that 1) Organizational attractiveness was at a high level, the person-job fit was at a high level, and the intention to stay as high. 2) There was a positive relationship between organizational attractiveness and intention to stay (r = .589) with a statistical significance level of .01 3) There was a positive relationship between person-job fit and intention to stay (r = .612) with a statistical significance level of .01 4) Organizational attractiveness and person-job fit accounted for 40.3 percent of the variance in intention to stay of employees. The current research provides a guideline for developing procedures for the recruitment and selection of Human Resources staff. Including workforce planning. Budget planning and the good image of the organization to benefit other organizations. Kaothan, O. (2018). Organizational attractiveness and person job fit as the predictors of intention to stay of employees commercial bank. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(3), 156-164. |
Salman Bashir Memon, Shahrukh Baig Soomro, Santosh Kumar Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis study aims to measure the importance of work engagement, high work practices, and their impact on employees' work performance in the banking sector. This thesis was examined three variables, work engagement, work practices, and work performance. In order to achieve this objective, this research adopted a quantitative approach. A convenience sampling technique was used, and a survey questionnaire was based on closed-ended questions and 06 scales. A total of 150 questionnaires was distributed, and 127 valid responses were collected. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). To find out the result, Regression and Correlation test techniques were used. The study's key findings propose that there is a significantly positive link between work engagement, work practices, and work performance. The conclusion of this examination might be very helpful for the Banking sector to improve the performance of their employees by keeping highly engaged in work and high involvement of work practices that contribute to the achievement of the organization and employee's accomplishment. Bashir, M. S., Baig, S. S., & Kumar, S. (2018). Assessing the work engagement, work practices and work performance in banks. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(3), 165-184. |
Published online: 18 April 2018
Original Articles : Sarun Amatyakul, Kawpong Polyorat Abstract| Full Article | CitationEmployees are important assets of an organization in the current knowledge economy. Thus, the issue of their behavior should be more emphasized and discussed. This study researches how self-exploration/self-exploitation comes into being and their follow-up effect based on the exploration/exploitation in organization. The former discusses the effect of self-exploration/self-exploitation due to personality traits and organizational structure, the results of which were then used to discuss whether organizational structure would affect expatriates' adjustment to foreign assignment. We used multiple regression analysis to test the relationship between self-exploration/self- exploitation, personality traits, organizational structure and expatriates' adjustment to foreign assignment. Addi- tionally, the mediation effect of self-exploration on the relationship between personality traits and expatriates' adjustment to foreign assignment was studied. The findings also reveal that kindness & reliability, dream man, and country girl are positively impacted by intention to purchase Khon Kaen products. In other words, city brand personality is influential for intention to purchase. Through this empirical research, we provide insights into human resource management and future research. Amatyakul, S., & Polyorat, K. (2018). The application of brand personality concept to the city context in Thailand. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(2), 54-64. |
Budhi Refa Anjani, Imam Baihaqi Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis research explores two schemes of oil and gas PSC. First, Cost Recovery (old scheme) that the investor earned a production cost refund. At the same time, the second scheme is Gross Split (new scheme), which is the production- sharing system without the cost of recovery. The Gross Split scheme was implemented by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ignatius Jonan, in early 2017 in response to the concerns of People's Representative Council (DPR) Commission VII that the Cost Recovery scheme was no longer profitable for the Government. Thus, there should be a new one that is better, beneficial, yet attractive to investors to entrust the Indonesian oil and gas business. The study was conducted at PT XYZ, the first PSC Company which implemented the Gross Split scheme after its contract period under the Cost Recovery scheme ended in January 2017. The study focuses on two cases of off-shore oil and gas development projects, X and Y, by using economic capital budgeting indicators, such as NPV, IRR, and Payback Period. In addition, oil and gas fiscal calculations are done equally with Net Contractor Take and Government Take, then analyzed the variable's sensitivity that affects its economic project. The results showed that Gross Split scheme projects have better NPV and IRR values than the Cost Recovery scheme. As for the Payback Period, both schemes had the same value. This means that the economic value of the Gross Split scheme project is better. However, it turns out that the Government Takes value is much smaller. While from the sensitivity analysis, the amount of production and price is very sensitive to both economic projects and the widespread on the Gross Split scheme. It can be concluded that the PSC Gross Split scheme will benefit the Contractor if it is accomplished with good planning of Work Program & Budgeting (WPB), accurate calculation of oil and gas reserve, timely development of oil and gas facilities, along with the efficient use of production costs. For the Government, although the income is smaller, on the other hand, it is no longer burdened with cost recovery of production, which has been disrupting the state's finance in the development of exploration and domestic oil and gas production. Refa, A. B., & Baihaqi, I. (2018). Comparative analysis of financial Production Sharing Contract (PSC) cost recovery with PSC gross split: Case study in one of the contractor SKK Migas. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(2), 65-80. |
Shawn G. Sejera Abstract| Full Article | CitationAn investigation of dispositional resilience in cultures and its relation to leader effectiveness is presented with an introduction on the study’s research problem, research question, dispositional resilience theory, differing dimensions of culture and society, theoretical foundations of the variables through a definition of terms, literature review, a discussion of research methods and instruments, future analysis implications, and the author’s conclusions. The research purpose examines the levels of dispositional resilience characteristics in various cultures and how those characteristics affect leader effectiveness. Data analysis is conducted following a review of four studies, with three studies have investigated the relationship of dispositional resilience on practitioner performance and stress levels. These studies reveal the Dispositional Resilience Scale (DRS) as a valid and reliable instrument for measuring individual dispositional resilience (hardiness and resilience) and the GLOBE Study as valid and reliable frameworks for researching different cultures. Using the One-Way ANOVA technique, research determined a statistically significant difference of Confucian country cluster students compared with Latin American and Latin European country cluster students. By determining how some country clusters handle hardiness and resilience, leaders and managers may make better decisions in the management of their organizations. Sejera, S. G. (2018). Culturally derived leadership qualities: Dispositional eesilience among societies. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(2), 81-89. |
Lywylyn Santamarina Mendoza, Gloria P. Gempes Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe study was conducted with the following objectives: to identify the level of cultural value orientation, organizational commitment, personality dimension, and Quality of Work Life (QWL); to determine the significant relationship between the exogenous cultural value orientation, organizational commitment, and personality dimension to the endogenous QWL; to determine the influence of the exogenous variables towards the endogenous QWL, and to recognize the best fit model that predicts QWL. A quantitative research design was employed in this study, specifically the causal-comparative. The study was conducted in the Davao Region, which was participated by 412 respondents. Primary data was utilized in gathering information. The survey questionnaire utilized in the study were sourced from various related researches. The data gathered was subjected to analysis and interpretation using the fundamental statistical tools, Pearson Product Moment Correlation, multiple regression, and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Findings of the study revealed that QWL, cultural value orientation, organizational commitment, and personality dimension are high, which means that the respondents often observe it. Cultural value orientation, organizational commitment, and personality dimension have a significant relationship to QWL. Moreover, overall regression results show that cultural value orientation, organizational commitment, and personality dimension significantly influence QWL. Furthermore, the best fit model predicts the QWL of food chain employees in Region Xl. This study may be utilized by food chain companies, specifically the human resource department, to instigate programs and activities that will boost the desire of employees to stay in the organization. Santamarina, M. L., & Gempes, G. P. (2018). Quality of work life of food chain employees in region XI: A causal model. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(2), 90-108. |
Wei-Lun Tsai, Ping-Teng Chang Abstract| Full Article | CitationAccording to the latest research report released by the Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA), it is estimated that the number of mobile users will increase to 5.7 billion by 2020. Representing Mobile Communications and smartphones has changed the world. In the recent decade, the smartphone market has been booming. Taiwan manufacturers have entered the market early and have good performance. However, in recent years, smartphone annual market sales have gradually decreased, leading to intensified market competition. This study explores the well-known brand manufacturers in the smartphone market. In a dynamic environment, how the interaction between competitors affects the competition results and finally affects the business performance. This study uses the competitive dynamic theory as an analytical tool to explore the competitor's competitive process and apply Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to calculate the performance of firms after a competition. Finally, the results are combined with the BCG matrix to summarize the direction and suggestions for Taiwan manufacturers to improve further. The results of this study are 1. All of the competitor's efficiency performances are maintained in good condition. The key factor that impacts whether a company can continue to grow or not is Malmquist Index. 2. Dominant Design Paradigm can be regarded as a demarcation point. Before that, patent application, trademark, and intellectual property rights as the main competitive advantage. After that, supply chain integration, marketing channel, brand value as the main competitive advantage. Lun, T. W., & Teng Chang, P. (2018). Combining data envelopment analysis and competitive dynamic theory for exploring global smartphone manufacturers’ performance. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(2), 109-125. |
Published online: 13 February 2018
Original Articles : Zekeriya Mizirak, Kivanç Altintaş Abstract| Full Article | CitationIn recent years, Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) has been a vastly discussed economic term by both researchers and policy-makers. Foreign expertise provides various economic benefits to the host countries through improving existing production processes, increasing competitiveness, and reducing disparities in welfare. Foreign direct investment flows could be influenced by several institutional, economic and political factors. This paper aims to check up on the empirical relation between FDI and these factors in a panel of 12 countries for the 2002-2015 time period. In analysis, we employed an empirical method that considers cross-sectional dependence. Therefore, we explored long-term relations between variables through an estimation approach using Westerlund (2008) Durbin Hausman cointegration method and AMG estimator after unit root tests of variables. Empirical results clarify a positive connection between FDI and governance factors for some countries in the panel. Mizirak, Z., & Altintaş, K. (2018). The nexus between governance factors and foreign direct investments: Evidence from panel data. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(1), 1-8. |
Selamat Muliadi, Nur Feriyanto Abstract| Full Article | CitationIslamic banks underlie the fundamental principles of Shariah, encompassing all business activities, financial contracts, and transactions. The Shariah Supervisory Board (SSB) plays an important role in the Islamic banking system, and it has an important impact on their performance and stability. The obedience of Shariah is an obligation that must be implemented by each bank based on Shariah. The research aims to determine the effectiveness of supervision and counseling in the implementation of Shariah principles by the SSB in Shariah Rural Bank Mitra Cahaya Indonesia Yogyakarta. As an independent agent of the National Shariah Board-Indonesian Ulema Council works overseeing and has a big responsibility. In overseeing the new product, the SSB took several steps, i.e., first, the SSB asked for an explanation from the board of directors of the new products that will be issued. Second, check if the new product is following Islamic principles. Third, give an opinion on Shariah's new product. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive data. Data were obtained through interviews, observation, and literature review. The study concluded that the SSB is a significant department in Shariah Rural Bank Mitra Cahaya Indonesia Yogyakarta, like the other departments. The interference in decision-making and management could adversely affect the Shariah Rural Bank Mitra Cahaya Indonesia Yogyakarta. In general, the supervision by the SSB in Shariah Rural Bank Mitra Cahaya Indonesia Yogyakarta has been effective because the SSB not only does the good supervision but also makes improvements and developments. The SSB monitors with his best ability and prioritizes the Shariah Rural Bank Mitra Cahaya Indonesia Yogyakarta. Muliadi, S., & Feriyanto, N. (2018). The effectiveness of Shariah supervisory board on supervision and counselling in Shariah rural bank Mitra Cahaya Indonesia Yogyakarta. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(1), 9-17. |
Kharina, Zulkarnain, Meutia Nauly Abstract| Full Article | CitationTurnover is a critical issue for companies because of its negative impact on companies, such as recruitment costs, training costs, low productivity, and operational disruption. The turnover intention has been acknowledged as the best predictor of actual turnover, hence, the importance of studying turnover intention. Most private palm oil enterprises in Indonesia offer trainee programs as their recruitment strategy for operational employees. Training programs are designed to help recruit fresh graduates to adapt to the company's culture and job role. Training programs are mostly 3-6 months in length and adapt semi-military concepts. Most of the trainees are reported to experience difficulty following the semi-military training and adapting to the company's culture due to misfit and incapability to handle stressful situations. This study aims to measure and analyze the effect of person-organization fit and hardiness on graduate trainee's turnover intention in one of Indonesia's Private Palm Oil Enterprises. This research uses a quantitative approach with multiple linear regression analysis methods. The sample size of this study is 103 graduate trainees who were taking part in the orientation training program within the enterprise. The result of the study indicates a negative influence of person-organization fit and hardiness on the turnover intention with an effective contribution of 62.4%. Kharina., Zulkarnain., & Nauly, M. (2018). The effect of person-organization fit and hardiness on turnover intention among graduate trainee of a private palm oil enterprise in Indonesia. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(1), 18-26. |
Rabiha Hassan Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe motivation of the study was to find the link between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) among employees in the Pakistani context. Although the studies have investigated how CSR influences organizational outcomes in previous research, there remains limited research examining its effects on employees' attitudes and behavior. To address this research gap, the current study examined the link between CSR programs and OCB. Further, the current study considers the range of criticisms regarding the managerial imposition of ethical values on employees. This study also examined the variables of communication satisfaction and Perceived Organisational Politics (POP). This study was based on primary questionnaire data from over 200 non-managerial employees from a single case study organization in Pakistan. The study found that three elements of CSR: CSR regarding the government, customer, and social issues, were significant in promoting or fostering employee's OCB. Interestingly, the results indicated that CSR towards employees was not significant for employee's OCB. The results also demonstrated that POP and communication satisfaction fully interfere with the association between CSR and OCB. This is the first study considering POP and CS's role in studying CSR programs and employees' work-related behavior. Given the significant influence of POP and CS on CSR and OCB, these results account for practical and theoretical implications in CSR. Hassan, R. (2018). Exploring the association of corporate social responsibility and employees’ organisational citizenship behaviour: A study in Pakistan. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(1), 27-40. |
Liang-Hung Lin, Pei-Hsuan Lee, Ching-Yi Wu, Yo-Ling Ho Abstract| Full Article | CitationEmployees are important assets of an organization in the current knowledge economy. Thus, the issue of their behavior should be more emphasized and discussed. This study researches how self-exploration/self-exploitation comes into being and their follow-up effect based on the exploration/exploitation in an organization. The former discusses the effect of self-exploration/self-exploitation due to personality traits and organizational structure, the results of which were then used to discuss whether the organizational structure would affect expatriates' adjustment to a foreign assignment. We used multiple regression analysis to test the relationship between self- exploration/self-exploitation, personality traits, organizational structure, and expatriates' adjustment to a foreign assignment. Additionally, the mediation effect of self-exploration on the relationship between personality traits and expatriates' adjustment to the foreign assignment was studied. Our study considers that companies must strengthen self-exploration/exploitation to promote and perform before seeking organizational exploration/exploitation entirely. However, there is no analysis of self-exploration/exploitation. Hung, L. L., Hsuan, L. P., Yi, W. C., & Ling, H. Y. (2018). Research on exploration and exploitation of expatriate: Antecedent and follow-up effect. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 4(1), 41-53. |
Published online: 4 December 2017
Original Articles : Xiaoyan Li Abstract| Full Article | CitationCross-cultural work environments pose a particular challenge for the organizations that set up and operate a company abroad, especially in terms of job satisfaction, employee retention and motivation. This article aims to investigate cross-cultural interactions between Thai and Chinese people, who work in Thailand in Thai-registered companies, and how cultural differences in working practices affect job satisfaction. It found that in the context of such cross-cultural organizations, cultural differences may not directly affect job satisfaction and commitment, but may aggravate existing organizational problems if cultural differences are not resolved. It proposes a cross-cultural awareness strategy that allows organization to adequately deal with the challenges of cross-cultural interactions in the workplace. Li, X. (2017). Cross-cultural interaction and job satisfaction in cross-cultural organizations: A case study of two Thai companies founded and managed by Chinese people. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(6), 255-262. |
Daniel Dasig Jr Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe rudiments and repercussions of the transformative global economy have reshaped the Service Management industry and other developed economies. Business process innovation using Lean Six Sigma (LSS) methodology has long been considered to improve service quality, process efficiency, and organizational performance by deploying Kaizen projects. This paper presents the business process innovation using Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control (DMAIC) methodology. The results show that the Kaizen Project positively impacted the company's productivity and support efficiency and exceeded Service Level Agreement (SLA). The researcher recommends that the organization should continuously embark on process improvement, document lessons learned, share best practices, and champion LSS projects in larger scale and support operational units in institutionalizing the same innovation. Further studies could be done on the basis of how one-time scheme process better the quality of the service or product by using other framework and process improvement methodology. Dasig Jr, D. (2017). A frontier in organizational and business process innovation in service management through lean six sigma Kaizen project implementation. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(6), 263-283. |
Sudarat Pimonratanakan, Tanapat Intawee, Kanokporn Krajangsaeng, Santidhorn Pooripakdee Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe purposes of this research were 1) to study transformational leadership toward the organizational development and 2) to study learning organization toward the organizational development. The sample groups in this research were 400 people for academic personnel and academic support personnel of national universities in Bangkok by using questionnaire as a research tool. The statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and hypothesis testing by using regression analytical statistic. From studying the research result; transformational leadership, learning organization, and overall organizational development were at high level. The hypothesis testing result found that transformational leadership a had positive influence on learning organization and learning organization had a positive influence on organizational development, then the result of this research made us aware of the official relationship of transformational Leadership with learning organization by influencing organizational development. Moreover, this could be a guideline for executives to apply to the operational roles and to define the organization's policy in order to maximize the organizational development efficiency. Pimonratanakan, S., Intawee, T., Krajangsaeng, K., & Pooripakdee, S. (2017). Transformational leadership climate through learning organization toward the organizational development. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(6), 284-291. |
Charles Ndalu Wasike Abstract| Full Article| CitationThis paper sheds light on the influence of corporate governance, institutional quality, human capital and firm size on financial institutions performance in Kenya using sampled data from 236 financial institutions during 2010-2015. Further, this research finds out whether the financial regulations could moderate the influence of corporate governance, institutional quality, human capital and firm size on financial institutions performance in Kenya. Stratified sampling was adopted to obtain samples from the heterogeneous financial services sector. Performance indicators used were Return on Investment (ROI) and Return on Equity (ROE) with predictors being human capital, institutional framework, firm size and corporate governance the relationship being moderated by financial regulations. The study established that the four predictors influenced financial institutions performance most of them being statistically significant except firm size. The financial regulation moderation effect was established to be significant in affecting the relationship between financial institutions performance and the predictors. Ndalu, W. C. (2017). Financial regulation as moderating, influence of corporate governance, institutional quality, human capital and firm size on financial institutions performance in Kenya. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(6), 292-304. |
Chai Zhi-Kang, Ikuko Ogawa Abstract| Full Article | CitationOnline shopping has rapidly developed all over the world. Differences of consciousness and behaviors of consumers of different countries may make consumer problems serious in cross-border net shopping. In this study, online shopping behaviors of Mainland Chinese consumers and Japanese consumers were compared. The data used for the comparison were the results of the internet survey of online shopping behaviors of Chinese and Japanese consumers collected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japanese government from 2010 to 2014. Chinese consumers collected various information, and they also made a lot of inquiries and negotiations before purchasing. Nevertheless, they encountered more troubles. In those cases, they returned the goods. Much less Japanese consumers did information collection, inquiries and negotiation. They put their complaints when they encountered troubles. It was a common problem that both of them did not confirm the site security such as the location of the operator, the notation of the contact person, the responsible person, and security measure. Zhi, K. C., & Ogawa, I. (2017). Online shopping behavior of Chinese and Japanese consumers. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(6), 305-316. |
Published online: 9 October 2017
Original Articles : Hairul Warizin Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis research is to know the influence of individual characteristics and work environment on employee’s motivation, influence of individual characteristics and work environment on performance, influence of employee’s motivation on performance, and to know influence of employee’s motivation as intervening individual characteristics and work environment on performance. The methodology uses two stages, test of instrument quality and hypothesis testing. The data collection technique used a census because the population was only 76 people. Individual characteristics have a significant influence on employee’s motivation and performance, work environment has a significant influence on employee’s motivation but has no significant influence on performance. The test results show that the employee’s motivation variable mediates the influence of individual characteristics and work environment on performance. This research update on motivation variable as intervening variable between individual characteristics variable, performance variable, research location, and variable relation model. Limitations of this study include the number of samples being only 76 subjectivities. Also, research should be held again in different places with more samples. Warizin, H. (2017). Influence of individual characteristics and work environment on employee’s motivation and performance. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(5), 212-220. |
Dunhill Z. Bilog Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe buffet restaurant industry players in Davao region of the Philippines have contributed to economic growth. However, with the influx of national buffet restaurants, the need to revisit the focus of the homegrown buffet restaurant owners and managers has become apparent. Along this is the need to look into the preferences of the buffet restaurant consumers and the segments that patronize the industry. This study primarily sought to identify the attributes consumers in Davao region would look for in a buffet restaurant. It employed an experimental research design where conjoint analysis as a technique was used. Buffet restaurant profiles were generated based on the attributes of types of food, quality of food, price, and cleanliness. These were rated by the respondents. For uncovering the segments, a two-step cluster analysis was utilized. The results of the study indicate that buffet restaurant consumers in the region placed the highest utility on cleanliness. Both junior and senior professionals have the same order of priority as regards the four buffet restaurant attributes. However, the utility values differ. Moreover, three consumer groups, namely single junior professional oriental food lovers, married junior professional oriental food lovers, and married senior professional oriental food lovers were uncovered. These results could prove helpful to buffet restaurant owners and managers in coming up with sustainable service designs and appropriate positioning strategies. Bilog, D. Z. (2017). Investigating consumer preferences in selecting buffet restaurants in Davao region, Philippines. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(5), 221-233. |
Cholifah Bahri, Mahsina S. E, Asmie Poniwati Abstract| Full Article| CitationThe objective of this research is to study the influence of undervaluation, free cash flow, leverage and dispersion of ownerships toward company’s stock repurchase (An empirical study of Indonesia stock exchange public listed companies). Many researchers have shown that the Stock repurchase is the best alternatives for the company to recover the decrease of stock value by doing ‘buyback’ the stock from the market which mostly caused by the negative sentiment, especially during the crisis. The research methodology approach has use 26 sample of manufacturing companies by using a purposive sampling method which means its sampling technique is based on the ‘sample criteria’. Samples are from the public listed companies which listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during the period of 2010–2014. The major criteria is that companies are consistently published their stock repurchase announcement. In order to conduct the hypothesis test, it use a multiple linear regression analysis to analyze the influence of independent variables undervaluation, free cash flow, leverage and dispersion of ownerships towards stock repurchase. The findings show that R-Square amount is 0.783, which means that the independent variables have influences of 78.3% toward its dependent variable. And, on F-test shows the significant simultaneous impact between undervaluation, free cash flow, leverage and dispersion of ownerships toward company’s stock repurchase. And, t-test only leverage, dispersion of ownerships has a partial influence toward company’s stock repurchase. Others, undervaluation, free cash flow shows negative and above significant level of (α), or more than the confidence level 95%. This study may contribute in providing an overview of the factors of undervaluation, free cash flow ownerships toward company’s stock repurchase in Indonesia which can be used by the managers and shareholders to take the decision making and also supporting the best fundamental preparation on stock repurchase. Bahri, C., Mahsina, S. E., & Poniwati, A. (2017). The influence of undervaluation, free cash flow, leverage and dispersion of ownerships toward company’s stock repurchase (An empirical study of Indonesia stock exchange public listed companies). Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(5), 234-247. |
Samara Bilal, Muhammad Zia-ur-Rehman Abstract| Full Article | CitationPresent study examined the relationship between Human Resource Development (HRD) climate, mindfulness and public leadership behavior and how emotional capital increases the role of Human Resource Development Climate (HRDC) and mindfulness in public leadership behavior. Data were gathered from 252 respondents of 18 public universities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Random sampling technique was used. To analyze the collected data, correlation and regression test were used. Findings of the study give clear picture of Public Leadership Behavior (PLB) in public universities of Pakistan. Study results proved that HRDC, mindfulness and PLB have the positive relationship which would further get enhanced by the role of emotional capital. For future researchers, this study also provides valuable findings and recommendations. Bilal, S., & Zia-ur-Rehman, M. (2017). The role of employee’s mindfulness and human resource development climate towards public leadership behavior-analyzing the moderating impact of emotional capital. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(5), 248-254. |
Published online: 21 August 2017
Original Articles : Yasir Syam Husain, Samdin, Nurwati, Husin Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis research tested the moderating effect of Organizational Learning Culture (OLC) with Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) as a mediator variable on relationship of Job Attitudes (JA) and Knowledge Sharing Behavior (KSB). This investigation aims to clarify the linkage between JA, OCB, OLC and KSB. Research design was based on deductive approach and quantitative methods for the purpose of exploratory analysis. 100 respondents were involved in this survey in which 68 facilitators were from Urban Poverty Alleviation Program and 32 others were from Foundation for Development of Rural Potential. Data collected are analyzed and supported by SEM Program. Study showed that JA were not related significantly to KSB. The study also found that JA are correlated positivly and significantly to OCB. OCB has been found as a significant mediator of correlation between JA and KSB. It also found that OLC is a strong significant moderator of OCB toward KSB. It means that OLC has the most of role in strengthening of OCB to mediate JA and KSB. It suggests that in future research may investigate the role of OLC as a moderator variable for JA toward KSB. Syam, H. Y., Samdin., Nurwati., & Husin. (2017). Knowledge sharing behavior, job attitudes, OCB and organizational learning culture. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(4), 162-172. |
Pubass Direkwuttanakunchai, Khanchitpol Yousapronpaiboon Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe objective of this research was to study a model of technology acceptance and trust that influences attitudes and affects the intention to use Samsung Pay. The samples selected for this research were 400 credit card users who used Samsung Pay. The self-administered questionnaire was used as the research instrument. Statistics used for data analysis were Pearson’s correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. The result showed that most of the respondents were female, aged between 28 and 5 years old, with a bachelor’s degree, average monthly income 30,001-50,000 baht as a private company employee, and had a single status. The level of technology acceptance, perceived usefulness was the most average. The second was the perceived ease of use. The acceptance level was 6.50 and 6.20 respectively. For the level of trust, benevolence was the most average, followed by orientation to resolve, credibility, and integrity. The trust level was 6.75, 6.57, 6.24, and 6.04 respectively. The results of the hypotheses testing showed that the acceptance of technology in terms of perceived usefulness and trust in terms of credibility, integrity, and benevolence have influences on attitudes to use Samsung Pay and attitudes affect the decision to use Samsung Pay at the significant level of 0.05. Direkwuttanakunchai, P., & Yousapronpaiboon, K. (2017). A model of technology acceptance and trust that influences attitudes and affects the intention to use Samsung pay in Thailand. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(4), 173-179. |
Kittipa Wichailert, Khanchitpol Yousapornpaiboon Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis study focused on the brand equity that affects brand loyalty of the bottled mineral drinking water by integrating brand equity and brand loyalty models. This study adopted self-administered questionnaires to collect data and used quantitative data analysis. Four hundred of customers who drank the bottled mineral drinking water were collected. The sample was selected using purposive sampling method. The statistics used to analyze data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The result indicates a mediating relationship among the dimensions of brand equity and brand loyalty. The result from multiple regressions showed significant level 0.000 for brand equity that affects brand loyalty of the bottled mineral drinking water. When broken into details, brand association and brand perceived quality significantly affect brand loyalty. As well as the combined effect of the model indicated that 52.6 percent of the total variance in brand equity affects brand loyalty of the bottled mineral drinking water. Wichailert, K., & Yousapornpaiboon, K. (2017). Brand equity affects brand loyalty of the bottled mineral drinking water in Thailand. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(4), 180-191. |
Marek Matejun Abstract| Full Article | CitationWhen conducting research into small business, it is necessary to clearly define and identify the particular size classes of enterprises. This can be done by applying quantitative and/or qualitative criteria which reflect the specificity of business entities of different sizes. The effectiveness of solutions adopted in this field is crucial for determining the methodological basis of research into small and large business management, and affects the cognitive and interpretative value of the research, as well as its practical outcomes. In light of the above, the present paper aims to identify and assess the quantitative and qualitative areas that classify firms according to their size into the category of small business (micro, small and medium-sized enterprises) and the category of large firms. The objective of the paper was achieved through an empirical comparative study carried out on a sample of 1,784 enterprises of different sizes in the European Union. Based on the results, two research hypotheses were verified, and a series of theoretical, methodological and managerial implications was formulated. The appendix contains a proposal of a research tool for assessing the size of enterprises based on the quantitative and qualitative criteria under investigation. Matejun, M. (2017). Characteristic features of small business and large firms: An empirical comparative study. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(4), 192-203. |
Theeraphat Polcharoensuk, Khanchitpol Yousapornpaiboon Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis study aims to study the factors that affect an individual’s intention to repurchase from ecommerce system in Thailand by integrating two models—Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and an Expectation Confirmation Model (ECM) into one research model. Four hundred online questionnaires were collected from Thais who have had at least two experiences of purchasing goods or services through an e-commerce system in Thailand. The results indicate that (1) perceived ease of use has a direct impact on trust and perceived usefulness, (2) confirmation has a direct impact on perceived usefulness and satisfaction, (3) trust has a direct impact on perceived usefulness and online repurchase intention, (4) perceived usefulness has a direct impact on satisfaction and online repurchase intention, (5) satisfaction has a direct impact on online repurchase intention. It is evident that satisfaction is the most influential factor affecting an online repurchase intention while confirmation is the strongest factor affecting satisfaction. The evidence from this study suggests that satisfaction (R2 = 0.761) is the main factor that generates intention to repurchase form an e-commerce system, hence entrepreneurs should take satisfaction as one of their highest considerations. Polcharoensuk, T., & Yousapornpaiboon, K. (2017). Factors affecting intention to repurchase for e-commerce in Thailand. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(4), 204-211. |
Published online: 30 June 2017
Original Articles : Seung-Jun Shin, Wonchul Seo Abstract| Full Article | CitationPreviously, various studies have proposed several methods to discover new technology or product opportunities. There is, however, a problem in that they do not consider the firm’s internal capabilities or take into consideration only the technical aspects by using only patent data. The search for technological opportunities should take into account the characteristics of the industry in which the technology is applied. Therefore, this study aims to present a systematic approach to identify possible opportunities for new technology areas with firm’s internal capabilities taking into account the features of the industry. To do that, we first collect patent data and extract patent co-classification information from them. Second, we generate meaningful connections between technology classes by applying (ARM). Third, we combine the inter-industry linkage effects so that the connections can reflect a more industrial viewpoint. Finally, from the perspective of a specific firm, we derive new technology areas based on its internal capabilities in terms of technology classes. To show the applicability of the presented approach, we conduct a case study using patents granted in the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) between 2006 and 2014. This study is expected to contribute to suggesting an approach to identify new technology areas that a specific firm can practically utilize. Furthermore, it will be a basis for implementing a technology planning tool in that it can explore possible opportunities for new technology areas. Jun, S. S., & Seo, W. (2017). Identifying new technology areas based on firm’s internal capabilities. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(3), 114-121. |
Burawat Piyachat Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships among resources’ commitment, reverse logistics innovation, reverse logistics performance, and reverse logistics cost savings. The study was done by means of mixed method. Regarding quantitative aspect, a survey was conducted with 403 current top and middle managers working in Thai manufacturing and service industry. The findings showed that there were positive associations between resource commitment and reverse logistics innovation, resource commitment and reverse logistics performance, reverse logistics innovation and reverse logistics performance, and reverse logistics performance and reverse logistics cost savings. The results further reported that there was a partial mediate effect of resource commitment on reverse logistics performance through reverse logistics innovation. The result further revealed that the size of company had moderate effect on model level, however, did not have moderate effect on path level. The model is different across the time of company entrance to industry and type of industry both model and path levels whereas the model is not different across length of reverse logistics implementation. However, length of reverse logistics implementation had moderation effect on path level between resource commitment and reverse logistics performance. Considering qualitative approach, the in-depth interview was conducted with 40 participants working for top and middle managers. It was found that the companies launched the reverse logistics program together with green logistics in order to enhance good company image. Firms coped with the reverse logistics program by means of reuse, recycle, repair, refurbish, scrap sale, discount and sale in outlet. Piyachat, B. (2017). The relationships among resources’ commitment reverse logistics innovation reverse logistics performance and reverse logistics cost savings: Manufacturing vs service industry. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(3), 122-135. |
Shu-Fang Lin, Yih-Jeng Lin, Ching-Ling Wu Abstract| Full Article | CitationInstitutional Research has already developed more than 50 years in the United States and it contributes to produce evidence-based decisions and strategies for universities including planning, programs designing and financial decision-making. Today’s Taiwan is facing the challenges of low birth rate, parental choices, parent’s right to education and population urbanization. Low birth rate has direct and the most negative influence on school management among the above factors. Not only universities but all levels of schools in Taiwan are challenged how to manage and function well. Senior high schools in Taiwan generally left themselves behind the educational revolution before. However more and more administrators, teachers, parents and even students now have started to pay attention to the fierce revolution in education especially those critical and influential ones. Hence, we believe Institution Research concepts will start to root in the senior high schools in confronting the tough school affairs. In this paper, we try to apply institutional research to reinforce the financial function of senior high schools. This study contributes to exploring the potential and limitation of Institution Research on senior high schools’ financial function. A new vision of senior high schools’ financial management is hopefully to be created in this study. Fang, L. S., Jeng, L. Y., & Ling, W. C. (2017). A study on the application of institutional research to reinforce the financial function of senior high schools. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(3), 136-144. |
Purevdulam Altantsetseg, Kun-Cheng Chen, Man-Ling Chang Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis research aims to compare the relationship between Entrepreneurial Leadership (EL) and subordinate-rated Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) for female and male leaders (supervisors) in Mongolia, Taiwan and Thailand. By administering the same instrument to public sector officials of different Asian countries, a questionnaire was developed based on concepts from both LMX and entrepreneurial leadership. This study used convenient sampling process in which we selected public-sector units that we have connections with. Data were gathered from 948 employees, working in 158 units in Mongolian, Taiwan and Thailand’s public sector organizations. Due to the nature of nested data, Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) was worked to investigate the sample of current study. The study detected the correlation of EL and LMX that this has stronger correlation for male supervisors than female supervisors of Mongolia and Taiwan. For Thailand, the result provides partial support. Whether entrepreneurial leadership can manage to a standard of leader-member exchange for leaders and subordinates depends on gender of them. The current study can identify the gender’s effect on the correlation between entrepreneurial leadership and leader-member exchange in a cross-cultural study. The findings imply that entrepreneurial leadership is an efficient leadership style in public sector organizations, and this leadership skill particularly works for male leaders. Recommendation for further research is to expand the sample population from both rural and urban public sector organizations of some Asian countries. Altantsetseg, P., Cheng, C. K., & Ling, C. M. (2017). Male and female leaders’ entrepreneurial leadership: A comparative study of Mongolia, Taiwan and Thailand on leader-member exchange. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(3), 145-153. |
Ajab Khan Burki Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe aim of this paper is to add in the incumbent literature of capital structure by estimating the capital structure’s determinants of investment banking sector of Pakistan for the period of 2004-11 and the effect of the financial crisis (2007-08) on these determinants in deciding debt to equity choice on the firm level. This article utilizes the balanced panel econometric techniques for catering the said objectives. The previous works of notable scholars are thoroughly reviewed for capital structure. Similarly, the balanced panel econometric techniques are used for examining the implication of financial crisis on deciding for firm’s financing. The effect is estimated by dividing the sample period into two parts: pre (2004-06) and post (2009-11) financial crisis. The outcomes suggest that determinants of capital structure are the same as utilized in the advanced economies. Besides, this paper entails a strong evidence of financial crisis’ effect on capital structure’s determinants in investment banking sector of Pakistan. This paper produces a fresh outlook into determining the capital structure’s determinants from the perspective of investment banking sector of Pakistan. Secondly, this paper produces a valuable addition to the incumbent literature by determining the effect of the financial crisis on capital structure decision making based on the given determinants. Khan, B. A. (2017). Financial crisis and determinants of capital structure of investment banking sector in Pakistan. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(3), 154-161. |
Published online: 21 April 2017
Original Articles : Noraizan Ripain, Sharifah Milda Amirul, Rasid Mail Abstract| Full Article | CitationMalaysia, like many other countries, is depending on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) activities in generating national income, creating job opportunities and tapping local and overseas market. As such country like Malaysia is putting a great effort to nurture entrepreneurs to become SME players by providing infrastructure, financial assistance, skills, training and conducive ecosystem for entrepreneurial development. One of the important aspects to address is the ability of the entrepreneurs to manage financial matters effectively. The ability, so called financial literacy, is important for the survival of the enterprise, as acknowledged by many. Practitioners and researchers have proved the significance of financial literacy in determining the success and failure of enterprise management, particularly among young entrepreneurs. As such it is important to understand and investigate the level of financial literacy among entrepreneurs. This paper is presenting a case to investigate the level of financial literacy among the participants of an entrepreneur development program, organised by a State in Malaysia, through a special program entrusted to an implementing agency. The objective of the program is to nurture potential entrepreneurs to develop the development corridor gazetted by the Federal Government in the State. Since the success of this program is critical to the overall objective of the gazetted development corridor this paper intends to investigate the level of financial literacy among the participants, as the main objective of the case. Accordingly, the next objective is to enlighten the importance of enhancing financial literacy so as to provide input to the policy makers and implementing agencies in relevant projects. By employing quantitative approach through questionnaire survey and interview, this paper found that the level of financial literacy among SMEs’ players, particularly those selected to be nurtured as new entrepreneurs is still alarming (Chamwada, 2015). As such this paper advocates the importance of education in financial management among selected participants of entrepreneurial development program as well as formulating a sound monitoring system as part of a good ecosystem in nurturing entrepreneurs to become SME players. Finally the finding of this paper offers an insight evidence to strengthen financial literacy theory, therefore, this paper makes some suggestion regarding the potential coverage of a more comprehensive future study. Ripain, N., Milda, A. S., & Mai, R. (2017). Financial literacy and SMEs’ potential entrepreneurs: The case of Malaysia. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(2), 60-68. |
Adeh Ratna Komala Abstract| Full Article | CitationCultural organizations can improve the effectiveness of accounting information systems. The effectivess of accounting information system can affect the effectiveness of accounting information. The phenomenon that occurs in an organization in Indonesia shows the accounting information system has not been qualified so the accounting information has not been qualified either. This study was conducted to seek the truth through testing that shows the influence of organizational culture on the effectiveness of accounting information systems that have an impact on the effectiveness of accounting information. The data which were used were obtained through a survey by distributing a questionnaire to 38 recorded zakat management organizations active in Zakat Organizations Forum (FOZ), processed statistically using SEMPLS. The research method used explanatory research method, to get the basic answers of cause and effect by analyzing the causes of problems in the effectiveness of accounting information systems and the effectiveness of accounting information. The results showed the issue on the effectiveness of accounting information that has not happened because it has not been the effectiveness of accounting information system. The accounting information systems have not been optimal because it has not been the effectiveness of organizational culture. Ratna, K. A. (2017). Cause and effect of accounting information system: A study in national Zakat management organization. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(2), 69-76. |
Hongwei Jiang, Chrystal Zhang, Gan Xiao, He Ren, Xi Chen Abstract| Full Article | CitationProvision of high quality service in a competitive environment is a core competitive advantage for airline’s profitability and sustainable growth. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the in-flight service quality of major Chinese airlines including Air China, China Southern Airlines, China Eastern Airlines, and Sichuan Airlines operating between Australia and China. Surveys were distributed to passengers at Melbourne airport. The results show that there are no significant differences between the in-flight service quality of these four carriers. Lower air fare remains the most significant factor influencing passengers’ airline preferences. The findings suggest that airlines should consider improving service quality to gain competitive advantages rather than providing cheaper air tickets. Jiang, H., Zhang, C., Xiao, G., Ren, H., & Chen, X. (2017). An investigation of in flight service quality of Chinese carriers in Australia-China market. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(2), 77-89. |
Lee Alfred Bo Shing, Pu Jenny Xiaodie Abstract| Full Article | CitationA focal firm is dependent on the suppliers and sometimes needs to develop the suppliers to improve their capabilities. Several development programs are available. Knowledge sharing in the supply chain is one of the supplier development programs. In the literature, it has shown that there is a relationship between knowledge sharing and leadership, organizational culture, and trust. However, the mechanism of knowledge sharing is scarcely studied. With this study, we aim to fill the knowledge gap by exploring the relationship between knowledge sharing by forced learning and leadership, collaborative culture, and trust. Analysis of empirical data by partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) suggests that knowledge sharing by forced learning is justified if the supplier firm has appropriate leadership and collaborative culture, and trust exists between the business partners. Alfred, B. S. L., & Jenny, X. P. (2017). Exploring the relationship between leadership, organizational culture, trust, and effectiveness of knowledge sharing by forced learning. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(2), 90-104. |
Risal, Kristiawati Endang Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe company value is a picture of the conditions or specific circumstance of the objective of the company through the process of activity over a period that can provide confidence and assurance to the public against the company. This research aims to examine and analyze the effect of the investment decision, financing decision, dividend payment policy and company size on company value. The population of this research is manufacturing companies listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange in the period 2010-2014 with a population of 143 companies. Sampling was done by using purposive sampling method and produced 116 companies as research samples. The method used is quantitative method. Multiple regression model was used to test the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that the financing decision variable has a significantly positive effect on the company value with a significance level of 0.000. The dividend payment policy has a significant positive effect on the value of the company with a significance level of 0.007. The company size variable has a significantly positive effect on the company value with a significance level of 0.000. While the investment decision variable did not find effect on company value. This research implies that a) the company should consider investment decision making to be made through careful planning for expansion, equipment purchases or investment in any form, b) the company should make financing decision in a planned way, c) the company should be more careful in deciding policy on profit distribution, whether it will be distributed in the form of dividend or capital gain, d) a company that has assets of more than the level of certainty the company will also increase, that affects the high company value in the eyes of investors. Risal, & Endang, K. (2017). The effect of investment decision ϐinancing decision dividend payment policy and company size. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(2), 105-112. |
Published online: 27 February 2017
Original Articles : Igodo Ogbonnaya Eze Abstract| Full Article | CitationOne of the major challenges facing investors now is how to mitigate earnings management. Therefore, this research paper tries to find out whether this can be achieved through the application of corporate governance mechanisms. A sample of six (6) firms was selected out of eleven (11) firms in the Nigerian food product firms. The data were sourced from yearly report and account of selected firms for a period of twelve years (12), starting from 2003 to 2014. Descriptive statistics and correlation technique were employed in the analysis of data collected. A panel data regression technique was used because the data had time series and cross sectional attributes. It was found that board meeting has negative impact on earnings management; board gender and institutional ownership have negative relationship with earnings management while audit committee meeting has positive impact on earnings management. Size of the firm which is the control variable has positive effect on earnings management. The findings support the application of corporate governance principles as they motivate institutions to ensure that earnings management practice in Nigerian food product firms is adequately supervised. The study adopts agency theory which believes in bringing managers and shareholders to have a common understanding, thereby reducing agency cost. Therefore, the study recommends that institutional shareholdings should be encouraged as this would help to reduce the extent of earnings management in Nigerian food product firms Ogbonnaya, E. I. (2017). Corporate governance mechanisms and earnings management in Nigerian food product companies. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(1), 1-9. |
Sanaa Maswadeh Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe aim of study is to determine the relative importance of each of the elements of quality costs, classified to prevention costs, appraisal costs, internal failure costs, and external failure costs, and deficiencies related to these elements, in Jordanian pharmaceutical manufacturing sector. The sample was selected using simple random sampling with a sample size of 9 Jordanian pharmaceutical companies from population consisting of 24 companies at the end of 2015. A total of 50 questionnaires were distributed to quality and production managers in sample study; out of 50 questionnaires, only 40 were fit for analysis, one sample t-test was used to test the hypotheses of the study. The most important results of study were: awareness among the responses of study members about the importance of the elements of four dimensions of quality costs. The most deficiencies in the prevention cost elements related to failure of existing quality reference manual to match production specifications on continuous basis. And the most deficiencies in the appraisal cost elements involved in developing agreed standards for classifying products into good and defective or damaged according to the level of their quality. And showed the deficiencies in internal failure cost elements involved in estimating lost time costs on the rehabilitation products. And deficiencies in the external failure cost elements related to estimating costs of losing customers and decrease in market share because of customers’ dissatisfaction of product quality. Finally, the study recommended Jordanian pharmaceutical manufacturing management increased their attention to quality system planning costs on continuous and permanent basis. Maswadeh, S. (2017). The relative importance of quality costs in Jordanian pharmaceutical manufacturing sector and their deficiencies. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(1), 10-20. |
Hani Sakina Mohamad Yusof, Rudzi Munap, Muhammad Izwan Mohd Badrillah, Noor Raihan Ab Hamid, Romiza Md Khir Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe objective of this study was to examine the relationship between organizational culture and employee motivation as moderated by work attitude among the multinational automotive industries in Selangor. The dimensions of organizational culture are bureaucratic, innovative and supportive culture. The questionnaire was adopted from Abananeh (2010) for organizational culture, Chiang & Jang (2008) for employee motivation and Susaeta et al. (2013) for items of work attitude. The items were then adapted to fit the feasibility of this study. In studying the relationship between organizational culture and employee motivation as moderated by work attitude, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient and Hierarchical Regression Analysis were used. From the findings, it was found that all the dimensions in organizational culture had strong significant relationship with employee motivation. On the other hand, for moderating variable, work attitude does not significantly moderate the relationship between organizational culture and employee motivation. Sakina, M. Y. H., Munap, R., Izwan, M. B. M., Raihan, A. H. N., & Md, K. R. (2017). The relationship between organizational culture and employee motivation as moderated by work attitude. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(1), 21-25. |
Alfiandri Abstract| Full Article | CitationResource based theory describes, explains and predicts how firms can achieve sustainable competitive advantages through acquisition and control over resources. This study examines the role of Performance Measurement Systems’ (PMS) usage either diagnostically or interactively in further enhancing hospitals’ performance in managing their strategic resources. PMS acts as tools for measuring firms’ performance through monitoring, controlling and legitimizing company resources, and is viewed as learning devices to enhance firms’ performance. Using diagnostic PMS, the managers can control and monitor the resources based on pre-set standard performance, while interactive PMS provides feedback through frequent communication and observes new strategies that enhance the strategic resources’ performance which leads to firms’ performance. Data were collected from 160 hospitals in Sumatra Island and Jakarta using structured questionnaire. The result of path analysis using AMOS 18 reveals that alternative model is a fit model than a based model. The findings show that strategic resources of Indonesian hospitals (human resource, structural resource and physical resource) should be managed independently. PMS is used diagnostically or dynamically (combination of diagnostic and interactive ways) in managing each of the resources to enhance the quality of healthcare services and subsequently lead to financial performance of the hospital. Alfiandri. (2017). X strategic resources, use of performance measurement system and hospital performance in West of Indonesia. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(1), 26-37. |
Kittikhun Taechaubol Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis study involves finding how the Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) or the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) affects investors’ attention in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The goal is to examine whether there is any interest in investing on the companies with ESG or CSR in the Stock Exchange of Thailand that are in the Environment Social and Governance 100 stocks by Thaipat (ESG100) or the Thailand sustainability investment by SET (TSI list), announced during 2014-2015. Conducting an event study, upon examination of these events, the result shows that there is a significant negative abnormal return of the TSI list. On the other hand, there are less significant negative abnormal returns after announcement for the ESG100 list. As the result, CAAR is very small for daily and yearly return, it is not economically significant and is not able to exploit the abnormal return for trading strategy. In addition, this research study further examines which type of investors are more concerned about the companies advocating for CSR and found that there is no significance in the result. Thus, there is not enough evidence to conclude which type concerns most on CSR stocks in TSI list. Taechaubol, K. (2017). Investor types and trading of the environment, social and governance stocks in the stock exchange of Thailand. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(1), 38-48. |
Daha Tijjani Abdurrahaman, Zahir Osman Abstract| Full Article | CitationNumerous brands in Nigeria, particularly those within the telecommunication sector, are aggressively associating with creative minds and personalities in movie, music, and sports industries, in other to explore and solicit the assistance of these personalities who have a large fanbase to make their brands more appealing and captivating to their target audiences. The study aims to investigate the effects of Celebrity Brand-Endorsement on attitude as well as the purchase intention of generation Y-ers in Nigeria. A modified model of Ohanian (1991) would be adapted and modified to investigate these effects in Mobile service providers’ commercials utilising celebrities as brand ambassadors. The researcher’s original contribution would be, to modify her model, by introducing a moderator variable ‘Matchup congruence’ as well as a mediator ‘Attitude’. The study’s key predictors or independent variables are Trustworthiness, Expertise, and Attractiveness of a celebrity brand endorser. These three variables, taken collectively, are hypothesized to influence the attitude of Generation Y consumers, which then influence their Purchase Intention. The mediator (Attitude) has an impact and direct effect on purchase intention as well as an indirect effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable. The moderator 'Matchup Congruence' moderates the relationship between the Attractiveness, Trustworthiness, Expertise and purchase intention construct. The study aims to offer practical contribution to managers by providing suggestions and solutions that would aid them in selecting the proper endorser that can grab the attention of the Generation Y-ers and glue them to the brand. Tijjani, A. D., & Osman, Z. (2017). Development of conceptual framework for Nigerian generation Y-ers’ purchase intention and response towards indigenous celebrity-endorsed products: A PLS-SEM Study on Selected Mobile Service Providers in Nigeria. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 3(1), 49-59. |
Published online: 19 December 2016
Original Articles : Pei-Ju Wu Abstract| Full Article | CitationAlthough many logistics firms seek to attain environmental sustainability, they have little knowledge of how to generate appropriate eco-strategies that can achieve environmental sustainability. Moreover, few studies have investigated how to go green in the field of logistics management by exploring logistics big data. This study aims to tackle environmental sustainability issues in logistics systems through big data analytics. Specifically, this study proposes a research framework of green logistics business analytics involving descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics. The proposed logistics business analytics involve descriptive analytics, predictive analytics, and prescriptive analytics for firms to seek environmental sustainability. Logistics companies can utilize the proposed business analytics framework to identify key eco-drivers and thereby implement effective environmental logistics management. The proposed model may stimulate further research in the field of green logistics and may help address issues regarding economic and environmental sustainability. Ju, W. P. (2016). Logistics business analytics for achieving environmental sustainability. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(6), 264-269. |
Wojciech Bizon Abstract| Full Article | CitationAccording to the observations of the support instrument market in Poland, one of the causes of the above-mentioned situation is the failure to adapt proposed instruments to the characteristics of SMEs, in particular ignoring the behavioral determinants in this group of businesses, including the behaviors based on another concept of economic rationality (different from the mainstream economics). Owing to empirical research, it has been possible to show that in Polish conditions, decision-makers in SMEs in specific conditions may be influenced by personal characteristics such as gender, education, seniority, experience, financial knowledge, and age. It can be expected that some of the personal qualities of decision-makers will contribute to either the acceptance or rejection of specific types of influences, which in turn may aid in the better presentation and tailor-making of instruments offered to support SMEs. As a consequence, such instruments should be offered differently depending on a specific recipient profile. Having in mind the practical dimension of conducted research analyses, at the Department of Macroeconomics, Faculty of Economics, University of Gdansk, Poland, several series of research were developed in 2013-16 aimed at separating groups of decision-makers in Pomeranian Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that will be susceptible to specific (differentiated) behavioral stimuli. Bizon, W. (2016). Stimulating entrepreneurship by introducing behavioural incentives, propensity to use financial instruments in the context of decision makers’ personal characteristics and their financial knowledge in Polish SMEs. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(6), 270-279. |
Iman M Arafa Mohamed, Wafaa Salah Abstract| Full Article | CitationPrevious research on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has mainly focused on the companies operating in different industry fields. Yet, a limited number of research have investigated the CSR practices in the banking sector. Accordingly, this study attempts to add further knowledge to this domain by measuring and comparing the extent and quality of CSR practices and their components which are: Employees, Community, Environment, and Corporate governance at a larger geographical scale. Moreover, the relationship between institutional environment and CSR and its components will be empirically examined. Secondary data provided by the CSRHUB database is used for a sample of 231 banks operating in five different regions from 2012 to 2015. The findings reveal that the CSR practices are exercised at a large scale across both developing and developed countries. Interestingly, the developing countries, especially those considered advanced economies or those having well-established international business relations with other developed countries, seem to have a progressing banking system that provides CSR at the highest international levels. Accordingly, no significant difference has been reported between banks in such developing countries and their counterparts in other developed countries. On the contrary, regional settings have significantly impacted the CSR in total and on each component. These results provide valuable insights and implications to both practitioners and academia. The researchers suggest studying the CSR practices for banks operating in less advanced developing countries. Arafa, M. I. M., & Salah, W. (2016). Investigating corporate social responsibility disclosure by banks from institutional theory perspective. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(6), 280-293. |
Sezen Uludag Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis paper explains the effect of the control environment as one of the components of internal control in performing substantive procedures by auditors. Control environment constitutes the tone of an organization and represents the understanding of control from the point of all of the employees in an organization. So to determine the nature, timing, and extent of substantive test which the auditor will perform to detect material misstatements at the assertion level, auditors should examine the control environment and have a judgment on the structure of the control environment. Because of the holistic effect of the control environment, it is one of the most effective determinants for auditors. Auditors are asked about some factors related to the control environment in Turkey and the frequency of the data analyzed. As a result, the factors of the control environment are examined, and the importance of the control environment in auditors’ decisions is emphasized. Uludag, S. (2016). The importance of control environment in an organization for an independent auditor to determine nature,timing, and extent of substantive tests: An application in Turkey. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(6), 294-303. |
Edric Julio Kinata Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe primary objective of a company is to increase the wealth of the shareholders. Every decision, policies or action must be made to favor the shareholders. Corporations conduct corporate actions to improve their performance or increase the wealth of the shareholders. Stock split is one of the several corporate measures perceived to be a positive corporate action. In this paper, the researcher wants to study factors that can affect investors’ reactions towards the same corporate action: stock split. It is believed that market volatility can cause a difference in investors’ reactions towards the same positive corporate action (stock split) as studied before. To analyze this, the researcher will first classify the stock split result in Cumulative Abnormal Return (CAR) based on the volatility of the period that the stock split is conducted in and the firm size that performs the stock split. The researcher will use one-way ANOVA to find out if there is a statistically significant difference in market reaction towards the stock-split event based on those two classifications. The researcher found that investors react differently towards the stock-split event in different market volatility conditions. It is also found that there is no difference in investors’ reaction towards stock split based on firm size. The researcher also conducts further research and found that investors react differently in different market volatility conditions in firms with small and medium market capitalization. While as in firms with large market capitalization, it is found that there is no statistically significant difference in investors’ reaction towards stock splits that are conducted in various market volatility conditions. Julio, K. E. (2016). The effect of market volatility and firm size towards the difference of market reaction around stock-split announcement in indonesia stock exchange. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(6), 304-314. |
Published online: 27 October 2016
Original Articles : Khanisara Thanyasunthornsakun, Jeerapha Sornsakda, Sawitree Boonmee Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe objective of this research was to study the causal effect of technology acceptance factors on the intention to use a mobile application. There were six technology acceptance factors, including perceived ease of use, subjective norm, perceived monetary value, perceived usefulness, satisfaction, and attitudes toward mobile application usage. The population and samples in this research were Thai citizens who were using the mobile application. The sampling method used was convenience sampling. The total number of samples gathered was 460 samplings using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS, and the structural equation model was analyzed with LISREL 8.5. The research findings indicated that the model fits empirical data with Chi-Square =128. 69, df=129, p-value=0.49125, RMSEA=0. 000, GFI=0. 98, AGFI=0. 95 and CFI=1. 00. The factors that had direct effects on intention to use mobile applications were satisfaction, perceived usefulness, and attitudes. The factors that had indirect effects were perceived ease of use and perceived monetary value. Moreover, the perceived ease of use also affected the perceived usefulness of mobile application usage. The perceived monetary value affected the satisfaction of the usage of the mobile application. Mobile application providers and developers should consider the applications in a variety of communication technology or productivity tools, which the developers should focus on the ease of use and usefulness. Thanyasunthornsakun, K., Sornsakda, J., & Boonmee, S. (2016). The causal effect of technology acceptance factors on the intention to use mobile application. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(5), 216-224. |
Pokkrong Manirojana Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis research's objective was to study the factors that affect the transparency and accountability of independent organizations in Thailand. This involves the use of authorities, administration, budget expenditures, and responding to public demand. In order to achieve cognitive development of transparency and accountability, that is the appropriate context of the country. This research study used qualitative research in a case study model. By using 3 tools to collect data. 1) Query documents 2) participatory observation 3) in-depth interviews. By dividing the data providers into three groups: independent organization, stakeholders, and the general public in the principle of data triangulations (Creswell, 2007). The findings revealed that an independent organization featured on the legal regulations and admitted to checking from the official government agency with authority to investigate directly. They are also influenced by the political and stakeholders' powers, including cultural factors, social norms, attitudes, values, and traditional beliefs. That affects the transparency and accountability of using independent organization authority in Thailand, both directly and indirectly. And another major problem is that it was not open for the citizens to participate truly. From policy formation process to implementation and monitoring. Thus creating transparency and accountability in the administration of independent organizations cannot succeed as expected. Manirojana, P. (2016). The factors that affect the transparency and accountability of independent organizations in Thailand. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(5), 225-230. |
Helmina Ardyanfitri, Ratri Wahyuningtyas Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis paper aims to investigate the levels of job satisfaction of employees in Telkom University and determine the influence of job, career development opportunities, training, occupational safety, and health on job satisfaction of employees in Telkom University Indonesia. The sampling technique used in this study is stratified random sampling. This study is based on a questionnaire conducted with 214 respondents consisting of employees and Lecturers in Telkom University, Indonesia. The job satisfaction levels of the employees were found to be high. Hypothesis testing using the F-test showed that job, career development opportunities, training, occupational safety, and health significantly influenced job satisfaction. However, based on partial results of hypothesis testing, variables that significantly influence job satisfaction at the Telkom University are job, career development opportunities, and training, while occupational safety and health do not affect the job satisfaction of employees. This study shows employees' job satisfaction levels and determines the influence of job, career development opportunities, training, occupational safety, and health on job satisfaction of employees in Telkom University, Indonesia. Hence the results from this study can help the Telkom University to increase the satisfaction level. Ardyanfitri, H., & Wahyuningtyas, R. (2016). The influence of job career development opportunities, training, occupational safety and health on the job satisfaction of employees in the Telkom University. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(5), 231-240. |
Tang Due Au Abstract| Full Article | CitationEnterprises today are embracing ways of doing business to adapt to a knowledge-based economy effectively. The adoption of Open Innovation (OI) has been one of the most appropriate ways to absorb both internal and external potential ideas. Meanwhile, education reform is an urgent need as Vietnam universities have focused on shifting from term-based training to a credit-based system as well as moving towards research-intensive universities. The sharing of knowledge among academic communities (learners, teachers, university managers) and external communities (enterprises) can contribute to this shift. The issue of how to establish a barrier-free environment for knowledge flows is a requirement. Based on literature review and quantitative research at the University of Foreign Language Studies (UFLS), University of Danang (UD), Vietnam, the paper aims to point out important roles played by various communities and proposes some possible channels through which the sharing of knowledge flows has taken place in a university context. This paper also develops a conceptual model for understanding knowledge sharing in three main linkages: lecturer–student, lecturer – lecturer and university - enterprise linkage through the lens of OI. This paper concludes with a discussion of recommendations to enhance knowledge sharing in the three above-mentioned linkages. Due, A. T. (2016). Using open innovation model to enhance knowledge sharing in Vietnam University. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(5), 241-247. |
Yousif El-Ghalayini Abstract| Full Article | CitationAlthough there is a growing body of evidence demonstrating the effects of HPWS on organizational performance, there is less evidence evaluating the effects of adopting HPWS in international organizations, particularly Intergovernmental organizations (IGO). IGOs, such as United Nations (UN), World Bank (WB), and International Monetary Fund (IMF), are international bodies that serve different mandates and aim at maintaining global socioeconomic stability between member states’ governments. Despite the increasing interest among IGOs’ managers in adopting HPWS, research in this unique organizational context lags behind, revealing a significant gap in HRM literature. This mixed methods research study seeks to address this gap by reporting the results of a staff survey and follow-up interviews conducted on a cross-section of one of the largest IGOs in the region. The results have shown different effects of the bundles of HPWS practices on organizational performance. The results are discussed in light of HRM theory to explore the importance of organizational context on the link between human resource management and organizational performance. The results raise issues about the universal applicability of HRM-performance research and have implications for the standardization of HRM policies and practices within the intergovernmental organization. El-Ghalayini, Y. (2016). The effects of high performance work system on employee attitudes: A study of international organization. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(5), 248-263. |
Published online: 12 August 2016
Original Articles : Shigeru Nishiyama Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe aim of this paper is to provide an alternative view on the term structure of interest rates in the light of game theory. First, the pricing of short- and long-term interest rates is formulated as an oligopolistic price-setting game in the financial market. Second, the equilibria in Bertrand and Stackelberg games are compared under a set of reasonable assumptions consistent with the distinctive features of the financial market. Third and finally, short- and long-term interest rates and their optimization are analytically investigated by means of applying the equilibrium properties of these games. The crucial roles of reaction function in forming the term structure are also emphasized. Nishiyama, S. (2016). Equilibrium properties in the duopolistic price-setting market as determinants for the term structure of interest rates: A game-theoretic approach. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(4), 151-155. |
Victoriia Alekhina, Naoyuki Yoshino Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe oil prices have been falling recently and reached the record low level. This paper assesses the impact of crude oil price movements on two macro variables, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate, and consumer price index inflation rate, in Russia. Russia is selected for this analysis because it is one of the world’s largest oil exporters and oil revenue accounts for a significant portion of the country’s government budget. The main objective of this study is to see and compare the response of the two macro-variables of Russia during the high oil price era with the low oil price era. The results obtained suggest that the impact of crude oil price movements on Russia’s GDP growth rate in low oil prices era is much higher than in high oil price era. On the other hand, the impact of crude oil price movements on the consumer price index inflation was found to be milder in low oil price era. These results are obtained by examining the impact of oil price fluctuations on supply and demand side of the Russia`s economy. Yoshino, N., & Alekhina, V. (2016). Impact of oil price fluctuations on an energy-exporting economy: Evidence from Russia. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(4), 156-166. |
Jetlaksana Seneewong Na Ayutthaya, Sudarat Tuntivivat, Ujsara Prasertsin Abstract| Full Article | CitationLow work engagement has become a major challenge among hotel service employees in Thailand. This research explores the effect of positive psychological capital and organizational climate on service quality: the mediation role of work engagement of hotel service employees in Ratchaburi province. The mixed method research is employed through quantitative and qualitative approach to answer three research questions comprehensively. First, the quantitative method uses questionnaires to collect the data from 217 hotel service employees in Ratchaburi province. Then, qualitative method conducts focus group interview with 10 hotel service employees who have received an excellent service quality award in the past 2 years. The qualitative finding indicates that work engagement significantly influences service quality of hotel service employees in Ratchaburi province. Therefore, this study recommends observing further the work engagement of employees from different job functions in order to improve service quality for entire organization. Seneewong, N. A. J., Tuntivivat, S., & Prasertsin, U. (2016). The effect of positive psychological capital and Organizational climate on service quality: The mediation role of work engagement of hotel service employees in Ratchaburi province. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(4), 167-176. |
Chantha Hor Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis study employs ARDL bounds testing approach and vector error correction model within Granger causality test to examine the time series data over the period of twenty-two years (1993-2014) in order to investigate the long and short-run relationships among Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and its determinant factors, as well as the direction causality among variables. The study finds that GDP and FER have statistically and significantly positive relationships with FDI for both long and short-run. This implies that an increasing GDP and foreign exchange reserve lead to an increase in the FDI inflows into Cambodia. But, TON has significant and negative long and short-run relationships with FDI, which is an unexpected result. Higher unskilled labors supplied in Cambodia discourage FDI inflows to the country. The political instability and deadlock in Cambodia have a negative short-run impact on FDI inflows. Moreover, a higher degree of trade openness and labor force in Cambodia cause increase in the GDP in Cambodia. The sign of ECM (t-1) coefficient is negative and significant as expected for all models, which indicates a relative speed of achieving the long-run equilibrium. This study suggests that the government should protect the internal political conflict as well as increased degree of trade openness and skilled labors in order to attract more FDI inflows into Cambodia. Hor, C. (2016). Analysis of the impact of determinant factors on foreign direct investment in Cambodia: The ARDL bounds testing approach. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(4), 177-188. |
Nila Krisnawati, Loina K Perangin-angin, Munawaroh Zainal, Imelda Suardi Abstract| Full Article | CitationBatik industry has been growing well since the enclosure of batik by UNESCO (United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization) in "Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity" items on September 30, 2009. However, many local batik in Indonesia do not concern about their brand and leave them far away behind the superior brand of existing batik in the market, including Batik Banten. This study was carried out in Tangerang focusing on the brand of Batik Banten. This study aims to determine the effect of brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, brand loyalty and uniqueness towards customer’s loyalty. The study is also to identify the brand existence of Batik Banten through analyzing its strengths, weaknesses, opportunity and threat. The 203 respondents were the batik lovers in Tangerang and their data were collected by using survey method. The Regression Analysis wasused in this study with the aim to prove the hypothesis of the influence of variables Brand Awareness (X1), Brand Association (X2), Perceived Quality (X3), Brand Loyalty, and Uniqueness (X4) that are partially or jointly against Consumer Loyalty (Y). Results of regression calculation show that the value of Adjusted R Square is 0.211. This shows that only by 21.1%, Consumer Loyalty in the purchase of the Batik Bantenis affected by variations of the four independent variables, namely Brand Awareness (X1) , Brand Association (X2) , Perceived Quality (X3) , Brand Loyalty (X4) and Uniqueness (X5). The remaining 79,1% was influenced by other variables which are not examined in the research. The study also provides a contribution to the better strategy implementation to Batik Banten owner and local government to increase the brand equity of Batik Banten towards consumers’ loyalty. Krisnawati, N., Perangin, A. K. L., Zainal, M., & Suardi, I. (2016). Brand equity analysis and its impact on the loyal customer of local batik to develop its competitiveness (an empirical study of batik Banten in south tangerang). Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(4), 189-207. |
Mohammad Anisur Rahman, Xu Qi Abstract| Full Article | CitationBanking and financial sectors all around the world haveembraced ICT to facilitate their customers with efficient services and innovative products through multichannel. The central engine that runs the core operations of the banking and financial institution is the Core Banking Software (CBS). The operational efficiency of a bank largely depends on the CBS. Moreover, it determines what a bank can offer in the future. In Bangladesh, ICT embracement has got momentum in the last decade. Some first mover banks in Bangladeshare in the process of CBS upgradation, and some other banks are trying to implement CBS to improve competitiveness, operational efficiency, and regulatory compliance. However, CBSimplementation has challenges; without proper attention to these problems,it may result in poor CBS performance. This exploratory study tried to identify the challenges that commercial banks in Bangladesh encounter in the process of core banking system implementation or upgradation. Factor analysis has been used to analyze data from 153 respondents from seven commercial banks. This study found three primary sources (factors) of CBS implementation challenges: management, technology and vendor. These factors include: consensus on requirements, therole of employees, vendor capabilities and credentials, the software flexibility, user friendliness,capability to meet requirements, employee skillset required and data migration. The findings may help the academicians to explore the factors in other cultures, countries and cross-industry.It will also help the banking practitioners to concentrate on this challenging area to better implement and upgrade the core banking software in future. Anisur, R. M., & Qi, X. (2016). Core Banking Software (CBS) Implementation Challenges of e- Banking: An Exploratory Study on Bangladeshi Banks. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(4), 208-215. |
Published online: 21 June 2016
Original Articles : Chrits Liew, Tsung-Nan Chou Abstract| Full Article | CitationValue investing is one of the most popular investment strategy for investors to search for the undervalued stocks based on their financial reports and balance sheets. However, the numerous metrics derived from the financial statements are not easy for the investor to analyze and determine the financial health of a company. The main purpose of this study is to employ feature extraction to identify a smaller number of financial ratios for the prediction of stock return which reflects the quality of a company. Two regression approaches, including Multilayer Perceptron model and Meta Regression by discretization model, were incorporated with feature extraction to evaluate the forecast performance for two different industries in Taiwan. The results demonstrated that the prediction errors were improved for both models by the feature extraction strategy which reducing the original 16 variables into 5 variables. Besides that, both models achieved better prediction result in concrete industry rather than rubber industry. Finally, this paper concluded that the overall performance of the Multilayer Perceptron model is better than the other model. Liew, C., & Nan, C. T. (2016). The prediction of stock returns with regression approaches and feature extraction. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(3), 107-112. |
Rumpapak Luekveerawattana Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis research work aims to investigate the satisfaction of the tourists towards the marketing mix of Don Hoi Lot tourist attraction in Samut Songkham and to identify the relationship between the personal factors of the tourist and the satisfaction towards the marketing mix at Don Hoi Lot tourist attraction in Samut Songkham. The research tools were sets of questionnaires. The samples included 400 tourists at Don Hoi Lord tourist attraction in Samut Songkham. For data analysis, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Chi Square were used to find the relationship of the independent variables based on a hypothesis. The significant level was limited at 0.05. Most of the tourists were female, 224 in total (56%). There was no relationship of sex and satisfaction with price, product, location and marketing, There was positive relationship of age and satisfaction with price, product, location and marketing. It is suggested that the administrator of Don Hoi Lot tourist attraction consider the age factor and improve the location, marketing promotion, the product, and the price in order to reach the target group due to the medium satisfaction level. The administrator should find an approach to increase the satisfaction level such as improving the natural landscape and providing more shaded parking space. Luekveerawattana, R. (2016). Relationship between personal factors and marketing mix satisfaction of the tourists at don hoi lot in samutsongkham province, Thailand. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(3), 113-120. |
Sapna Rijal Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe popularity of learning organization has motivated researchers and scholars to identify factors that influence the development of learning organization. They have identified transformational leadership and a generative and adaptive organizational culture as important factors that influence the development of learning organization. Yet, few studies have empirically examined the impact of transformational leadership and generative and adaptive culture on the development of learning organization. An exploratory research was conducted and data was collected through a survey questionnaire from the IT sector and a comparison was drawn between Nepal and India. 400 questionnaires were distributed in each country and the results indicate transformational leadership and generative and adaptive cultures have a positive influence in the development of learning organization. Transforming to learning organization has become important in this era, hence organizational leaders should develop transformational leadership behaviors and organizations need to change their culture to promote learning. Rijal, S. (2016). The influence of transformational leadership and organizational culture on learning organization: A comparative analysis of the it sector. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(3), 121-129. |
Elisabeth Penti Kurniawati, Akhsa MeilianaIntani Abstract| Full Article | CitationSMEs (Small Medium Enterprises) have significant contribution in Indonesian economy. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the factors that affect SMEs’ performance. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of the use of accounting information, managerial performance, and employee performance towards SME performance. The population of this study is SMEs located in District Purworejo, Central Java, Indonesia. Using convenience sampling method, there are 141 SMEs that are determined by Slovin formula. Multiple regression technique is used as an analysis technique. The study shows that the use of accounting information and employee performance has positive significant effect on the performance of SMEs, whereas managerial performance has no significant effect on the performance of SMEs. Based on the research, the role of operational employees is greater than the manager. Their skills to process the raw materials and to serve customers are very important in SME. The result can be used for SME's managers to increase the use of accounting information as a basis to take enhanced business decisions, and to improve their employees’ performance by training and setting the reward system to get better productivity. By doing these, the performance of SMEs will be increased. Penti, K. E., & Akhsa. (2016). Effect analysis of the use of accounting information, managerial performance and employee performance Towards SMEs. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(3), 130-142. |
Ony Widilestariningtyas, Rio Sempana Karo Karo Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis research is conducted in Bandung regency government. The phenomenon that occurs is the case of internal control weaknesses, such as accounting and reporting control weaknesses, as well as cases of weakness of internal control structure. The existence of such fraud is non-compliant with the regulations resulting in a loss of area and the surrender value of assets or deposit cash into countries/regions. The research objectives are to determine how big the influence of internal audit is on fraud prevention and internal control on fraud prevention in District of Bandung Government. The methods used in this research are descriptive and verification method. Descriptive method is used to determine the variable picture of internal audit, internal control variables and variables of fraud prevention. To determine the effect of internal audit and internal control statistical tests were performed. The test statistic used is designing the structural model, designing a measurement model, construct the path diagram and test the model fit. Suitability test structural models and hypotheses were tested using software SmartPLS 2.0.M3.The result of this research reveals the coefficient of correlation between internal audit on fraud prevention is 0.422. The internal audit influence on fraud prevention in District of Bandung Government in percentage is 8.566%. The rest of it with a value of 91.434% is influenced by other factors unobserved in this research. The correlation coefficient between internal control on fraud prevention in District of Bandung Government is about 27.878%. The rest of it with a value of 72.122% is influenced by other factors unobserved in this research. Widilestariningtyas, O., & Sempana, K. R. (2016). The influence of internal audit and internal control on fraud prevention in Bandung regency government. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(3), 143-150. |
Published online: 26 April 2016
Original Articles : Melisa Purnamasari Ayuningrat, Noermijati, Djumilah Hadiwidjojo Abstract| Full Article | CitationRecent years, environmental sustainability becomes an interesting issue in developing countries. Increasing attention on environmental problems gives opportunities for companies to develop new products, such as green product innovation. The aim of this research is analyze the effect of green product innovation on firm performance which moderated by managerial environmental concern and green communication. The sample of this research is 26 retails in Malang (hypermarkets and supermarkets categories) which sell organic products and use environmentally friendly packaging, by using total sampling and SEM-PLS analysis. According to statistical results, green product innovation has direct effect on firm performance (p< 0.001, f=0.50 ). On the other hand, managerial environmental concern (p=0.001, f=0.43) and green communication (p=0.048, f=0.25) moderate the effect of green product innovation on firm performance. Green product innovation is an important deliberation in determining strategies and policies at retail sector. Communication and promotion related organic products are needed in increasing organic product’s sales and encourage customer using environmentally friendly packaging (reusable bags or cardboard). Empirically, this research’s results contribute as an idea for future research and literature, especially for strategic management’s area. The results provide a practical contribution for companies in defining and designing strategies related to green product innovation to boost company performance. Purnamasari, A. M., Noermijati, L., & Hadiwidjojo, D. (2016). Green product innovation’s effect on firm performance of managerial environmental concern and green communication. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(2), 56-63. |
Hamide Ozyürek, Yakup Ulutürk Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe rapidly changing competitive conditions, economic and technological developments have brought the diversity of firm’s products and services. One-kind products and services were replaced by the production of a wide range of products and services. International firms are seeing that increased demand has led to different product markets. All these developments have also led to the international level of competition and made necessary to conduct new researches on management accounting with emphasis on planning, controlling and auditing. In this study, time and activity based flexible budget application is made by looking at a new approach to the budgeting process, which is one of the most important tools of planning. Purpose of this study is to show that time driven activity based costing system for education sector can be considered in the calculation of the costs and performance of the steps of taking advantage of future budget planning in education sector. For this purpose, time driven activity based budgeting was implemented in primary schools and kindergartens in Ankara operating within a private educational institution. The result of the study, in order to prepare a flexible budget depending on time, must have qualified persons and the need for cooperation of all employees in the implementation. During the calculation of the costs, to reach more accurate results due to consideration of idle capacity, findings show the benefits provide for large corporations having complex structure. This also proves that every customer is not profitable. Ozyurek, H., & Uluturk, Y. (2016). Flexible budgeting under time-driven activity based cost as a tool in management accounting: Application in educational institution. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(2), 64-70. |
Mohamed Saleh Abd AL Khuja, ZainalAbidin Bin Mohamed Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe main purpose of this study is to identify factors affecting E-business technology adoption and organizational performance. Firms in Libya are facing competitive pressure that creates urgency of working efficiently in the competitive market. This makes an urgent need of e-business adoption strengthening their capacity and capability. Quantitative method was utilized for the data collection and statistical analysis. Data is collected using non-probability random sampling technique and the respondents were the managers having experience of using E-business. Data were analyzed using structural equation modelling technique to confirm the hypothesis developed. The quantitative findings revealed that beta coefficient of trial-ability and observability was having high influence on adoption of E-business technology by 0.466 and 0.371. With the significant standardized regression weights of all the constructs and items, the overall square multiple correlation was found to be 0.55 (55%) which is considered as very strong and significant finding of the study. This paper contributes to the adoptiondebate extending the Diffusion Innovation Theory framework by the inclusion of trial-ability and observability towards E-business and organizational performance as an antecedent factor. E-business has potential to increase revenues, operational efficiency and relationship development. The present study adds to the limited empirical work performed in this area investigating the antecedents and outcomes of e-business adoption, within the context of a highly competitive and rapidly evolving industry. Saleh, A. A., Khuja, M., & Bin, M. Z. (2016). Investigating the adoption of E-Business Technology by Small and Medium Enterprises. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(2), 71-83. |
Owusu Acheampong, Said Aiman Moyaid Abstract| Full Article | CitationBusiness Intelligence (BI) Systems have been theorized as providing immerse benefits to organizations that adopt them. These benefits include: improved customer satisfaction improved decision-making process, provision of faster and more accurate reporting, increased revenues and increased competitive advantage. However, there are limited studies on the factors affecting adoption and actual benefits accruing to organizations adopting the system. The main aim of this study is to develop an integrated model for determining BI System’s adoption and post-adoption benefits in banking industry. The proposed model is an integration of the Diffusion of Innovations Theory (DOI), Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) Framework, the Institutional Theory (INT), and Kaplan & Norton’s Balance Scorecard (BSC). This model is different from other studies in the context of organizational adoption of BI Systems as it integrates the determinants, and evaluation of the benefits of the technology in one study. There is also a moderator Time since adoption which is used to moderate the impact of the extent of adoption to organizational performance. Acheampong, O., & Aiman Moyaid, S. (2016). An integrated model for determining business intelligence systems adoption and post-adoption benefits in banking sector. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(2), 84-100. |
Tifa Noer Amelia Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis paper examines the causality relationship between stock price index, exchange rate and inflation. The sample is gathered from monthly report for the period of 2012-2015 published in Southeast Asia consisting of Lao PDR, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand. Hypothesis is found that all of the variables identified have a causality relationship. Research proves that the Southeast Asian countries should monitor each other’s Economic condition continuously since a change in a country’s indicator can relate and has the impact on the other country. However, the relationship strength is moderate and weak. So the research must be updated every year since it is valid for short term or maximum for one year. Amelia, T. N. (2016). Causality test between exchange rate, inflation rate and Stock Price Index in Southeast Asia. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(2), 101-106. |
Published online: 22 February 2016
Original Articles : Layyinaturrobaniyah, Dian Masyita, Gilang Sekartadjie Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe significant population of women in Indonesia has indicated a huge potential of This study is aimed at reviewing fundamental variables, and technical factors that have been considered in stock investment decisions as well to determine which of the two approaches is more dominant. The study employed factor analysis and compared means test using sample of investment managers and individual investors in Bandung. About 100 respondents were propagated using proportional random sampling. This study found that almost all of the fundamental factors play role in the investment decision, including interest rate, ratio of profitability, leverage ratio, dividend payout ratio, and asset turnover ratio. While among the technical variables, the historical data analysis is the major consideration. With regard to the selection of preferred approach, the observation indicates that none of the analysis is more dominant. Layyinaturrobaniyah., Masyita, D., & Sekartadjie, G. (2016). Fundamental and technical analyses for stock investment decision making. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(1), 1-7. |
Huimin Liu, Xiaofeng Dong Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis paper aims to systematically investigate the impact of different types of social relationships on knowledge conflicts during the process of knowledge sharing based on the theory of relation model. This empirical study collected 288 surveys from research team members in fourteen universities in China. The results show that public sharing and academic power have positive effects on cognitive knowledge conflicts and negative effects on emotional knowledge conflicts; expected association has more significant effects on knowledge conflicts than expected reward; sharing cost has positive effects on knowledge conflict, knowledge sharing willingness plays a mediating role between social relations and knowledge conflicts. At last, the paper presents management suggestions from perspectives of team trust, power allocation and incentive methods. Liu, H., & Dong, X. (2016). Influence of social relations on knowledge conflicts–an empirical study from Chinese universities. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(1), 8-18. |
Mohammad Salem Oudat, Nursilah Ahmad, Mohamad Yazis Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe first objective of this study is to examine short and long-run relationship between the banking system of Jordan as represented in conventional Banking System (CBS) and Islamic Banking System (IBS) with the macroeconomic variables as represented by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Money Supply (MS). The second objective of the study is to investigate the short-run relationship between banking system with the global events’ variables as represented by the Global Financial Crisis (D1) and the Arab Spring (D2). For analytical purposes, this study has employed ARDL approach on the sample gathered from the 1978-2013 period; also it used different tests such as ADF and P-P to detect the integration and bounds F-statistics test to investigate the co-integration among the variables. However, the results showed that, GDP and MS have positive relationship with both conventional and Islamic banking system in short and long run. Furthermore, the global events’ findings indicated that, Islamic banking system was less affected by the global financial crisis than conventional banking. On the other hand, the Arab Spring has a positive relationship with the banking system, because most of the refugee businesses and investments were transferred to Jordan because of the political stability of the country. Furthermore, the results of Granger causality test demonstrated that, Jordan’s banking system is based on the real economic activity, which is presented by GDP. Salem, O. M., Ahmadb, N., & Yazisc, M. (2016). The impact of macroeconomic variables and global events on banking system: Evidence from Jordanian banking system. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(1), 29-34. |
Jae-woongYoo, Min-Kyu Lee, Wan Soo Lee Abstract| Full Article | CitationThis research utilized longitudinal economic data to analyze differences by firm size in how business sentiments are affected by economic news and economic conditions.A regression was also conducted for the relationship between firm-specific BSI(Business Survey Index) values and rate of employees and business activities. Results showedno statistically significant effect from economic news tone on business sentiment for large firm sizes as opposed to individuals. At the same time, the economic situation was found to have an effect on business sentiment regardless of firm size. Anticipated future economic conditions exhibited an effect on business sentiment regardless of firm size, but current economic conditions had an effect on business sentiment only for small firms. Business sentiment had an effect on business activities according to GDP rate, regardless of firm size.Theoretical and managerial implications as well as directions for future research are discussed. Woong, Y. J., Kyu, L. M., & Soo, L. W. (2016). Asymmetrical corporate responses to economic information: Applying the firm size effect. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(1), 35-47. |
Sirin Tangpornpaiboon, Nattapong Puttanapong Abstract| Full Article | CitationWith the global integration of financial markets, the international capital flows have become one of the main factors playing a significant role indetermining adjustments of domestic financial markets. This study examines the co-movement of exchange rates and stock market indexes among those of the US, Canada, UK, Germany, Italy, France and Spain. Specifically the correlation and Vector Auto-regression (VAR) are applied to investigate the relationship. The correlation analysis shows that there exist the statistically significant co-movements only during the period of Global Financial Crisis. Also the result obtained from VAR indicates that the US has been the origin of causality influencing the directions of variations of exchange rates and stock market indexes of other countries, except the case of UK. These findings identify the dominance of the US on adjustments of financial markets in other developed countries, especially during the Global Financial Crisis, and also suggest the necessity for all countries on formulating appropriate policies to mitigate impacts on the local economy. Tangpornpaiboon, S., & Puttanapong, N. (2016). Financial contagion of the global financial crisis from the US to other developed countries. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2(1), 48-55. |
Published online: 15 October 2015
Editor Message
The first volume and the first issue of Journal of Administrative and Business Studies (JABS) is out now. Upon successful launching of the first issue of JABS, I am thankful to my editorial team and the reviewers who volunteered to serve this research outlet and made their significant contributions. The editorial team helped me to find suitable reviewers for the submitted manuscripts. The reviewers responded to our requests positively and promptly. We also successfully indexed JABS in google scholar and registered with CrossMark.
The first issue contains original articles on a blend of themes within business and administrative sciences. Some articles address issues on entrepreneurial intentions in SMEs. Other articles s focus on brand trust, blue ocean strategies, corporate diversification. Together, these studies address important areas within the business research. I appreciate the contributions made by the authors and expect that our contributors will keep on submitting their original and significant work to our journal. I once again express my gratitude to our editorial board members for their significant contributions to make it possible for us to launch the first issue of JABS.
Original Articles : Grisna Anggadwita, Wawan Dhewanto Abstract| Full Article | CitationThe significant population of women in Indonesia has indicated a huge potential of the development of women entrepreneurs in the country. Among other ones, intention is considerably a key predictor in determining one’s behavior in making decisions; hence, it is necessary to conduct researches underlying women’s decision to run a business. This study aims to analyze the influence of environmental factors on perceived behavior control (PBC) towards women's entrepreneurial intentions, particularly to those involved in the micro and small enterprises (MSEs) sector in Indonesia. This study is quantitatively conducted through a survey approach. Questionnaires are distributed, which have gathered responses from 222 women entrepreneurs in Indonesia. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is taken to analyze those responses for doing tests on proposed hypotheses. The results show that PBC significantly influences women’s entrepreneurial intentions. Besides, PBC is significantly influenced by competitive environment rather than governmental support; while the support does not have a direct influence on PBC, yet significantly influence competitive environment. This study implies that the government is expected to expand its role in the making of related policies or programs for developing women entrepreneurship. Anggadwita, G., & Dhewanto, W. (2015). Women’s Entrepreneurial intentions in micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in Indonesia: The influence of environmental factors on perceived behavioral control. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 1(1), 1-7. |
Rizky Saputra, Citra K. Dewi Abstract| Full Article | CitationVisiting stores as the conventional way of shopping has been modernized into an online shopping trend. In fact, the emergence of numerous e-commerce sites leads to an interesting and needs-to-be-anticipated competition. (now, a leading online shopping website in Indonesia with the highest visitors traffic, needs to sustain its position by implementing a good strategy and employing necessary factors in its business, i.e. brand trust, customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. These are required to boost profits and sustain the business within the tight competition. This study is conducted as a causal-associative research by using a quantitative approach. One hundred respondents are surveyed through online questionnaires with a convenience sampling. Their responses are analyzed by using descriptive and path analyses. The results show that the brand trust of is high, meaning that consumers are satisfied with the business. In parallel, the brand loyalty is high. In fact, brand trust directly affects customer satisfaction, while customer satisfaction directly affects brand loyalty. In addition, brand trust directly affects brand loyalty and, indirectly, brand trust affects brand loyalty with customer satisfaction as a mediating factor. Saputra, R., & K. Dewi, C. (2015). The impact of brand trust on brand loyalty mediated by customer satisfaction: Case of (now Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 1(1), 8-13. |
Marheni E. Saputri, Hendrati D. Mulyaningsih Abstract| Full Article | CitationIn Yogyakarta, merchandise business has been developing rapidly in recent years. The phenomenon has made entrepreneurs in the industry compete to retain customers, by which most of them fall into a price war. To create a new market and make the competition irrelevant, Kedai Digital, a merchandise manufacturer in the region, has attempted to implement Blue Ocean strategy, wherein value innovation has a critical position. This study aims at analyzing current value innovation in the company, in which it is supposed to determine value innovation and identify value drivers. A mix-method approach is taken, by which qualitative approach is adopted in conducting an in-depth interview with 12 decision makers from 6 companies currently participating in the merchandise business in Yogyakarta, while quantitative approach is conducted by spreading questionnaire to 100 persons based on a purposive sample over the Kedai Digital’s customers. Canvas Strategy and Four Framework Analysis are taken as the tools for analysis. Findings show that 8 value standards serve within the competition, i.e. volume, price, prestige, quality, promotion, service, variation and on-time delivery. Most companies attempt to win the competition in these area. In particular, the Kedai Digital has been creating 3 distinguished value innovation instead of playing in the red ocean. These value innovations are a free design, a unique location and a one-stop shopping concept. These values have made Kedai Digital to be a leading company in the industry and may have made the competition irrelevant. Saputri, E. M., & Mulyaningsih, D. H. (2015). Blue Ocean strategy for creating value innovation: A study over Kedai Digital in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 1(1), 14-20. |
Kurnia Purnamasari, Noorlaily Fitdiarini Abstract| Full Article | CitationCash holding is one of company's internal funding sources that might be used for investment purposes. In fact, corporate investment funding policy may affect the magnitude of the cash holding because management must decide proper sources of the funds, i.e. internal and external priorities, and which sources will be taken first. This study aims at testing whether diversification strategies may reduce or increase the tendency of companies to save cashes in a company, either a financially-constrained, financially non-constrained or all of them. The sample taken in this study is manufacturing companies listed at the Indonesian Stock Exchange during 2006-2011. They are selected by using a purposive sampling. Analytical techniques applied are the data analysis panel with the Ordinary Least-Squared (OLS) approach. The results indicate that diversification strategies have a negative and insignificant influence to the change of cash holding in a company. Companies tend to keep cash holding in response to a lower positive cash flow in a diversified company. The influence is stronger on a constrained company than a financially non-constrained one. The cash flows have a positive influence on cash holding. The trend is stronger on financially- constrained corporations. Meanwhile, market-to-book value of assets have an insignificant and positive influence to cash holding company. These influences also apply to financially non-constrained ones. However, the influence of market-to-book value of company assets in financially non-constrained companies cannot be determined as they have no systematic pattern on either debt ratio, payout ratio, book-to-market asset ratio or the size of assets. Purnamasari, K., & Fitdiarini, N. (2015). Corporate diversification and cash holding. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 1(1), 21-27. |
Putu N. Madiawati, Mahir Pradana Abstract| Full Article | CitationAdvertising is a form of communication between producers and their target market. The rise of halal trends and celebrity endorsers who become the icons of a product is expected to increase the buying interest of customers. Celebrity endorsers may produce attractions that give a sensory stimuli for customers. It is similar to the halal labelling. Indonesia, as a country with a Moslem majority, requires halal certification as a top priority in this regard. The country’s council of Islamic religious leaders (Majelis Ulama Indonesia - MUI) issues a halal certification based on the critical levels of ingredients, and level of difficulty in tracking the halal level. It follows a Decree of the Director of MUI’s Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics no. SK07/Dir/LPPOM MUI/IV/11, which explains the categorization of a MUI’s halal certification registrar. By using the path analysis, the appeal of celebrity endorsers and halal certificate is found to influence customers’ buying interest. The fact that celebrity endorsers have a greater influence compared to halal certification shows that the main task is to create a good association between an endorser and a product being advertised; hence, the resulting positive attitude within the customer can be obtained. Halal certificate itself may strengthen customers’ confidence toward offered products since the Indonesian society is predominantly Muslim, thus it may have become a top priority. Madiawati, P. N., & Pradana, M. (2015). The appeal of celebrity endorsers and halal certificates on customers’ buying interest. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 1(1), 28-34. |
Purnomo M. Antara, Rosidah Musa, Faridah Hassan Abstract| Full Article | CitationHalal food and Islamic finance industry in Malaysia have been reported to be the two fastest growing Shari’a-compliant industries with an annual growth rate at 15% to 20%. Despite being the largest market in Islamic finance, there is a low penetration of Islamic financing among halal business operators in Malaysia. In fact, there is a limited empirical research on the linkage between halal food industry and Islamic finance industry. Thus, it is important to examine the connection between these industries. Besides, a study on the attitude of business operators towards Islamic financing is important to identify what factors may have influenced the attitude of halal business operators in choosing their financing method to either conventional or Islamic financing. This study aims at theorising attitude towards Islamic financing adoption using the Integrative Model of Behavioural Prediction (IMBP). An empirical study is conducted by reviewing literature and seven antecedents of attitude identified for the study. The proposed antecedents that influence attitude of food service business owners towards Islamic financing adoption include religion obligation, business support, cost benefits, reputation, customer service quality, Islamic financial literacy and Halal literacy. The research findings contribute towards new theoretical knowledge by discovering factors affecting the attitudes towards the adoption of Islamic financing in businesses using the IMBP theory. Besides, it may further help the government and policy makers in formulating strategies and policies related with the development of halal industry especially in integrating the halal production and Islamic financing. Antara, P. M., Musa, R., & Hassan, F. (2015). Theorising attitude towards Islamic financing adoption in an integrative model of behavioural prediction: A proposed conceptual framework. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 1(1), 35-41. |
Suhaily M. Ramly, Nor A. Omar Abstract| Full Article | CitationWithin an intense competition in the retail sector, achieving a high store equity may have been be a means to gain competitive advantage for retailers. However, their sole reliance on store attributes may not be sufficient to build a relationship with customers, as prior studies have demonstrated the high likelihood of customers opting to shop at stores with loyalty programs. Accordingly, the current study aims at examining the contribution of loyalty program attributes and store attributes to store engagement and store equity in the context of department stores in Malaysia. Survey responses from 484 department store cardholders are gathered, while Partial Least Square (PLS) – Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) are taken to test the hypotheses. The results show that all hypotheses are supported, while the relative contribution of both attributes towards store engagement and store equity provides insightful implications. From a theoretical perspective, integrating social exchange theory and service-dominant (S-D) logic may offer a significant finding in understanding the effect of loyalty program attributes and store attributes on the relationship between a store and cardholders. From a practical perspective, retailers may need to pay more attention in putting more value in their offerings by incorporating experiential and interactive marketing approaches to stimulate customer relationships to further enhance store equity. Ramly, S. M., & Omar, N. A. (2015). The relative contribution of loyalty programs and store attributes to store engagement and equity. Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 1(1), 42-52. |
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